A few semesters ago, I took most of my classes as lectures in person. It was just easier for me then. It must not have been too easy, because I skipped a lot of classes. It would start as just missing one class for a doctor's appointment, then another, then another. The tables turned though in the spring 2007 semester when I started skipping the hell out of my American Literature class. I really hated the teacher, he was such a dickhead and it seemed like he was always high on something during the classes I actually did attend. Our policy was to only miss 4 classes a semester, and I probably missed 10. I kept up with the readings, but stopped going. The last month of class, I ended up going to each lecture and I even had turned in all of my papers, but the jerk still failed me, just because he didn't like me. I had passing grades on my papers, but he failed me for attendance. I took it to the Dean and there was nothing they would do, of course, they sided with him. To this day, I still want to slash his tires, but he's just a miserable ass teacher and he does it to lots of students each semester that he doesn't like.
I just think once you get in a habit of skipping classes, it's hard to break it. Now, all of my classes are online with one lecture @ night and it's sooooo much easier that way. I actually like going to night classes better and doing everything else online.