sick with mac


Well-known member
no. not 'sick of mac' i said 'sick WITH mac' lol.

does anyone feel like its bad? like i buy so much mac and i feel sick. like a bad addiction sick. dont get me wrong i love mac. but i just feel like a makeup whore. lol. does anyone know what i mean?

and its probably because my family is going through some tough times w/ money right now, and all i can do is feed my addiction. sometimes i just hate looking at myself in the mirror because of it. i know i'm stupid and out of control...


Well-known member
ugh i feel you! after losing my dad, we've been having horrible money problems. i feel horrible because before i never used to have to worry about money and now just the thought of it freaks me out



Well-known member
Don't feel bad...cuz I haven't really been able to buy any MAC. We are just now getting comfy in our finances. Sooo maybe soon, I'll get some more. But, yeah sometimes I feel bad for wanting it..knowing we dont' always have money for it.


Well-known member
Funny, when I overspend I look at my shoes and bags and feel a little queasy, but never my makeup. It's like food to me, essential.


Well-known member
i feel the same way.. i am personally behind on money right now (3000$ worth of bills) but i still buy make-up. im trying not to right now and just stick to the esseciantals.. like eyeliner, mascara stuff that runs of semi-quickly.


Well-known member
Yeah, there have been plenty of times. lately, when I really felt sick to my stomach after going to MAC. $20 here and $30 there doesn't seem like anything until I add it all up. I have serious buyers remorse at times.


Well-known member
Me too :S I spend a lot of money on makeup, more than I should considering how tight $$ is right now. But I wake up every morning and put on my face and feel so much more confident and *better* about everything...


Well-known member
how funny because I was talking to my bf about this. It's like MAC tends to have that 'moth to a flame' effect. Its waaayy addicting and I kno I dont need ALL of the lipsticks that I have now, but it's like.."but, i want it!" hahaha..soo sad. MAC definitely has some weird subliminal message going on with advertising or their's really a I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like this. <3 <3


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Yeah, there have been plenty of times. lately, when I really felt sick to my stomach after going to MAC. $20 here and $30 there doesn't seem like anything until I add it all up. I have serious buyers remorse at times.

Exactly what I was thinking!


Well-known member
Ditto!! I always feel bad about buying so much makeup and not using it always. I am going to list some stuff on here tonight.


Well-known member
I've found something that really helps me manage my ....MAC addiction. When times are tough--and they are often, I mostly piece together a living from a couple of things--I just scale down!

Instead of buying...full size mac brand new stuff...I'll buy five pigment samples that I don't have already. I'll keep making little splurges like that, at least once a week. It gives me something to look forward it's a double bonus fix-- I'm happy when I order it, and then I'm happy again when it arrives!
BEST of all, it doesn't break the bank, and lets me feel like I'm getting my fix...and still adding to my collection, giving me constant new things to play with, etc.

And I just keep doing that til times get better...and so when I get extra $, I go all out and splurge at MAC outright. I think I've just learned to be flexible with the times, and always figure out a way to get my "fixes" regardless of my money situation. Since it's in constant flux, I this point I really take a certain pride in my ability to be flexible and adapt yet still fill my very very basic root need-



Well-known member
I definitely feel bad about spending the money, but I LOVE my makeup collection so far. I just gotta learn the meaning of the word "budget." ahaha.


Well-known member
Yeah, I have to sneak it in the house, though DH sees our bank statements online. When I go to the counter especially, after seeing a TUT or collection, I just keep adding on to my purchase. And I only came to learn how to fill in my brows! I get that sickening feeling, you know, when it gets really hot under your skin and you walk around in a daze after the purchase? I look at my collection and think darn, I can't wear everything all at one time. I've actually considered going to school so I can make a profit off of this stuff, really. There may be some passion that just needs a little nuturing.

One side note, I attribute my spending to the level of stress going on in my life. I juggle numbers in my head on whether I can by a gloss and have gas for work. I am lucky to work in a run down area where the 3 MAC locations I frequent, are nowhere near my job-to-house commute without adding 20 more miles to it. Granted, that idea doesn't count on the weekends where I live closer to the city.
My former addiction was Lace front wigs like what BEyonce wears. I have 5 of them at more than 300 a pop. That addiction made me feel dizzy everytime I hit submit on the paypal screen. My husband has long forgiven me, after a week of not talking, and I have decided to donate them to our local cancer organization. Hopefully I will recoup the money on next years taxes, and those recovering ladies need it more than me.

Finally, I recently got married and had a child, it is my greatest fear to become a mom wearing "mom jeans" or capris with clogs (I seriously love my Dansko's though). I am fighting to hold on to bits of my single independent life that made me feel beautiful and current. MAC is my outlet, regardless of what my mother in law says. I think that moms should still be fierce while pushing a stroller, going to the playground or going to the grocery store.

I am so happy that someone posted this, a weight just fell of my chest.


Well-known member
Last year, I thought I was pretty bad.. But then I would come on here and compare myself to the HUGE addicts.. and my addiction is so petty compared to the massive amounts of MAC they hold in their collections.


Well-known member
I sometimes regret buying ANOTHER blue eyeshadow etc..that i don't use much. but I get joy out of looking at all my makeup on the shelf and can't wait to try new brands (smashbox, nars, stila watch out for me this summer!)

I loathe when my mom says I don't NEED any more. Yeah I know....but still its my guilty pleasure fun!!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I really don't think I'm addicted to makeup. Sometimes I want something, but it's not hard for me to put it down because I know money is tight for me right now. Shoes on the other hand, and same with bags, are totally different and much harder for me to not buy.


Well-known member
I always feel bad about spending money on make up, not that I personally have any financial problems, I've worked hard over summer doing something not so pleasant. But I'm way to money conscious for my own good.

I look at my make up and see the hundreds of dollars I've spent which could be a holiday or something else. Though in my defense I don't drink, smoke and rarely eat out.

For me it's just a constant fight within my head, one side saying it's ok and the other telling me it's bad.


Well-known member
oooomg. i have an addiction & didn't even know it. lol i know what you mean tho. my mom is on my A$$ about saving money. but bills kill me and i'm only 18!! so i feel like everytime i get paid, there it goes.. a part to my bills & the rest into my savings, otherwise my mom has threatened to take over my money unless i lear how to save wisely. BUT SPENDING MONEY ON MAC IS SPENDING WISELY MOM!! HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO EXCELL AS A MAKEUP ARTIST?!! lol pshh who am i kidding? i didn't even know what udpp was when i started lurking around here haha but i'm learning and trying to find ways to spend on makeup wisely.. little by little but damnit i'll get there!
good luck on your addiction ladies!


Well-known member
i totally feel sick about it. i think that as much as i love makeup and everything, and as much as my collection isn't as huge as other peoples, i need to stop buying it.

here's my problem, i have actually begun hiding it from my family and boyfriend. upon reflection, this kind of makes me want to puke... the thing is i totally purchase to reduce stress and feel better (or is it getting a high?).

i have tried to do the moderation thing, like buying one thing a week or something. BUT when i'm at the store where they all know me i feel all this pressure to add on, add on, add on. even when i'm at a counter where they DON'T know me.

i even tried the makeup ban thing...lasted about 6-8 months and i promised myself id try and use all my makeup before i bought new...but that just seemed to make me haul like crazy when i decided the ban was over/when i couldn't take 'no makeup' anymore!

i used to post my hauls but they have gotten too numerous for me to even keep track of them. . . if i was financially stable and secure i wouldn't feel bad about buying myself my favorite things at all, but i'm not... so what can i do to feel 'in check'?! :'(