So I finally narrowed it down to three possibilities for...


Well-known member
my mom's 50th birthday party.

I decided to keep the eyes fairly simple: black winged liner, falsies

I need help deciding on a lip look. After much "deliberation", I finally decided on three possibilities:

Russian Red l/s
So Scarlet l/s
Girl About Town l/s

For reference, I have copper red hair (more red than copper) and light brown eyes. I tried to take a picture to assist you ladies in helping me choose, but my digital camera cord is missing and my camera phone is pretty much useless when it comes to taking pictures that are true to the [hair] color.

What do you think would look best? The party isn't until Saturday, but I'm one of the people in charge of throwing the party so I wanted to know what makeup I'm going to wear just a little bit in advance so I can deal with the rest of the actual party-planning business.

[It's really important that I help throw her an amazing birthday party, she was just diagnosed with kidney cancer. Thankfully, the tumor is only 2 centimeters and therefore was caught early enough to be fixed. She's diabetic, so the urologist said that she needs both of her kidneys so they can surgically "freeze" the tumor and it will disintegrate on its own. It's the safest and most effective option for her particular case.]

Thanks in advance, ladies!