I'm a smoker, I started very very young, but quit for several years when I decided my friends were bad, bad influences... I started again a couple summers ago when I started hanging out with a new group of friends... all smokers.
I nearly got the boot from cosmetology school for constantly smelling like smoke, so I quit smoking for 7 weeks while I was there, and thoroughly washed all of my clothes. Of course, I started again afterwards, because I had 6 packs of cigarettes left, the remainder of my last carton before I had quit. Blahhh i kept on smoking, but I've cut down greatly. At the most I have four a day, a bad day up to 6 or 7, a good day (most days now, thankfully!) only one or two!
I know this will sound bad, and others might still say "You're still a smoker, you're still killing yourself." But after smoking a pack and a half per day... after eating, while drinking coffee, chainsmoking with friends etc, I'm pretty proud of myself!
My mom says she'll buy me some Gum or Patches for a "thanksgiving gift" (teehee, i've never gotten one of those before!!), because I'm pretty positive I wanna quit very, very soon, before I have to get a job making-over strangers. It would NOT be good to be stinky at a real awesome job!!
PS, my Grandmother died from cancer (she was a lifetime smoker... over 60 years
), but it was breast cancer that spread to her lungs, liver, colon, spleen etc. but my Great Grandfather who was a constant chewer, cigar and cigarette smoker, lived to 108, and was never diagnosed with cancer. He just died of old age. But I think a major reason he lived so long was his dedication to his work (He worked as an AMAZING First Amendment Lawyer for over 70 years... he retired at 103, mind still as clear as a bell!!) He represented a whole bunch of feminist and anarchist revolutionaries in the 50's, 60's and 70's, Black Panthers (Including Afeni Shakur, 2Pac's mommy, in the 70's!!), criminals who were falsely accused of murders and were on death row falsely etc. It was VERY RARE for a waspy white dude to represent (pro bono, most of the time, too) some VERY taboo people.
He was SO PASSIONATE about his work, it was what he LIVED for! I think that's the reason he lived so long, and I really hope that I don't get sick, so I can still pursue my passions, like he instilled in me, since i was very little.
SORRY THAT WENT SO OFF-TOPIC! I'm just so proud of him, and I miss him very much, and he was the smartest and most inspirational man I've ever met, not to mention he's a case of a guy who didn't get cancer. Sorry, ya'll!