Hey vuitonvictim, if you have acneskin, try diadermine's purity line, I had so many spots on my chin, but they disappeared on 2 months!!! it you can't find it in germany I'll be more than happy to ship it for you!!!
you're welcome!!! I was a true lifesaver for me!!! I'm not using it anymore (I have dry skin, and that stuff is for oily skin, my redness will get worse when I continue using it) but if the spots ever come back, I know when to find it!
that is fine! I have a really really dry skin, and then it's not okay to use this! it like torture for my skin lol! I am allowed to use the scrub twice a week, but the calming lotion and the moisturiser any forbidden, according to my beautitian.
Originally Posted by jamiemeng everyone's pics are beautiful.
Onederland you do have gorgeous teeth. May I ask how old are you. I also live in california. Thx