show off your pets! -ALL pet pictures go here-


Well-known member
nina_k what gorgeous chickens! I love this thread and looking at everyone's animals.


Well-known member
Rach your kitties are so pretty!
They look so snuggly!

And the chickens are really cute!

Here are more piccies of my babies


Dylan once again pulling a silly face!



can you spot Annie?



there she is! looking grumpy!


Well-known member

Originally Posted by LMD84
can you spot Annie?


LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! It's beyond cool how they peek out from places like that.


New member

This is my gorgeous rabbit Raskal (i didn't name him), i got him from a rabbit rescue. He is blind in one eye as his previous owners stuck a piece of metal wire in his eye
! He's round about 2 and a half
He's gorgeous ain't he? I love him
! <3 x


Well-known member
hee hee! does pumpkin hide too! annie misses Nick loads. i think that's why she's sneaking about his desk and look annoyed!

and Hayley your bunny is so cute!
i have a bunny called chubbles who only has one eye. he was born with one good eye and one blind one. but the blind one started to bulge out so had to have it removed before it exploded!


Originally Posted by coachkitten
nina_k what gorgeous chickens! I love this thread and looking at everyone's animals.

nothing nicer than baby animals.
ITA this thread rocks!! Always good for a pick-me-up.


Well-known member
Our new puppy + rescue dogs tips?

My roommate and I just got a new puppy about two weeks ago. His name is Pallo and he is sooooooo friggin cute I can't stand it!

Pallo is a rescue dog. He came from a very abusive home and pretty much spent his whole life locked in a kenel and being ignored. He was also beaten and really underfed.

His behavior is to be expected I guess, but still he does have some issues. He is terrified of going to the bathroom and will hold it until he is in physical pain. (he was beaten when he would go in the wrong place by the previous owner) He is also scared to be touched, he will let me and my roommate hold/pet him but that pretty much it. He also is scared to leave the living room. This is where we first brought him when we got him home and I think he thinks he will get into trouble if he leaves. When Caitlin and I leave the room he will walk to the edge of the rug and wag his tail, but then he just runs back to his doggie bed. We had a puppy shower for him when we first got him and he won't even play with any of his toys (and he is a spoiled little man... he has a lot of toys)

We are very blessed to have lot's of people who love him as much as we do and support us. Still I was just wondering... has anyone else been through this? Any tips on how to get him more comfortable and how to get him to feel safe? I know it just takes time and love, but any other advice would be greatly apreciated.

K now for pics!!!! Look how adorable he is? What kind of sick person could have abused this dog???






Well-known member
Re: Our new puppy + rescue dogs tips?

Awwww! I have no advice just cuz I can't have pets (people i live with and allergies etc)... just want to say he is just so adorable and I think it rocks that you adopted a rescue dog
Re: Our new puppy + rescue dogs tips?

As mean as it sounds, not babying him when he gets petrified or resistant to what you're trying to get him to do is the best thing for him. The babying or coddling just reinforces him to be afraid and avoid certain situations. Let him out to potty often, gently encourage him to go, and praise him after he is able to relieve himself. As for the exploring and touch issues, I would introduce him to it a little at a time, and praise him when he is able to relax and let go. Just be consistent in what you ask of him and have a set routine (dogs are a lot like children!), and he should adjust into his new digs just fine.

He's such a gorgeous boy!


Well-known member
Re: Our new puppy + rescue dogs tips?

Originally Posted by abs0lutelyfab
As mean as it sounds, not babying him when he gets petrified or resistant to what you're trying to get him to do is the best thing for him. The babying or coddling just reinforces him to be afraid and avoid certain situations. Let him out to potty often, gently encourage him to go, and praise him after he is able to relieve himself. As for the exploring and touch issues, I would introduce him to it a little at a time, and praise him when he is able to relax and let go. Just be consistent in what you ask of him and have a set routine (dogs are a lot like children!), and he should adjust into his new digs just fine.

He's such a gorgeous boy!

Thanks so much. This is what we are trying to do. It's just so hard sometimes cause all we want to do is hug him and coo at how cute and sweet he is. It takes a lot of restraint to be a good mommy!


Well-known member
Re: Our new puppy + rescue dogs tips?

Aw he is so gorgeous!
I don't have any advice but he is the cutest thing ever.
Poor thing but now he has a loving home and will get the love he deserves!


Well-known member
Kiki. A rowdy fun loving boxer. Me and the hubby got her from a boxer rescue in LA. She's my 1st dog and I love her so much ! I dont know how I ever lived without her !

She loves the water and playing in general.

her big ole tongue at the park..isnt she pretty in pink ?

and on her spot on the couch


Well-known member
Originally Posted by paperfishies
We have a 5 month old Ferret named Tippy.



Awwwwwwwwww!I love me some ferrets.I have four,and I'm thinking of getting a fifth.=p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LoopyLoo

My new English cocker spaniel, Barneybear

Aww, how cute! I love how puppies stumble around b/c their still learning how to walk. Enjoy your puppy. They grow up really, really fast. I remember my pup when I first got her. Within a few months, my puppy wasn't as small. She used to fit on my center divide in my truck. Now she's 3x's longer than it. She would sleep on the center divide (which was heavily covered in blankets and stuffed dolls) while my hubby and I would go on long trips, then stop somewhere to have lunch. She wouldn't wake up when we would slam the door shut. I think the vibration of the truck kept her sleep. lol

Candy Christ

Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84


there she is! looking grumpy!

Your Annie looks like my kitteh! They should be twins!

x3Hayleyy you bunny is so cute!


Well-known member
Biscuit is getting big! he will be 10 months on the 20th! Seems like yesterday that he was no bigger than J's shoe.



Some pictures of my 55 gallon tank. I will be upgrading to a 120 gallon this month, I am super excited!



Scooter doing his thing...

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