Sleek ACID palette: Pink Acid FOTD


Well-known member
Hi ladies,

So! I finally got my Limited Edition Sleek ACID palette in the mail the other day [friend bought it for me] And it lives up to its name 100% on the colours I've tested anyway!!!! Let the pictures speak for themselves...





Stupid bright! Oh yes sir!

What I used:

Sleek ACID palette: Hot pink [matte]
Sleek ACID palette: Dark purple [matte]
Sleek ACID palette: Black [matte]
Sleek STORM palette: Light Brown [matte]
GOSH Lipgloss in 0080
La Femme blush in Naturelle and Mocha
RCMA Creme Foundation

Hope you like. Oh and if you got a spare £4.88 and live in the UK....GO GET IT!!!!!


Well-known member
Thanking you ladies! thanking you!

To my knowledge Sleek aint sold in the States...yet. But I'm sure they are working towards world domination sometimes soon. They are a UK brand that was originally geared towards women of colour. But they're spreading their love and coming up with make-up for everyone. Extra excellent!