Skills not Improving


Well-known member
Anyone ever feel like their m/u skills are not improving?

Its like i see all the FOTD's and tutorials and I have gotten somewhat better but lately I havent been improving at all.

I have had a friend of my who is a cosmetologist show me how to do it, she did one eye on a friend and I copied hers and did the other,
I have had the MA at MAC show me how to do it,
I have sat in my room playing with my m/u for hours and using different brushes and techniques and I really dont feel Im improving all that much.
When I blend its either not enough or too muddy.
My color placement sucks.

I was just wondering if anyone ever felt like they werent improving and how did you get out of your rut?


Well-known member
I feel the same too! Whatever I do, it's never good enough. I don't know what to do, keep on trying?? I did buy a couple of books with techniques explained step by step, maybe I will get better at it...someday LOL


Well-known member
As someone who played with makeup for a living, I realized that putting makeup on others is WAY different than doing it on yourself. I can bang out something completely crazy/perfectly blended/totally off the chain on someone else, and then totally mess it up if I try to do it on myself...that's just me.

Could it be that you find it easier to do makeup on other people than on yourself?


Well-known member
just keep on trying
it might take a couple years but youll make it perfect one day

i know it took me about 3 whole years to get my techniques perfect to a tee plus im always learning more and new techniques from people.


Well-known member
I would suggest mixing it up. What I mean by that is, put colors where you normally wouldn't. Today I had on a top the color of pompous blue. Even though I couldn't get the color, I put amber lights all over the lid and freshwater on top in the outer lid just enough so you could see it. I know I sometimes try to be all matchy matchy, but when something doesn't work I try to mix it up. Or maybe put a darker color where you normally wouldn't and a lighter color somewhere else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
As someone who played with makeup for a living, I realized that putting makeup on others is WAY different than doing it on yourself. I can bang out something completely crazy/perfectly blended/totally off the chain on someone else, and then totally mess it up if I try to do it on myself...that's just me.

Could it be that you find it easier to do makeup on other people than on yourself?

maybe thats it, I can get a better perspective on someone else I guess. the Lighting in my room really sux too and I dont put on m/u in the bathroom cause if one of my pallets drops and shatters I would litterally fine the nearest bridge and jump! ha ha! So I prefer since Im clumsy to my m/u in my room. But I mean the general technique doesnt seem to be improving much. I experiement with different colors and combos all the time. I guess I just want to be Fabulous and Versatile, I dont have a "signature" look that do well yet.

I spend alot of time on it but it looks like I just slapped it on, half the time. People tell me it looks nice but then I look in the mirror and Im like ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
I am so not happy with my blending. I was determined to get it, but not so much anymore.
I wont be giving any m/u away or anything but I just dont think Im as Passionate as I was when I first found Specktra.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Sometimes you just get into a rut. Don't give up.

I mostly apply makeup to myself, and I've already figured out how it looks best on my face. There isn't too much to improve on, because I'm happy with it and it looks good. Try experimenting with color combinations you never thought would work (my current obsession is copper and a bright color worn together.)


Well-known member
Aww you will get better! Sometimes as beautymarked said you get into ruts. You just gotta keep trying and get outta them.
Remember-Rome was not built in a day
Your makeup skills will get better with time and practice
And the best part is that one day you'll apply your makeup and then realize " WOW it's amazing!" and you'll know that well you just got better at it


Well-known member
it really can take forever to get makeup down packed. some people have been incredibly blessed in their skills and they just come naturally. others need to hone it in through tons and tons of practice. i've only been wearing make up for just over a year. I dabbled in gloss and mascara in high school, but as far as foundation, blush, highlighting, contouring, bases, eyeshadows, blending, liner, all the mechanics, I was totally clueless. i bought books, i looked at pictures, i bought every brush recommended to me and tried every color i had, just sitting in my room putting on make up, trying to make it look like what I'd seen. The best advice you could take is Do Not Get Discouraged. it's so easy to look at someone's work and compare yours and say "I suck, I'll never get this!" And that's the worst thing you could do is give up, because then you'll never get better. It just takes time and practice. Try not to compare your work to other people's. Use it as inspiration, not evaluation criteria. To be honest, I used to look at people like SonRisa's work on here and get so discouraged, but then I had to step outside of myself and realize that a lot of the work I was looking at was being done by professional Make Up Artists that have been doing this for such a long time; my work won't ever look like theirs because they have a different style and different training than I do. So now I can look to them for inspiration instead of trying to copy what they do and get upset when it doesn't turn out the same way.

Don't give up ladies, you can do it!


Well-known member
Most of the time I totally feel the same way. I don't have much reason to put makeup on daily, so when I play with it I feel like I'm wasting it. All you can do is keep playing in it, and find your niche.
Eventually, you work it out.


Well-known member
yep i feel the same
i went on a girly holiday and when we got ready to go out i would spend about 10 minutes doing my eyes using 3 or 4 diff shadows and 3 brushes and my friend would sit outside on the balcony and put her shadow on using her fingers with no mirror and i just felt she looked 10 times better and id spent all my time doing my m/u and she basically jst slapped it on any old way
i dont wear eye make up daily maybe once a week if that so im just going to keep messing about til i 'crack' it


Well-known member
change it up.

I'm really into neutrals currently. I used to hate neutrals, and refused to buy them. But after using 100% colors for a while, i was feeling the same way you are now. So I decided I'd work with neutrals as a change.

Now i'm like totally into them, and find myself reaching for mulch and shroom and other similar shades more than colors lateley. And i find when I do decide to grab some color, i like the way it ends up looking.

Variety is the spice of life.


Well-known member
Thanks you guys! i know this was for ebonyannette but what you guys said comforted me too. I gave up wearing eyeshadows because i felt i sucked. Now i only wear face stuff and lipstick. But i might give it a try again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sexypuma
Thanks you guys! i know this was for ebonyannette but what you guys said comforted me too. I gave up wearing eyeshadows because i felt i sucked. Now i only wear face stuff and lipstick. But i might give it a try again.

Oh no, girl this thread is for everyone

I just wanted to get my frustration out, I put some stuff on today and it still sux

We'll see if I keep trying or resort back to my only Mascara and Lipgloss look I've done for years!


Well-known member
I can totally understand your frustration.....I am loving COLORS and yesterday I wore purple---Mystical Mist, Trax, & Beauty Marked) and it literally looked a HOT ass MESS. None of my coworkers even said anything about it and I'm usually the complimented queen of eyes. But, then today I did Humid, Mulch and Wishful and people were smiling and nodding again. It looked a million times better and I was happy, but it really let me know how jacked I looked yesterday.


Well-known member
Firstly get yourself some decent light in your make-up area. Even Pat McGrath would make a hot mess in a dimly lit room.

Take a mental step back and think about what you're really good and confident at. If that's a simple eyeliner + mascara look, then work with that - add a single e/s colour on the lid, then practice blending off the crease until it looks and feels right. Keep practicing until you've got that down pat, then add a darker colour into the crease. Practice at that until it feels right. Then add a highlight colour, and so on and so on. It's all about confidence.
Your skills are always improving with practice; everyone is still learning and improving, no matter their skill level. It's just important to focus on getting things done one steps at a time and being super-confident with them, rather than attempting to do everything at once and hitting a vertical learning curve and getting discouraged.

I've been laid up in bed for three weeks with a chest injury and haven't done make-up on myself or anyone else in the period of time. I have a high level commercial job coming up in a weeks time and I'm quite frankly shitting myelf - what if I've forgotten everything, what if I screw up the eyeliner, what if I poke them in the eye, what if, what if...
I'm arranging for some friends to come over tomorrow and I'll do their make-up, and I'll start off at the most basic level and run skill drills on myself until I get my confidence back. Neutral Eyes 101, here I come!
Everyone gets discouraged and feels like they've hit the wall or regressed at some point in time (or if you're me, on a regular basis when I work with people who are 10000000x more experienced than I am), but it's always possible to get past it somehow.


Well-known member
LOL @ Michie! Yes a hot mess is not where its at! ha ha I thought me and my friends were the only ones that said that!

Lara, Thanks for the encouraging words. It means alot, especially coming from you momma!


Well-known member
i agree. i like the way i can do makeup on myself, but its a lot harder to do makeup on somebody else. its a whole different thing, you just need to practice both. im sure your skills are improving
you probably just dont realize it. have you ever read any makeup books? like the ones by kevyn aucoin? they're very helpful and i think you'd like them
hang in there dear! it just takes practice.


Well-known member
^Thank You
No I havent read any make up books I thought of getting one and then I figured I didnt want to waste more money if I was just gonna suck at it still.
I did my best friends make up for a wedding shes going to today. I dont know if she really like it she said "Its Pretty!" and then ran out the door cause she was late. She has the most gorgeous almond shaped eyes.
And I did my Aunts m/u this morning cause she was going to a Crystal Party so I made her sit there while I worked on her face. She said it was "Cute" but didnt seem too impressed.
So even though I swear I wanna quit, I keep doing it!!! I dont know why! Maybe something deep down insides wants to do it well, more than I want to quit.