it really can take forever to get makeup down packed. some people have been incredibly blessed in their skills and they just come naturally. others need to hone it in through tons and tons of practice. i've only been wearing make up for just over a year. I dabbled in gloss and mascara in high school, but as far as foundation, blush, highlighting, contouring, bases, eyeshadows, blending, liner, all the mechanics, I was totally clueless. i bought books, i looked at pictures, i bought every brush recommended to me and tried every color i had, just sitting in my room putting on make up, trying to make it look like what I'd seen. The best advice you could take is Do Not Get Discouraged. it's so easy to look at someone's work and compare yours and say "I suck, I'll never get this!" And that's the worst thing you could do is give up, because then you'll never get better. It just takes time and practice. Try not to compare your work to other people's. Use it as inspiration, not evaluation criteria. To be honest, I used to look at people like SonRisa's work on here and get so discouraged, but then I had to step outside of myself and realize that a lot of the work I was looking at was being done by professional Make Up Artists that have been doing this for such a long time; my work won't ever look like theirs because they have a different style and different training than I do. So now I can look to them for inspiration instead of trying to copy what they do and get upset when it doesn't turn out the same way.
Don't give up ladies, you can do it!