Shu Uemura Gold Curler


New member
Hi! This is my first post here, I found this forum looking for information about Shu Uemura curlers and you seem to have really good discussions here!

Now to the real topic... I own two Shu Uemura curlers (which I love), one is the regular one, and the other is the 24K Gold Curler. I bought them at reliable stores, so I know they are genuine. I also know that right now it is almost impossible to find the gold limited edition curler, but I was looking for one to give as a gift.

I found this one on eBay, which I immediately assumed was fake. Mine came in a red box, very different from the one shown, and it was made in Japan.

Nevertheless, I know a lot a people believe that this seller sells genuine Shu Uemura curlers (the regular ones), so I decided to ask. The answer was: "the red one is the one release 1 or 2 years before, here now latestly offered by official Shu Uemura, it is in a black box, this product may only be available here or in countries or regions nearby".

Is this possible? Or it is obviously fake, as I'm inclined to believe?

Kat K

Active member
I never bought the 24k edition so I don't know what color the box should be. But the fact that it's not made in Japan certainly raises alarms. I bought my Shu Uemura curler in Japan and it definitely said made in Japan. I did a quick online search (I live in Japan) and all the Shu curlers being sold here are ALL made in Japan. I couldn't find any one that was NOT made in Japan. I also searched whether if Shu curlers are made elsewhere and the consensus seems to indicate that they are only made in Japan. I don't know if this is simply because I'm in Japan or because the one you found on eBay is fake. But I would avoid it since it does look a little fishy. Hope this helps.