**showy Eotd**


Well-known member
So I got L'oreal HIP shadow Duo in 'Showy' and was excited to use it because I've heard that the lighter color looks kinda like Parrot?? anyways, it shows up more of a dark green in the pic but the shadow color is really more of a tealy turquoise-ish mixed with a bit of blue-ish color lol can't really describe it.

AND I decided to post up this EOTD because I was proud of my blending today!!! Blending is a struggle for me but practice makes perfect and I'm practicing practicing practicing so hopefully I'll get it RIGHT soon lol. Comments and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated thanks!!



What I Used
- MAC CCB in Pearl
-L'oral Hip Bright Shadow Duo in 'Showy' (only the left color)
- MAC Smut e/s
- MAC Smoking e/s from the Smoke Signals Quad
- MAC Shroom e/s
- Mac Engraved Powerpoint Pencil

Thanks for viewing!~