So I need some urgent questions answered! Please? :(


Well-known member
Alright, as some of you probably know, I was hired as a freelance for a Macy's mac counter. I have been waiting around for a couple weeks to even start working. But I have some questions that are driving me crazy and I can't get a hold of my manager.

1. Do I need to have a makeup kit ready to work freelance for MAC?

2. Do all of my brushes have to be mac?

3. Do I even need to have my own brushes or does the store provide them when I get there?

4. Must my brush belt me MAC?

5. What should my attitude be my first day on the job, in example... Should I be sweet and shy, show no fear, super confident... I dunno!

Thank you guys so much, I am freaking out a little bit. This is my first time doing anything like this.

Thanks again for your help


Well-known member
Hey Hun,
Congrats on the position!
I'm not sure if this is for all locations but at all the counters I've freelanced at they provided me with a brush belt with all the brushes. They have a couple of brush belts that are designated to freelancers. But you might want to double check with the counters you will freelance at just in case.
Attitude wise... Always always have an upbeat attitude and show that you are confident in what you are doing. You don't want to show the customers you are scared and don't know what you are doing. But if you don't know something always ask another artist and they will be glad to help. Oh and btw when you first go freelance let them know it's your first time freelancing and they will go through a mini tour of the counter and tell about the products!

Goodluck and let us know how it goes!!