Smoking. Enough Said.


Well-known member
I've also worked with smoke damaged lungs.
It's NOT pretty. :/
Smoking isn't "awful" for your health, it's deadly, it truly is.

Of course it's also a personal choice.


Well-known member
WARNING - may be disturbing to smokers!!!!

So I thought I would just share some images of just a select few of things smoking cigarettes can do to your body:

Necrotic tissue:


Healthy lungs (what your lungs SHOULD look like):


Smoker's lungs:




Wanna kiss, baby??


Some food for thought next time you want a ciggy...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I just hurled my fucking breakfast. :hurl:

LOL - that was the effect I was going for... glad it worked

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Wattage, can you add the damaged lung pic, it's not showing up for me.

I'm going to send this link to my bf, who is a smoker! I freakin' hate it! For 2 years I've been trying to get him to quit. Not only b/c it stinks to high hell but also for his health. He has alot of smoke related deaths in his family so he really shouldn't be risking it...


Well-known member
I just made myself the most delicious wrap with grilled chicken, shredded cabbage, a bit of tzatziki and tomatoes. I was just taking a bite when I saw these! Yak!
Timing, eh?

Seriously though, thanks for posting these. Tangible evidence is sometimes what it takes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jennifer Mcfly
Wattage, can you add the damaged lung pic, it's not showing up for me.

I'm going to send this link to my bf, who is a smoker! I freakin' hate it! For 2 years I've been trying to get him to quit. Not only b/c it stinks to high hell but also for his health. He has alot of smoke related deaths in his family so he really shouldn't be risking it...

Hey JMcF

Pics are back up, plus a few extras - just a special tidbit for your bf


Well-known member

I smoked for a bit, about 2 years ago...

I picked up the habit from friends... College dorms, people I wanted to hang out with, asking for a cig is an easy way in, since smokers dont always like smoking alone (I know I didn't, but if the same person always asked to bum a cig because they didn't buy their own, i'd stop sharing). Same thing happened with a job I had. It's a easy way in, since it's social. Plus you'll often find that a lot of skinny attractive girls smoke. And thats the crowd I generally hang out with. Not to mention meeting guys. See a cute guy you want to talk too, and he's smoking? Walk up and ask to eigther bum a cig, or borrow a lighter. Instant ice breaker. So as bad for your health as it is, it does have it's advantages in some ways, socially anyways. But those same advantages are also keeping you away from meeting non smokers of the same type. So imho looking back, it's a wash.

I wasn't a heavy smoker, and would generally smoke on work breaks, or @ parties. Since when you smoke, a lot of your friends smoke, just how it happens. And one of my roomates smoked, so we'd sit on the porch and drink and smoke @ night and chit chat.

How did I quit? I got sick. Not from smoking, but from the flu that went around one year. I was hacking up nasty tar covered stuff from my lungs (gross i know LOL), and that stuff taisted NASTY! Congestion + smoking = not happy. Plus i really hated how it made my hands, clothes, everything smell. And no amount of washing your hands, and perfume would change that. So i just decided I'm over it. I never wanted to be a smoker, and regardless of how little or much you smoke, your still a smoker. I quit cold turker, and then gave my roomate a hard time till she quit too.

I will admit, I've probably bummed a handful of cigs in the years since, but generally it involves alcohol, and a hot guy i want to talk too. And well, it worked then, it still works now. But I have no intention of buying a pack ever again. And if my boyfriend does end up being a smoker, i'll make him quit, cuz kissing is so gross when one person smokes, and the other person doesn't. LOL!


OMG. i didnt expect to see those pictures! ewww disgusting..please gimme a warning beforehand. LOL. it's actually making me want to quit smoking tho. so good job? hahaha


Active member
I'm a smoker, I started very very young, but quit for several years when I decided my friends were bad, bad influences... I started again a couple summers ago when I started hanging out with a new group of friends... all smokers.

I nearly got the boot from cosmetology school for constantly smelling like smoke, so I quit smoking for 7 weeks while I was there, and thoroughly washed all of my clothes. Of course, I started again afterwards, because I had 6 packs of cigarettes left, the remainder of my last carton before I had quit. Blahhh i kept on smoking, but I've cut down greatly. At the most I have four a day, a bad day up to 6 or 7, a good day (most days now, thankfully!) only one or two!

I know this will sound bad, and others might still say "You're still a smoker, you're still killing yourself." But after smoking a pack and a half per day... after eating, while drinking coffee, chainsmoking with friends etc, I'm pretty proud of myself!

My mom says she'll buy me some Gum or Patches for a "thanksgiving gift" (teehee, i've never gotten one of those before!!), because I'm pretty positive I wanna quit very, very soon, before I have to get a job making-over strangers. It would NOT be good to be stinky at a real awesome job!!

PS, my Grandmother died from cancer (she was a lifetime smoker... over 60 years
), but it was breast cancer that spread to her lungs, liver, colon, spleen etc. but my Great Grandfather who was a constant chewer, cigar and cigarette smoker, lived to 108, and was never diagnosed with cancer. He just died of old age. But I think a major reason he lived so long was his dedication to his work (He worked as an AMAZING First Amendment Lawyer for over 70 years... he retired at 103, mind still as clear as a bell!!) He represented a whole bunch of feminist and anarchist revolutionaries in the 50's, 60's and 70's, Black Panthers (Including Afeni Shakur, 2Pac's mommy, in the 70's!!), criminals who were falsely accused of murders and were on death row falsely etc. It was VERY RARE for a waspy white dude to represent (pro bono, most of the time, too) some VERY taboo people.

He was SO PASSIONATE about his work, it was what he LIVED for! I think that's the reason he lived so long, and I really hope that I don't get sick, so I can still pursue my passions, like he instilled in me, since i was very little.

SORRY THAT WENT SO OFF-TOPIC! I'm just so proud of him, and I miss him very much, and he was the smartest and most inspirational man I've ever met, not to mention he's a case of a guy who didn't get cancer. Sorry, ya'll!


Well-known member
I was going to post pictures of what smoking can do to your body, but thank you for taking care of that! I think everyone needs a wake up call once in awhile.

I have never chosen drugs, alcohol or cigarettes for myself. Put simply, smoking is fricking disgusting, and I think the worst thing you can do to yourself. A cigarette is a cancer-causing stick cocktail of over 4,000 toxic chemicals...ammonia, carbon monoxide, pesticides, formaldehyde, tar, acetone, cynanide just to name a few. Holy shit, it's like you're poisoning yourself from the inside out. For me, it's not worth it. Slowly killing myself over time just to end up with wrinkles and gray skin, smelling like an ashtray, getting mouth cancer, having black tar-filled lungs, and becoming physically dependant on something has no place in my life.

And I don't need to get a high to feel good about life or about myself.

[ See straightedge. ]


Well-known member
three years ago I started smoking , it only lasted three months, and that was it. I just couldn't convince myself to really like it, it felt like I was living a lie, it made me smell bad, costs money. Also I would always take a drag out of the left side of my mouth and now I have one yellow tooth and the rest of my teeth are white, it's disgusting. Now I am allergic to it so if I'm in public and someone is smoking it's drives me crazy and I get a sore throat. Plus I hate wrinkles, and dread the idea of wrinkles of my face. ewwwwwwwww


Well-known member
I used to occasionally smoke from the ages of around 14 to the age of about 24. As in, it would take me a month to go through one pack. Occasionally, I'd smoke more and it'd take me two weeks, but that's as bad as it got.

I tend to be fine with quitting anything, except SODA. I cannot get that monkey off my back, no matter how hard I try. And I really do want to stop drinking it because it's bad for me, and I'd kinda like to lose some weight, and I *know* that the soda is completely screwing that up for me.

Anyway, nope. Didn't have a problem quitting cigarettes. I wasn't too into them in the first place.

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