Sigma Brushes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iShadow
Dude?!?! Where in MN? Their shipping costs are ridiculous, if there's any way I can pick them up, I'm totally for it!

Woo! I still had the package in my trashcan!

It says:
Sigma Enterprises LLC
2183 Mounds Ave
New Brighton, MN 55112


Well-known member
Review of the SS187 and the SS109

*I didnt use these brushes with any actual foundation, because I haven't found any foundation that Ive really liked. So I used them with my Clinique Sheer Tint.*

So Friday I used the SS187 to apply my tinted moisturizer and it actually did a really good job. I ended up with a nice, even, sheer layer of my moisturizer, which I think was better than me applying it with my hands. I tend to get too much product when I use my hands to appy it, and it gets uneven in certain areas. The brush was soft on my face, and I didnt notice any streaks either. The only thing I can complain about is that the brush was kind of big, so it was hard to get into little crevices like the sides of my nose. Once again, I dont have the MAC 187 so I cant really compare this brush to it. I do like this brush though, so I have no regrets on buying it.
OHH and one thing that I found awesome when using this brush to stipple and swirl the stuff on to my face was that it didnt leave any hairs behind.

After using the SS187 to apply my T/M I used the SS109 to contour and what can I really say, it did its job. It was a good size to do contouring with, because it just fit into that cheeky hollowed area. I have no idea how to explain that haha. It applied the contouring powder nicely, and it wasn't scratchy. So I had no complaints there.

I orignally bought the SS109 to contour with but then someone mentioned using their MAC 109 for foundation, SO I thought I'd give it a shot with the SS109 too! I wasnt too sure on how to do it, so I once again stippled and swirled just like the other brush.
It did give me a nice, even layer of the T/M just like the SS187. HOWEVER, I was left with little hairs on my face after every few swirls of the product. Maybe Im just super heavy handed and was swirling too hard? Or maybe I didnt do an awesome enough job of washing it? Im not too sure, but I wasnt too pleased with the pubey looking things on my face when I was done.

I washed the ss109 again just to see if it shed any more hairs. And it did.
Probably about another 10 hairs. Ill probably give the SS109 another shot at the T/M but right now I don't have a contouring brush as decent as that one, so Ill just use it for contouring for now.

Im planning on picking up some Revlon Colorstay soon and trying that out since a few people have recommended that foundation. So If anyone is still reading this thread by that time and is still interested on how these brushes work with actual foundation, Ill review that

Included is a picture with the brushes next to a MAC pallette, just so you guys can see the sizes and how it compares. Hmm. Maybe I shouldve included this in the first post?

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
I'm not doubting the honesty of the gurus, I just don't like the overhyping of the products, claiming it's a dupe for *insert high end brand name here* brush, and all that jazz
I have found that CS palettes are great, after watching TONS of vids on them, I also saw a vid (fafinettex33 or something) do a review on these Rite Aid cosmetics, and overhyped it, went and got em, they sucked, but anyway
I would like to see more reviews on these brushes since they're all the rage <3


Well-known member
Originally Posted by winkietoe
Woo! I still had the package in my trashcan!

It says:
Sigma Enterprises LLC
2183 Mounds Ave
New Brighton, MN 55112

Thank you!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alka1
I still find it weird that they just copy/pasted the brush descriptions directly from MAC's website!

I think it's weird too. They are definitely using MAC brushes popularity to their advantage by having the same descriptions and naming their brushes with the same numbers. I wonder if it's a violation of copyright.

Off topic but there was a yogurt place that was sued because their name was too similar to Pinkberry. It was called Berrysweet and pretty much had the same looking logo.


Well-known member
I just got my package yesterday and haven't used the brushes yet (They are drying now) but I will test them out today w/ my Style Warriors stuff lol. So these are my first impressions. I'll try to edit this after I actually use them and let you know which ones are worth the dough.

I did notice that my ss219 ferrule was loose and emailed the company about it. Still waiting to hear back from them about that. I don't have the mac 150 or the 182, but I do have the mac counter parts for the rest of the brushes that came in the face and eye kit.

From inspection and limited use so far: **** EDITED TO ADD COMPARISON PIC W/ MAC BRUSHES and REVIEW AFTER USE****

ss150: Nice big powder brush and is very soft, didn't shed too much while being washed. All of the larger brushes w/ the black bristles (ss150, ss189, ss182) bleed dye ALOT while being washed.

Compared to the powder brush I use, the Mac 129 (the smaller one obviously lol)


The handles all seem to be longer than their mac counter parts. But they have good weight. But OMG this brush is SSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO soft!!! I used it to apply MSFN and it worked well. Next time I'm going to try using the kabuki to really buff it in.

ss182: Nice soft kabuki. The handle seems a little small though...I don't' really use kabuki's on myself that much anyway...but I'll give it a try to see if I like it. I'll update when I do actually use this.

ss187: Head is less dense than mac 187 and flares out basically it's a little bigger than mac 187. It also doesn't have as much resistance while stippling as the mac 187. With that said, it still seems like it will do the job of stippling liquid foundation or lightly applying powder products very well anyway. I don't like the fact that it's wider than it's mac counterpart though since my face is kind of small. But, that is a problem that I can easily correct w/ a brush gaurd since I have them lol.
In all 3 pic below -L to R: Mac 187, Sigma ss187


w/ flash

w/o flash

Like I said, the ss187 flares out much further then my mac 187. I haven't used the sigma one yet, so another update later.

ss219: shorter and fatter than the 219, but offers the same amount of resistance. If my ferrule wasn't loose, I may say I actually would prefer this brush for the lower lashline over the 219. But for defined crease work or my tear duct, I would probably still reach for my mac 219.

* I got a notice that they will be sending me out a new ss219 tomorrow :).
Mac 219 is on the right


ss224: Shorter and smaller than the mac 224. It was really soft to the touch and seems like it will do just as good a job.

I would say this brush is much closer to the 222 than the 224. It's really dense and kind of stiff. It fits into my crease perfectly, but that is also a reason that I prefer my 222 over the 224. It did a great job applying color to my crease, just like the 222. However, for blending the color out I would still reach for my 224 only b/c I prefer the bigger head of the 224 to do blending if I'm not trying to do precise crease work.... Now between the 222 and the ss224, I think I may like the sigma brush better. But we'll see after a few more uses.

Mac 224 is on the right


L to R: mac 224, ss224, mac 222

ss239: This brush is shorter and wider than the mac counterpart. ****EDIT: they are the same size, but I swear it feels like the sigma brush is different lol**** It seems to be just as dense and should do well to pack on lid color. Since my eyes are small, I would probably use this for all over color.

The ss239 does it job and does it well!! It packed on color like nobody's business and blended like a dream. This works just as well if not better than it's mac counterpart. The handle is thicker though, so that may be why this brush feels bigger to me..even though it's not.
Sigma brush is the brown one ;-)




Active member
I'm SOOOO ready to buy these. I've looked around A LOT since they've come out and all I've been doing is sitting and waiting for them to restock, LOL.


Well-known member
My SS188 has just arrived today! It's so soft, can't wait to try it! The package took 4 days to arrive (am in Europe) and they also included a elf Brightening Eye Color.


I've been trying to get my hands on a set, but I don't want to be put on a waiting list. Would you repurchase again if needed?

Ode to Joy

Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru

ss224: Shorter and smaller than the mac 224. It was really soft to the touch and seems like it will do just as good a job.

I would say this brush is much closer to the 222 than the 224. It's really dense and kind of stiff. It fits into my crease perfectly, but that is also a reason that I prefer my 222 over the 224. It did a great job applying color to my crease, just like the 222. However, for blending the color out I would still reach for my 224 only b/c I prefer the bigger head of the 224 to do blending if I'm not trying to do precise crease work.... Now between the 222 and the ss224, I think I may like the sigma brush better. But we'll see after a few more uses.


Is the head of the sigma brush smaller than MACs 222? I wanted to buy the 222 but it was too big for my outer v - if the SS224 is smaller I am sold!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ode to Joy
Is the head of the sigma brush smaller than MACs 222? I wanted to buy the 222 but it was too big for my outer v - if the SS224 is smaller I am sold!

I'll take a closer look when I get home. But, I am thinking they are pretty much the same size.

miss sha

Well-known member
I think I'll definitely be buying the set of 12 very soon in the future. As a newb, it's a little hard to go out buying a full set of MAC brushes this early in my game. I could only get like two or three MAC brushes for $65.


Well-known member
Ok Ode to Joy, the 222 and the ss224 are the exact same size. The 222 has more of a taper at the end as well. So, if you think the 222 is too big, you probably won't like the ss224 IMO


Well-known member
I just placed my order for the complete set!! I've waited two months for this so I'm quite happy that I'm finally going to get them soon =)


Active member
Sooo, I ordered the face and eye set earlier in the week and received them today. I am VERY impressed with how quickly they arrived and the over all quality of the brushes. It was definitely worth the fifty bucks to invest in these brushes; great quality, low price.

HOWEVER, the kabuki that came with it smells REALLY bad. I washed it about 5 times and deodorized it twice following Enkore's video, but it's still there. Granted, it's not as strong, but I can still smell it. Anyone else have this problem? Or a solution? lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mern
yay Ive ordered my complete set as well! super excited!

The 12 brush set?
Which waiting list were you on? D:


Well-known member
i got the email too and was able to place my order [12 piece]. i was put on the waitlist on mar 28. i got the email to place my order on may 30. so basically a 2 month wait.

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