Skills not Improving


Well-known member
you live in my town! i'll let you put make up on me, and i bet it'll look really great. and i'm not even joking, you live in SV, i live in PH, it's like 10 minutes away, I will let you throw as many colors as you want on me and practice until you're completely satisfied with YOUR work.


Well-known member
Ya know....everyone has their own lil' m/u techniques/tricks/ways of applying it that suit them best. Like, for example...I just LOVE the way a member of this site (Preppygirl) does her eyes...all smoked-out and cat-like....and I just LOVE the ways another member (Padmita) does hers...verrryy soft, delicate, beautiful....EVERYTHING on that girl looks like it shimmers! But, I had to consent to the fact that, as beautiful as those looks appear on them, not every gals individual look is always going to be best for ME.

When I first started "visiting" Specktra, I would try to replicate some of the looks from various talented women here....suffice it to say I'd be at my mirror a half hour later
looking stupid/like I had a black eye/makeup running down face from frustrated tears!

So, I had to learn that I have my own way, too....Sure...I need more practice...(keep in mind that some of these girls that post gorgeous FOTD's on here have been doing m/u on themselves, and others since they were in preteens! They've had benefit of A LOT of practice!)..I just really started working w/ different m/u application techniques in my mid-twenties! So, I'm NOT going to start off doing it immediately like them...I don't know if that's the same case with you, but as with anythinng, you need to practice at it!

As I said in the beginning, there are app. techniques that just won't suit every person. If I tried app'ing my eyeshadow the way P.girl does, I'd look silly. It looks fantastic on her...but not me
Diff. features, skintones, and attitudes change the way looks present themselves on others'. So, I've found my own, equally fantastic (for me) ways of app'ing/wearing m/ just have to do the same. Find what works for Ebony