show off your pets! -ALL pet pictures go here-


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

I don't want to make this thread depressing, but my beautiful cat Pyewackett died a fortnight ago. She was almost 15.

I'd like to post her picture as she'll always be loved and I'll always think of her as my dear little furry friend, even though she's gone.

This was her as a kitten.


Hilly and VDUB*BELLA, those photos of your cats in the sinks are great!


Re: show off your pets!

Here's our dog Sox with his stunner shades on! He's a 3 year old Lab/Beagle mix




Re: show off your pets!

Originally Posted by MissChievous
This thread makes me so sad that I can't have pets. I looove animals so much, but I have allergies against pet dander.

I'm allergic to dogs but I have no problem when I'm around my dog or other dogs. I wonder if I really am "allergic" to dogs.


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Originally Posted by ritchieramone
I don't want to make this thread depressing, but my beautiful cat Pyewackett died a fortnight ago. She was almost 15.

I'd like to post her picture as she'll always be loved and I'll always think of her as my dear little furry friend, even though she's gone.

This was her as a kitten.


Hilly and VDUB*BELLA, those photos of your cats in the sinks are great!

I am so sorry about your baby!
She was such a cutie.


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Originally Posted by Kalico
I am so sorry about your baby!
She was such a cutie.

I agree - very sweet! When my first cat died, our second was named after him, Manoli, in his memory (we are Greek, hence the name!)


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Cathy's new Kittens! 3 Days old @ 7:10 PM EST this Eve

Their Daddy is Jimmy. They're from 2 different litters, but they are each other's best friends. Now they have Created 3 Love Children.
************************************************** *****************
Cathy & Jimmy are named after:
Cathy (Kate Willow Isidora Taylor
named by my husband, for Kate Bush, who was called "Cathy" as a little girl; "Willow" from Buffy, & the goddess, Isis.)

Jimmy (James Brian Morrison Taylor. James of my gods
Brian, beloved friend who survived HIV for over 20 yrs., educating, helping, inspiring,
& entertaining those around him all that time.

New Parents now, Feb. 2008! This is how Cathy & Jimmy looked when they 1st came home with us, June 2007.


Feb. 26, 2008, Cathy had 3 kitties, altho the 1st photo shows only the 1st two.



and Then the 3rd kitty arrived. I hope she's a girl, as we're planning to keep girls. Our vet is helping us rehome any boys. Well....I may keep "Creamy" (the 3rd, farthest in, 3rd born) no matter what sex. He/she has impressed me with her spunk.)
I want to name "Creamy" Freddie (Farouk) Brian, or a name similar, after Freddie Mercury (former singer/performer from the group, Queen.)

I want to use *Brian* again, in the name, as homage to my friend, as something beautifully weird & spiritual happened 2 times: the 1st happening was when Jimmy & Cathy came to live with us, & the 2nd was *as the kittens were coming into the world...*
It's a story.....I think of Brian as "The Kitten Assistant"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Here is GilesyCat (Giles Elton Taylor) He was born in July 1999 in England's West Midlands, & then came with us to New York State. He left us,sadly, on June 1, 2007, & I feel as if I'm still grieving him. He was with me when I was alone for long Days in the little English town, where I knew nobody. He didn't leave my side from the Night before I went into labor until I left for hospital to have my son. Gilesy never left my husband's side after our son was born; hubby had a (normal) daddy reaction to discover our son had Down's, & GilesyCat was with him while he worked it out...(Robin is the most devoted Daddy possible, & a far more patient, nurturing parent than I am, imo...)

Gilesy braved a trans-Atlantic plane trip to NY in the middle of Feb. 2005. he was then snuck in & out of various motels while we made our way upstate. He stayed with us until we moved to our 2nd place, as a family, in NYState (I'm from the area, altho hubby isn't.)

Here is GilesyCat, in New Paltz, NY, 2005,
little kitty from England's "Black Country" .
We will always love you, sweet little angelic British gentleman.


We cannot imagine Life without kitties.

Thanks, everybody,
for sharing pics of your beloved furry friends. xxCherylFaith



Active member
Re: show off your pets!

Originally Posted by MissChievous
This thread makes me so sad that I can't have pets. I looove animals so much, but I have allergies against pet dander.

I have allergies to pet dander too but, the poodle, bichon frise and maltese are good for people with allergies. I have a maltese and really bad allergies but, she doesn't set them off. Malteses are really cute too.


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

This is a cat we adopted 3 days ago. He was abandoned on an empty house
. He still doesn't have a name so, suggestions are accepted!

And also a picture of my german shepherd. (He doesn't like the new cat AT ALL, I'm so worried one of these days they could harm each other

I have another dog (a cocker spaniel) and a turtle. Maybe I will post pics of them another day



Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

We currently have 4 furbabies- our dwarf hamsters
Oh, so cute!!!




Gracie and Lola (sisters)




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Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Originally Posted by SweetCheeks
My Akitas, the darker one is a male, named Henley, pictured at around 20 months old (a few months ago) the red and white is my female named Tia, almost 5 months old. They are both shown in conformation.

Your Akitas are gorgeous! I owned an Akita many years ago but had to give it away as the yard was too small for a dog like him... they are so loyal yet so playful!


Well-known member
Re: show off your pets!

Bit OT, sorry..
This thread's totally cheered me up today, it's great to see pics of everyone's beautiful n well-loved pets

Makes me want more animals... i couldn't have a cat because of my babies -gerbils- it just seems too unfair to try to keep a cat from looking at small rodents, goes against their nature. And we don't have a separate room we could put the gerbils in.
I'd also kinda like to keep reptiles, snakes or spiders... but i can't really, because i'm vegetarian so i couldn't bear to feed live crickets or pinky mice to anything and i'd get too attached to the live 'food'.. my partner is arachnophobic too, so spiders are definitely out. Maybe reptiles in the future?? But he'd have to feed them!
I'm mainly a small animals person... i always want more rodents!! Rats and degus at some point. And i always have to be dragged away from the gerbils at pet shops... I know i have no room for any more rodents!

Edit: Calhoune, your degu has totally made my day!

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