Should she sue?


Well-known member
To play devils advocate.. when she sits back down in the video, you can plainly see her white underwear. Maybe I'm a prude, but I do find it a bit too short - I cringed when she stood up and had to adjust it.

However, I don't think she should have been questioned about it by the airline.


Well-known member
Like I said, I don't think she should sue, but she should be recompensed by the airline for them being dillweeds.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girlstar
To play devils advocate.. when she sits back down in the video, you can plainly see her white underwear. Maybe I'm a prude, but I do find it a bit too short - I cringed when she stood up and had to adjust it.

However, I don't think she should have been questioned about it by the airline.

But that's not illegal, or immoral, or unethical...there's also not a written dress code on the airline. I'm sure the kitty, covered or not, is something none of us want grinning at us on the flight to Arizona, but she wasn't breaking any rules or doing anything wrong.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Like I said, I don't think she should sue, but she should be recompensed by the airline for them being dillweeds.

Unfortunately, in order to get any kind of compensation out of SW, she's going to have to sue and then settle out of court. I don't think she should get lots of money out of it, but I think it would teach SW employees a lesson, that you can't randomly decide someone isn't properly dressed for a flight. I think it could easily snowball into harassing other people for how they're dressed, eg. You're wearing a hijab, something with a gay flag on it, etc.

i agree. i sure as hell dont like peoples screaming children on planes but that doesnt give me grounds to have them thrown off a plane.

I sure wish it did. Between that and people not disciplining their kids to stop kicking the back of your seat after I ask, I wish there were adult only flights or flights with required conduct


Well-known member
Pfff...the skirt's a little short (albeit for my taste), but to threaten to throw her off the plane? Give me a freaking break...

Should she sue? No. But she does need to be compensated in some manner of another.


Well-known member
It was probably some middle aged woman who complained after her husband was caught looking at the young girls legs, ..Living in California, I see that same outfit 40 times a day. I see nothing wrong with it, her boobs aren't hanging out and you probably can't see her buns, although (I've seen some skirts that reveal far to much)


Well-known member
I find her skirt on the VERY short side, but I have seen worse..

They would probably throw me off then for showing too much cleavage since it is hard to find shirts that DONT on me...haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
I find her skirt on the VERY short side, but I have seen worse..

They would probably throw me off then for showing too much cleavage since it is hard to find shirts that DONT on me...haha

uughh lol me too.., I have to wear shirts underneath shirts sometimes to cover up the boobage.

"excuse me ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave, your breasts are too large for this flight, people are concerned"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
uughh lol me too.., I have to wear shirts underneath shirts sometimes to cover up the boobage.

"excuse me ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave, your breasts are too large for this flight, people are concerned"

Ugh, me too. I have enough boobage that I could be a flotation device for several people if I were on a plane that crashed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
So you could see her underwear? Hmmm. Hopefully she was wearing it when she was on the airplane.

It isn't illegal to not wear underwear though.


Well-known member
That skirt was a little short, but it's not like she had her boobs or tummy hanging out! The airline is going to lose a lot of customers, especially since it happened again?!

Both ladies could probably file for harassment or something like that, especially since SW doesn't have a dress code or anything like that.


Well-known member
I'm against lawsuits base don silly claims but in this case I think this girl should sue for sure. They had no right to do what they did.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
It isn't illegal to not wear underwear though.

Something doesn't have to be illegal for others to complain about it, be offended by it, or for the company to have a policy against allowing customers to be visibly showing their genitals on a flight.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
Something doesn't have to be illegal for others to complain about it, be offended by it, or for the company to have a policy against allowing customers to be visibly showing their genitals on a flight.

Indeed, but the company has no such policy.

I'm not saying not wearing panties is tasteful, I'm just saying that it doesn't merit, particularly when there are no policies in place, her being removed from the flight.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Indeed, but the company has no such policy.

I'm not saying not wearing panties is tasteful, I'm just saying that it doesn't merit, particularly when there are no policies in place, her being removed from the flight.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by 3jane
Surprise! SW did it again.

Ugh that is so stupid & frustrating.
ive seen people dress way worse on flights/in public in general.

personally i see nothing wrong with the outfit, i mean it is a little short for what I would wear and a little lower than i would wear but people dont all have to dress completely modestly. Seriously, who are the people complaining about these outfitsi n the first place? If theres someone dressed like that at the mall or a restaurant, you dont ask anyone if they can get kicked out.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It's kind of funny that they were concerned about that woman's outfit when they were flying from LV.

SW's statement about addressing "concerns" scares the shit out of me. What if some dumb person is "concerned" that I'm a terrorist? What if someone is "concerned" about my piercings or tattoos? That statement is vague enough that I can imagine all sorts of people making horrible complaints.

They really need to train their flight attendants to not listen to all "concerns" and use their better judgment when handling the complained about party.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
Oh whatever! I would be extremely offended as I expect she is, but I still dont think she deserves any compensation for something so trivial. Sue a company if something physically harmed you, not because they threw you out for wearing a miniskirt...
She can get another areoplane with a company that isn't backwards and wear whatever she likes...

She says in the interview all she was asking for was an apology, she's not saying she wants money.

I think it's dumb they threw her off, we're not in Saudi Arabia... talk about prudes! Although I would never wear a skirt like that on a plane, but that is her choice and she has a right to wear whatever she wants.

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