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Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

Aww poor kitty
. Hopefully she'll get some meds and the vet can tell you what is wrong. She is lucky you found her though! I just read a horrible story on our local news website about a kitten that was thrown from a car on 168 near Chesapeake VA. What kind of human would do that to a poor kitten. A lady driving by picked the kitten up and spent $2000 on the vet bill but the poor kitten died


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

She's lucky to have you! Wish you all the best! I love kitties too.


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

GOD BLESS YOU for having such a big heart to take in a precious animal like that. It truly melts my heart and makes me have tears in my eyes as I type this. I know lizardprincesa will agree with me here. We need more people like you in the world.



Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

Oh & I forgot to mention she's a bobtail! haha! She looks so cute with just her little nub for a tail....I'll be taking her to the vet in the next few days so she can get a complete check up. She's scared of loud sudden noises, and she's still very skiddish of everything. I'm trying not to overwhelm her with a lot of stuff too fast.

She hasn't used her litter box yet, BUT, she has been going to the same rug in the bathroom and pooping, so I'm taking that as a good sign. She's able to walk out of her crate and walk across the bathroom to poop in the same area. Which is a big difference than her pooping in her crate and laying in it a few days ago. I keep putting her poopie in the litterbox so hopefully she'll make the connection soon that that's where she goes to potty.

I'll keep everyone updated on her progress. I'm really looking forward to seeing her grow up and develop.


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

awww, i'm glad you saved her and i'm sure she'll be grateful too


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

AWWW...I got all warm and fuzzy on the inside! They just look so cozy!


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

Awwww....What a sweet little kitty! She looks all nice and cozy in the bed

Your dog is gorgeous as well


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

Originally Posted by Brittni
GOD BLESS YOU for having such a big heart to take in a precious animal like that. It truly melts my heart and makes me have tears in my eyes as I type this. I know lizardprincesa will agree with me here. We need more people like you in the world.


^^ Well said! Took the words right out of my heart!!

You are a very wonderful person for doing this.


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

aww what a cute kitty.. i woulda kept it too..


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

You are an awesome person!! I
you!!! That last pic of Z made me crack up!!! Thank you for sharing!


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

God I sound like such a dork, but I'm seriously fighting back the tears as I type my reply. You are such an awesome person with a big 'ol heart for taking this adorable little kitten in. I feel so bad for her but I bet with yours & your family's TLC, this kitty will be a wonderful addition to your family!
Hugs to you


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

Awwwwwwwwwww you are too sweet thank you for being such kind person to you open your home to a stray
This world needs more people like you
Keep us updated with her progress. She is so precious


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

Seeing things like this just warm my heart. That little sweetie is so lucky that you found her!

Good luck with the vet and her treatment. Things are already so much better for her now that she is in your home, she can only start feeling better from now on.



Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

You are a wonderful person for taking that kitten in. I hope that everything will turn out ok with Helen.
That is such cute name! Your pup is adorable as well!


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

Thanks everyone for the nice replies =)) Me and my mom are always taking in animals and doctoring them up and trying to find them good homes. But, I'm keeping this kitty to myself. lol.

I can't believe how much progress she's made in just the last few days. She's getting more and more used to people touching her and petting her. She doesn't hiss every time you put your hand near her. I had to give her a bath tonight (again!) because she had some fleas, and she's getting very very very feisty! So, at least her energy is up! She figured out how to climb into the window in the bathroom that I keep her in. She still hasn't used the litter box yet
she keeps pooping in the same spot on the rug (RIGHT BESIDE THE LITTER BOX *grrr*), so hopefully, she'll smarten up soon once she's not in such shock & under so much stress...I'll post some new pics in a few days.

Thanks everyone


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

good looking out, tiffiney. i'm glad she was able to get help from someone. you're fabulous.
she's pretty cute, too!


Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

Getting feisty is a great sign! So glad things are going well - well except for her toileting problems. I am sure she will get the hang of it soon.



Well-known member
Re: My Partially Blind Kitty (& a couple of my dog).

I once found 2 baby cats in my backyard, they were both blind, I dont know how to explain it, the eyes were glued...
it was terrible. my dad had to.. you know. it was really sad. even my father cried, one of the hardest things we had to do. I have been told that it happens to cats a lot, eye infections, and blindness
I'm happy your cat found someone like you!

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