Smudgepot drying


Well-known member
Do these dry up after having a while?
I bought a mini jar just to see if I'd like it before buying the full size and I will never go back to pencil liner! I want to purchase the full size but I don't put on makeup everyday so I was worried about it getting dried up. Has anybody had any problems with that?


Well-known member
drip some glycerin in it and mix it in. will work just like new again! i fixed mine that way


New member
I've had my gray smudgepot for a while (probably 10 months?) and it has yet to dry out. When you screw the lid on, make sure it is on there as tight as you can get it. If it dries out you can do what the previous poster said and it should go back to a usable consistency.


Well-known member
Try storing it upside down, too. MAC paintpots, fluidlines, etc...have a tendency to dry out like the smudgepots, but storing them upside down really helps.


Well-known member
I second the glycerine suggestion. I've had several Stila smudgepots that dried up only after a few months, but several drops of glycerine and about 10 seconds in the microwave seemed to fix them.


Well-known member
I have several smudgepots and all but one are doing perfectly fine. The only one I had problems with was a black smudgepot that came as part of a set. The poor thing was all dried up when I received it. I got the set for a very low price from Strawberrynet so I didn't bother returning. Anyway, I hung on to it for a while and then decided to try my luck with the microwave method. I had no glycerin so I used water instead.

To cut a long story short I no longer have a dried up black smudgepot. In fact I no longer have a black smudgepot at all because it didn't appreciate being microwaved without glycerin and ended up in the bin. lol.


I use a bit of Mac mixing medium eyeliner per use. If you use too much it dilutes the colour but if you just a bit it makes it like new. I have never just mixed it in the whole jar though as I don't know if it would dry up or not. Could make it worse.