BIG BIG HUGS Hilly! You're a beautiful, sweet, intelligent, kind lady. Please take care of yourself. I'm so glad you posted. I so identify, altho I've always been so scared of knives & needles, I can't scratcher here...until they bleed! I've put big, long gashes from my hands to my elbows, mostly on the underside, for several years. I especially enjoyed doing it to show my anger in front of my ex, with whom I felt cocmpletely powerless (his emotional/verbal distance/abuse did wonders for my already low self-esteem....not.) I've done the head-banging act, as well...I don't do these things now, & haven't in over 2 years. I do get urges to do so, tho, but I resist. I have PMS for over 2 weeks, & the hormones work in dissonance with my stresses...From my late teens, until about 5 yrs. ago, my behaviors, in general, have pointed to self-destructive, while I have always, simultaneously, felt sheer Joy at being Alive....
What a weirdo I am, I know! But I'm finally beginning to accept myself, for who I am!! Your thread has helped me realize how far I've come...
But I am so sad to know you hurt yourself, Hilly.
Having my little boy has forced me to be more healthy, but I'm still not good to myself as I should be (don't eat right or enough, send myself negative messages, isolate too much...) but I haven't smoked a cigarette in almost 6
yrs (a Day at a Time, as I'll always be addicted to cigs & I have urges often)...
Hilly, I'm sleepy after a long Day with Leo, so I'm not writing well. please know I care, & please realize you are *so* not alone. The people who have posted here probably represent a HUGE amount of lurkers, as well as people who may not even be on Specktra. Please speak to someone you trust.
Please don't forget we care, & we understand. PM me any time!
Major hugs, Hilly. (((((((((((((((((((HILLY)))))))))))))))))))
I send you PeaceVibes & HeartVibes & you are in my weirdo, eclectic, yet very sincere prayers. xxxxxCherylFaith