show off your pets! -ALL pet pictures go here-


Well-known member
such cute dogs and kitties
this thread makes me happy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gachapin_luv
Love all your cats. Jubilee looks like Norwegian Forest or Main coon.

Thank you! I miss Jubilee greatly
. I believe she may have been part Maine Coon or Norwegian but not sure since she was a stray that showed up in our yard. Everyone always said she was so pretty. She had so much hair...she was all hair
. She loved to be brushed too but still got mats.


Well-known member
Im so excited to post pictures
! I have two dogs (one puppy) and a cat which I don't have a picture of... but he's just a big fat tabby!
My dog is a puggle (beagle-pug mix) and she's quite the chubbster. My puppy is a long-hair chihuahua, not even a year old yet. Her name is Miyah.

Both of them together. Merry belated Christmas


This is Mocha. She's so fat, ahhhhh she's been on a diet forever but she just eats too much human food.

And Miyah, my precious
. She had a little photoshoot.. haha






These are my baby Chinnies!

Mumma Chi, who's 10 years old and a rescue chinchilla

And Baby Chi who's now 10 months and is Mumma Chi's daughter.


My Kitties, Widget who's 7. Isn't he BEAUTIFUL! lol.


And Peppi who's 11.




this is our goat-horse-pig, rosecoe. hes the dumbest dog that i know. hes a sheprador(which is black lab and australian shepard/blue heeler). we call him the goat-horse-pig b/c the kids ride him like a horse, he chews up cans like a goat and eats entirely way too much food


this is dupont, but somehow we started calling him mo and it stuck


this is out 30 lbs. cat, puffin. hes so lazy he meow at us to lift him to his food. he is definately my husbands


this is cherokee, the horse that we lease for the kids to learn to ride on. hes the most amazing horse that i have ever used


Well-known member
Yay, pet thread! I'm so happy I found this. We just got a kitten and I'm still at the 'proud mum' stage, lol.

This is my Maine Coon cat, Dinah. She's nearly 6 months old and is a total rascal but so affectionate and adorable (and, as you can see, she likes sitting on my laptop to 'help' me when I'm working).

For those of you who have moggies that you suspect are half maine coons, I've never had another cat like an MC. They're really unique cats. Some of the things Dinah does:

1. Follows me round the house like a puppy. Totally freaks out if she can't see me or my boyfriend and starts mewling. This includes trips to the bathroom - she will sit outside the door yowling if you don't let her in. Despite having conducted this routine about 80 times now, she is still convinced I'm going to climb out the window and leave her an orphan if I shut the door. As far as she is concerned being next to us is good, being on us is better; and if there was a way for her to surgically attach herself she probably would.

2. She is so, so vocal. Everything she does is accompanied by lots of mad chirruping. Any time she wants something, she makes damn sure you know it! She chats to me about everything she does - when she comes into a room, she chirps, if she's about to move, she chirps, and she makes this insane trilling noise when she's running around. She also has the loudest purr you've ever heard! I've never had any other cat that is quite so chatty.

3. She likes to play with her front paws - she picks things up in them, and likes sitting on her hind legs to 'sit up' and play with things.

4. Is perfectly happy being manhandled. Likes being picked up upside down, cuddled on her back, etc (google image 'maine coon' and you'll see what I mean - they're all being held in ways most cats wouldn't tolerate).

So maybe if yours does these things they're a partbred

Pictures! Click to embiggen:

We adore her so much we're trying to get a little boy MC to keep her company. Cross your fingers for us!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilexica
Yay, pet thread! I'm so happy I found this. We just got a kitten and I'm still at the 'proud mum' stage, lol.

This is my Maine Coon cat, Dinah. She's nearly 6 months old and is a total rascal but so affectionate and adorable (and, as you can see, she likes sitting on my laptop to 'help' me when I'm working).

For those of you who have moggies that you suspect are half maine coons, I've never had another cat like an MC. They're really unique cats. Some of the things Dinah does:

1. Follows me round the house like a puppy. Totally freaks out if she can't see me or my boyfriend and starts mewling. This includes trips to the bathroom - she will sit outside the door yowling if you don't let her in. Despite having conducted this routine about 80 times now, she is still convinced I'm going to climb out the window and leave her an orphan if I shut the door. As far as she is concerned being next to us is good, being on us is better; and if there was a way for her to surgically attach herself she probably would.

2. She is so, so vocal. Everything she does is accompanied by lots of mad chirruping. Any time she wants something, she makes damn sure you know it! She chats to me about everything she does - when she comes into a room, she chirps, if she's about to move, she chirps, and she makes this insane trilling noise when she's running around. She also has the loudest purr you've ever heard! I've never had any other cat that is quite so chatty.

3. She likes to play with her front paws - she picks things up in them, and likes sitting on her hind legs to 'sit up' and play with things.

4. Is perfectly happy being manhandled. Likes being picked up upside down, cuddled on her back, etc (google image 'maine coon' and you'll see what I mean - they're all being held in ways most cats wouldn't tolerate).

So maybe if yours does these things they're a partbred

Pictures! Click to embiggen:

We adore her so much we're trying to get a little boy MC to keep her company. Cross your fingers for us!

Oh my god this sounds like my half maine coon kitten!! Whenever I wake up or come home he's literelly attached to me! If I try to walk I risk stepping on him 'cause he tries keeping up. He'll just meow and meow and meow if I don't pick him up and have him sit on my lap while I'm in the bathroom and just loves to have the spotlight on him. He's a talker like yours too, have conversations with him sometimes. What makes it great is his name is Simba, and he's got fluff around his neck that looks like a mane.

I have two other kitties too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissAlexisDDD
Oh my god this sounds like my half maine coon kitten!! Whenever I wake up or come home he's literelly attached to me! If I try to walk I risk stepping on him 'cause he tries keeping up. He'll just meow and meow and meow if I don't pick him up and have him sit on my lap while I'm in the bathroom and just loves to have the spotlight on him. He's a talker like yours too, have conversations with him sometimes. What makes it great is his name is Simba, and he's got fluff around his neck that looks like a mane.

I have two other kitties too.

Absolutely! They are such characters. I've had plenty of other cats before but these are something else. Yours sounds like a total sweetie
One thing she does that I find absolutely hilarious, is that she'll wander off for 20 minutes or so and do her own thing. Then all of a sudden I'll hear her crying and yowling - it's like she's only just realised that she's on her own and doesn't know where we are. She'll come find us and then she's right as rain again
Silly girl.

Anyway, when we went to go pick out a boy, we ended up choosing two! So We're going to be overrun with MCs. The boys' dad is the size of a small pony so I think they're going to be monsters.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by finchkittie
This is my cat, Yeti! (oldest to newest) <333





Oh my god, these pictures are AMAZING! Heehee
Great thread guys, such beautiful animals

Here are my babies, I'm a cat lady:
This is Doe, she's a foundling. I just found her yesterday so I've tentatively named her but someone may claim her. There are a lot of cat dumpings around here though, it's coming to the end of kitten season in NZ.

This is Ted Mosby, Architect (really. Diehard HMYM fan).
My mum's a vet nurse and her vet clinic had him brought in by some people who found him on the side of the road with a mushed nose, weeping eyes, generally in a pretty bad way. Normally they send these cases to the SPCA but when they called the SPCA (then during the height of kitten season) they said they didn't have any room and he'd have to be put down. The vet clinic instead used some of their christmas party budget to fix him up as good as new. My mum took him home for the weekend to recover and I was staying the same weekend. It was fate
I fell head over heels and stayed a few extra days so he could finish his treatment, then took him home. He's such a character, he's my little hero!

This is Wesley. I got him when I first moved to Hamilton. He's my handsome boy and my boyfriend thinks of him as 'his' cat because he's the first cat that he got (he thinks the others are mine cause I already had Sinny when I met him and the other two are my foundlings)

And my big girl Sinamyn aka Sinny, Princess, Baby Girl, etc she gets all the cheesiest nicknames, hehe! I got her when I moved out of home a few years ago, we've been through a lot together. She is the first cat that's ever been 'mine'. She's living with my Dad at the moment because she gets really stressed and runs away alot. My dad loves her to bits though, he was really lonely and he loves her company. She loves him too, she's SO happy


Here's my boys playfighting



Well-known member
Originally Posted by littlepickle
Oh my god, these pictures are AMAZING! Heehee
Great thread guys, such beautiful animals

Here are my babies, I'm a cat lady:
This is Doe, she's a foundling. I just found her yesterday so I've tentatively named her but someone may claim her. There are a lot of cat dumpings around here though, it's coming to the end of kitten season in NZ.

This is Wesley. I got him when I first moved to Hamilton. He's my handsome boy and my boyfriend thinks of him as 'his' cat because he's the first cat that he got (he thinks the others are mine cause I already had Sinny when I met him and the other two are my foundlings)


You have a gorgeous brood of kitties! What great photos. It always makes me so sick to hear about cat "dumpings". I just don't understand how people can dump animals. How precious is Doe??


Well-known member
i know Rach, it's terrible that people could 'dump' animals like they were bags of rubbish

pickle your kitties are beautiful!

and finchkittie your kitty pics are awesome! but can i ask what the large spotty cat is? is it an ocicat? it's stunning!


Well-known member
finchkittie,great pics!Your kitties are adorable,I really like the exotic cat too,is he a ocicat or a Savannah?
littlepickle,I love your cats,they are so cute!It's terrible and heartbreaking the way some people dump kitties,it must take some kind of dirtbag to do that!


Well-known member
Oh no! Poor kitten!
She can't be more than 7 or 8 weeks old. That's so upsetting, I hope you're able to look after her!


Well-known member
The photos of my girls are something like 30 pages back
so I thought I would post them again. They are American Shorthairs, and I love them to death! They are half sisters, they were both show cats back in the day...

Maya on top, Jessica on the bottom:






Jessica & Maya (one of my fave photos)


They are just pure joy to me.


Well-known member
This thread just makes my day! Doe is soooo cute and I am glad that you found her.

Rachel you already know that I love Jessica and Maya!
They are so adorable!!


Well-known member
Thanks Katie! I think we might be due for some new pics of your handsome boy Coach.
I love me some Coachie!


Well-known member
What lovely girls! My family had British shorthairs but I've not really seen American shorthairs before
They have cute faces!

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