skinny girls have it rough too! (no hating please)


Well-known member
Well their is a double standard if someone calls someone fat people get all angry over it and say oh no you didnt but if someone calls someone anorexic or says that they have an eating disorder / make fun of someone for being thin they dont get any sympathy the way overweight people do for the same degrading comments about their weight.I have been underweight my entire life and girls have said some pretty rude things to and about my weight. Whether it was behind my back or to my face it is still pretty ignorant either way to assume things or be rude just because they were most likely jealous / had weight issues themselves or were insecure about their body.Girls are pretty big on thin shaming though its not something a guy would ever say you wont hear a man say oh that girls way too skinny I bet shes anorexic or doesnt eat its more of a female thing that girls talk trash on each other about out of insecurity.If your pretty and thin you can most likely assume most girls will not like you its sad but true.


Well-known member
I have had girls call me skeletor , anorexic , bulimic , say I had an eating disorder , I have had people say that I needed to get help I have been called a skinny freak lol like really rude stuff.But it doesnt really upset me that much because I know its their problem not mine and its more about jealousy than anything else really.I dont go around saying people have mental problems. I'am not a doctor so I dont understand why anyone else would go around making a diagnosis when they have no doctoral degrees lol.But if you are thin and or attractive many women will not like you just for your looks alone.That is all it takes for someone to dislike someone which is very sad because of how judgemental and shallow we are as a society to judge someone soley based off their looks and not take any time to get to know anybody.But what doesnt kill you makes you stronger those means comments made me who I'am today and I'am probably a lot stronger than most girls because of what I had to go through with people.
I have a friend who is really tall for a female and real skinny. I've talked to her in the past about issues with being in that type of body. It's rough for clothing just as it is for me being short and heavier. We have the same issues just a different type of situation haha. So yeah it's definitely hard out there for skinnier girls too! I'm glad more people are realizing it as well.


Well-known member
I'am 5'8 / 5'9 height I have been told both so its one of them but I always get a x small or a small and size 0 or a 00 .Some stores even sell size xxs now too.


Well-known member
If you shop online you can pretty much find any size clothing your looking for no matter what plus they carry better selection online too.


Well-known member
Places like Bebe , Abercrombie and Fitch , American Eagle , and Hollister usually have size x small size 00 , 0 and even xxs if you look online.