show off your pets! -ALL pet pictures go here-


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

This is my 10-week old papillon puppy girl Petite.




Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

my kitteees 'n my pom army! enjoy

my biggi boi who loves to lick!!!

my zambilina

my minni mouse

my murphi

my lil kenzi

my lil daddy riki 'n lil mama roxi

my missi girL

my kiki 'n mimi... they don't like takin' pics


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

i cannot describe how *utterly* jealous I am of your "pom army"
the little chocolate baby is sooooooooooo adorable! I want a chocolate pom so so badly, but they are so hard to get hold of in the UK


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Originally Posted by fashionette
This is my 10-week old papillon puppy girl Petite.



she's a doll. makes me want another one! if I didn't spend so much on MAC I could buy another one lol


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Originally Posted by PomPoko
i cannot describe how *utterly* jealous I am of your "pom army"
the little chocolate baby is sooooooooooo adorable! I want a chocolate pom so so badly, but they are so hard to get hold of in the UK

if yOo
murphi yOo shouLd see kenzi!!! he's haLf his size 'n ooooh so sweet
everyone who comes near him just HAS to hoLd him, cuddLe him, 'n show him off to their friends/famiLy...sometimes a LiL tOo long!!! butt i guess that's how it is when yOo're a cute baLL of fur hehehe

murphi is up for a new home...if onLy yOo were here


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Here are a few pics of my baby Kenna. In march she started showing weird symptoms and I found out she had epilepsy, collapsed trachea and reverse sneezing which makes her unable to breath when she sneezes. So if that happens at the same time as a seizure I have to be there to help her get past it. for the past month we finally got her stabilized and she was living a happy life, she would have bad days but nothing that wasn't controllable and she wasn't in pain. After only a few months after being on the medication for her epilepsy we found out it was already harming her liver. So we started the process of changing her medications. during this time she was still doing OK, until today. Today something happened that hasn't before and my vet had me rush her down. She couldn't stop vomiting, couldn't walk, ...she was out of it. They took a x-ray from her rib cage down and didn't find anything that maybe she ate to cause it (which I knew, I could feel within it was something bad). they are doing blood test and they also had to put fluids in her through a IV. She's home with me know and we are praying it passes by tomorrow. wow, I'm sorry, I just realized how long I made this entry...anyway, here are some pics of my baby girl





Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Originally Posted by 1165Cheryl
Here are a few pics of my baby Kenna. In march she started showing weird symptoms and I found out she had epilepsy, collapsed trachea and reverse sneezing which makes her unable to breath when she sneezes. So if that happens at the same time as a seizure I have to be there to help her get past it. for the past month we finally got her stabilized and she was living a happy life, she would have bad days but nothing that wasn't controllable and she wasn't in pain. After only a few months after being on the medication for her epilepsy we found out it was already harming her liver. So we started the process of changing her medications. during this time she was still doing OK, until today. Today something happened that hasn't before and my vet had me rush her down. She couldn't stop vomiting, couldn't walk, ...she was out of it. They took a x-ray from her rib cage down and didn't find anything that maybe she ate to cause it (which I knew, I could feel within it was something bad). they are doing blood test and they also had to put fluids in her through a IV. She's home with me know and we are praying it passes by tomorrow. wow, I'm sorry, I just realized how long I made this entry...anyway, here are some pics of my baby girl




She is so beautiful, I hope with all my heart that she gets better. She's lucky to have people who care about her as much as you do


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

All of your pets are gorgeous!

I have three cats at home right now.

Smokey. He's HUGE, he weighs like 20 pounds. But he's a complete sweetheart, he loves everyone. He'll start purring the second you touch him, and i've never seen him hiss or get angry. My brother took him home one day when he lived in Edmonton and took care of him. He was a scrony little thing and on the verge of dying when he found him.

Cody. We've had him the longest. He was adopted from the humane society as a baby. He's got the most personality out of all of our cats. If you talk to him, he'll respond (either by meowing or just reacting). He also knows how to open doors, and he does this trick with a ball. If you throw it, he'll go get it and bring it back to you. So cute!



Hazel. She's my baby. We adopted her when she was about 7 months old. We were actually going to adopt another cat, but when we went back to go see the other one she had to be taken to the vet because she was sick. And then we saw her and fell inlove instantly. She's sassy and has an attitude. If she doesn't like you, she'll make it clear. I'm the only one in the family she won't be short with :p


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

These are my two babies. Actually the black and white kitty, Emma, is really my husbands, because she takes to him more, even though i picked her out from the animal shelter and brought her home and love her, she still loves him more. Can you feel some resentment? Anyway....I have my baby, Bailey, who is my sweetheart and follows me everywhere. I attached the pics.



Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Originally Posted by goodbyexxkitty
This is Pancake. I just got her last night!


This is Cookie!


OMG what a cute bunny...awww...


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

These are my new widdle babies! My boyfriend and I were planning to adpot a kitten and got approval from our landlord etc. Well, we were driving down out street, which just happens to be very busy and my boyfriend slammed on the brakes because this itsy bitsy siamese kitten was in the middle of the street. The car slid and when I hopped out the poor baby was cowering down about a foot away form the wheel. I picked him up and my b/f Jordan pulled over and shouted to me that there was another kitty getting ready to go into the road. I went over and picked her up. They were SO tiny. We knocked on all of the doors on the street, posted up signs telling people if they knew where these kitties came from or if they had more unwanted cats I would take care of them.
I went straight to the pet store and bought formula for them. I took them to the vet the next day, the both had colds and eye infections. They wre about five weeks old and 1.10 lbs. each!
The siamese is a boy and we named him Turbo and the black on is a girl named Ruby. They are both the sweetest little love bugs ever. They are ten weeks old now and we absolutely adore them and are so grateful we were in the right place at the right time in order to find and save them

This is a few days after we found them. Turbo rolled off of his scratcher when he was sleeping and he didn't even wake up


Turbo loves to sleep on his back and him and Ruby always snuggle when they sleep.

Most of my pictures of them are on my other computer. I'll post more later


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Originally Posted by Bernadette
These are my new widdle babies! My boyfriend and I were planning to adpot a kitten and got approval from our landlord etc. Well, we were driving down out street, which just happens to be very busy and my boyfriend slammed on the brakes because this itsy bitsy siamese kitten was in the middle of the street. The car slid and when I hopped out the poor baby was cowering down about a foot away form the wheel. I picked him up and my b/f Jordan pulled over and shouted to me that there was another kitty getting ready to go into the road. I went over and picked her up. They were SO tiny. We knocked on all of the doors on the street, posted up signs telling people if they knew where these kitties came from or if they had more unwanted cats I would take care of them.
I went straight to the pet store and bought formula for them. I took them to the vet the next day, the both had colds and eye infections. They wre about five weeks old and 1.10 lbs. each!
The siamese is a boy and we named him Turbo and the black on is a girl named Ruby. They are both the sweetest little love bugs ever. They are ten weeks old now and we absolutely adore them and are so greateful we were in the right place at the right time in order to find and save them

This is a few days after we foudn them. Turbo rolled off of his scratcher when he was sleeping and he didn't even wake up


Turbo loves to sleep on his back and him and Ruby always snuggle when they sleep.

Most of my pictures of them are on my other computer. I'll post more later

omg! turbo and ruby are toooooo cute.. cute pictures!!!


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Ahh... everybodys pets are so cute.

Here is a pic of my babies. The cat on the left is Molly and the cat on the right is Abby.

My daughter took this pic a few weeks ago while they were lying down under her bed. They are the best and most lovable cats. Abby loves to get in the bed and lie down with you. Molly is always purring


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