should i sell it? or will i regret it?


Well-known member
I have some serious buyers remorse goin on about all of my mac -- and I've been building a 'collection' for about 3 years now. I've slowly been selling things I feel I truly don't need but still have a sizeable amount of makeup that I KNOW I don't need... but I love it.

Lately I have been wearing so little makeup it seems worthless to have at least hundreds of dollars worth of product that just goes untouched or barely used; I probably have about 25 products that I use often.

I am not in serious financial trouble, but I still feel guilt for acquiring so much makeup. People seriously walk into my bathroom and go "WOW I didnt know you were so into makeup!" (and i dont have nearly as much as some girls on here
) Friends are surprised - sometimes i go bare-faced but i also love bold eyes or red lips. And even when i wear bright colors i use it sparingly, partly because the makeup is so dear to me, and partly because i know it overpowers my face if i use too much. Plus, some stuff I have and feel the need to keep because ONE day Ill need that chrome yellow and then i'll be glad i own it. hahaha ridiculous... I just love color, I love having it and being able to play and experiment...

Anyway, rant. Do you think it'd be a huge mistake to sell all but my serious basics? I don't want to do anything I'll regret, but I also don't want to feel stupid for having a damn collection of makeup! I love it, and makeup fascinates me, but do I really need it? :confused:


Well-known member
visivo, i also have quite a collection of MAC stuffs and some of them i merely used it once or twice. in the past, i too cant bring myself to sell or give them away. but lately, i have started to do both (selling or giving them away).

i too is not in any fiancial difficulty but i m simiply a sucker for cosmetic and cant stop myself from buying more! haha..
so i think i need to vacant out space to take in new stuffs. moreover, i was told that for lipstick and lipgloss, the lifespan is at most 12mths, mascara is 3-4mths if it have been opened.

imho, i think it might be good to get rid of thoes stuffs that u really dont need. so that u can vacant out the space for new colors. maybe you can just keep thoes that you really like and sell thoes that u can do without.

(imho = in my humble opinion)


Well-known member
hahaha people always are in awe of my collection. i think its fun to have whether you use it often or not. so long as you are not splurging on every little thing mac comes out with just because its LE even though you dont like the color. i only buy what catches my eye. i even find myself going for the same colors i already have when i visit the counter! even though some i rarely use as well! i think its a fun hobby. you can always play or if you have friends who are into it, you can do their makeup and whatnot for occasions
if you have things you really know you wont EVER use then get rid of those, but things you are iffy about (IE chrome yellow) KEEP!


Well-known member
I figured out the perfect solution just give all the makeup you don't use/need to ME!!! LOL

Seriously if you think you might not use a lot of it then sell it. Sell things that have a life span l/s, l/g etc, but keep things like e/s and blush that wont go bad over time. Who knows maybe one day you'll need a certain color e/s and realize you don't have it anymore and then kick yourself but with l/g you can't really do that cause even if you still had it, it really wouldn't matter anyways cause you wouldn't be able to use it cause it went bad.

Or like I said just give it all to me, I'll give it some good use. I don't have enough money to buy everything I want. =0(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lah_knee
hahaha people always are in awe of my collection. i think its fun to have whether you use it often or not. so long as you are not splurging on every little thing mac comes out with just because its LE even though you dont like the color. i only buy what catches my eye. i think its a fun hobby. you can always play or if you have friends who are into it, you can do their makeup and whatnot for occasions
if you have things you really know you wont EVER use then get rid of those, but things you are iffy about (IE chrome yellow) KEEP!

DITTO!!! i ALWAYS get the "jaw dropping OH MY GAWDDD" accompanied by the look of
then the
when people see my collection! lol!
i have yet to use quite a few of them, but i enjoy having them and i know will eventually use them! as for le stuff, i only buy the stuff that really catches my eye.. never just because it's le..


Well-known member
You could always start doing makeovers for other people in which case you'll need everything you can get! I have loads of products in my kit which are of no use to me but which I use to do makeovers on others.


Well-known member
Definately sell. Makeup has a life span. And if your in searious financial trouble you need to do this. Makeup can always be re-purchased. MAC always re-releases. Look at Goldbit they re-released 3x's. And Coco beach and Kitchmas. Enough said?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Wontpayretail23
Definately sell. Makeup has a life span. And if your in searious financial trouble you need to do this. Makeup can always be re-purchased. MAC always re-releases. Look at Goldbit they re-released 3x's. And Coco beach and Kitchmas. Enough said?

point taken, though i did say that i am not in any financial trouble. the thing i would be trying to avoid though, is getting rid of things and then regretting selling something and repurchasing it for more later.