Smashbox Photo finish and Monistat Chafing gel


Well-known member
where is this in walgreens? or walmart for that matter! I've been looking for it where the rest of the monistat is but I can't see anything anything not for yeast.. I don't want to spend too much time in that aisle if I don't have to! lol


Well-known member
omg...what a fantastic idea!
my old roomates father is a doctor and he did research on preparation h and he totally recomdended it. gotta ask them about this!


Well-known member
It's too funny that it's 2am, and that I'm contemplating going to the 24-hour CVS just to try this out! I can put the money I save on smashbox towards more makeup


Well-known member
I havent tried the smashbox yet, but I got this chafin gel at wal mart, and it really does a wonderful job, smothes the skin and feels really nice, give it a try it´s only 6 bucks..


New member
Oh! I almost wanted to buy the smashbox photofinish primer when I read this read! I would love to try this chafing gel but its not available in Australia
This is sad!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I actually tried Prep H on the eyes and I just couldn't use it due to the smell. It smells like dead shark to me.

Use the clear gel. It has witch hazel, phenylphrine, and aloe vera. The shark oil kind is too greasy and obvious. I take it out of the tube and out it in a little container......


i purchased the monistat gel in hopes that i could save muchos moolah on a face primer. i have fairly sensitive, fair, oily skin.. ya, i really got the short straw on that... and was willing to use it for a few days to test it out. regarding the vajay comment (sorry), it does say on the box that it is not intended for yeast infections. there are a few posters here who are correct: it is primarily for chafing of any body parts, not mainly for the vaginal area.

the gel felt pretty smooth on my face, similar to smashbox's primer, but bottom line it did not deliver. it made my makeup last for a couple hours more than without primer, but by the end of the day it certainly wasn't fresh looking. i broke down and bought a smashbox photo finish travel size at shoppers for $25 CAD (pain the butt!). i walked outside in -20 weather for about 30 minutes and was wearing my makeup over this primer for... 9 hours now and my makeup looks fresh! so its worth the money in my opinion.


Well-known member
i LOVE smashbox's photo finish primer so this comes as a huge surprise to me. i'm definitely open to giving it a try when i run out of my primer! thanks for sharing


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzkrizzlerocks
FYI Monistat chafing gel is NOT a Vagina cream. :durrr:

That is SOOO funny... because I know this post is kind of old, but I went to CVS today looking for it, and i said i needed "monistat" to the lady, and she looked at me like i was weird and started whispering to the other ladies... "she needs itch relief things"
lol and they recommended me a lotion to combat SKIN INFECTIONS CAUSED BY A SKIN PARASITE!!! eww.... so I left

hahaha... i'll give it a try tomorrow


Well-known member
Whats it like under mineral makeup?

Also, where in the UK can you get it other than ebay. It bugs me having to pay $20 (inc s&h) for a $6 product, when I know that it will only cost $4 to post


Active member
Usually, I'd be kind of intrigued about dupes... but vaginal cream? I dunno. Not to mention I'm not a big fan of smashbox primer. Personally, it makes my face kind of oily. But i hear soooo many good reviews about it. Am I the only one who doesn't like it???


Well-known member
I tried it ...i liked it at first ...then after about a week cheeks got a weird flakiness to them when i would put this on ..and once i applied my foundation the edges would pill up and curl into little fluff of skin, primer, foundation.

In my experience ..not workies at all.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by starletkiss
Usually, I'd be kind of intrigued about dupes... but vaginal cream? I dunno. Not to mention I'm not a big fan of smashbox primer. Personally, it makes my face kind of oily. But i hear soooo many good reviews about it. Am I the only one who doesn't like it???

It's not a vaginal cream, it is a chafing gel.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nibjet
where is this in walgreens? or walmart for that matter! I've been looking for it where the rest of the monistat is but I can't see anything anything not for yeast.. I don't want to spend too much time in that aisle if I don't have to! lol

I am wondering the same!

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