Shocking, heartbreaking, and outrageous


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
theyre thinking of lifting the international ban on whaling after 25 years. just fucking great. Cause even with this in place, i suppose we, as human beings, didnt do ENOUGH damage to these poor animals.

WDCS International

The IWC is such a joke.


Well-known member
My two cents : You have to look at unbiased sources. Seriously. For instance, all the vegan/veg websites tout how terrible meat and dairy is and what awful things it can do to you, while other websites [not corporate or gov't, cos we all know THEIR agendas!] proclaim the wondrousness of meats and dairy.

YES, the animals in places such as Sea World wouldn't need to be there if we didn't eff up the planet so much.
But since they are there, they are DEFINITELY being treated well.
It sucks that we see them in glass tanks and not in their natural habitats, but unfortunately ... We effed up the planet so much that most of these animals probably wouldn't be alive otherwise.
I can't say I've ever been in a place where marine animals were kept [aquariums, Sea World, etc] and witnessed animals that looked sick or unhealthy or obviously mistreated. The whole point is to help them, they just happen to be available to the public for viewing & education.

Oh & Japan has committed some of the worst ocean pollution. They, at least used to, dump toxic waste into that lovely trench right there. Forgive me, I've forgotten the name ... But you know, the massive one we found giant octopus in? Oh wait, they're gigantinormous squid. I wonder if that's actually a natural occurrence.


Well-known member
I find videos like this so disgusting. The people of Japan are eating posioned meat, without even knowing it, and all these celebrities are worried about the dolphins?! WTF? I guess, when all the Japanese adults die off, they can swoop in and steal er- Adopt the Japanese babies. This reminds me of when in Hurrican Kathrina they were saving dolphins while people were dying. I'm not for animal abuse, but I think we put animals before people too much.

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