So, i'd be all pierced up.. but...


I just got one 2 weeks ago at a piercing place. I was talking to Pat (my wonderfully gentle piercer) and he was ranting about the people who stupidly get their piercings done at the mall - since it's cheaper - but then go crying to him a few months down the road because it got infected.

I do have 6 lobe piercings done by gun, all of which got infected a week after, and sporadically over time. I don't recommend it at all. Compared to my recent (cartilage) piercing, my lobe ones hurt much more.

Bottom line, spending a little extra dough will save you from a lot of pain.

Oh, and Pat doesn't recommend daily cleanses with sea salt. Use any glycerin based anti-bacterial soap daily. Every now and then, using sea salt is good but for daily, it'll be too drying. Then the skin cracks.. and bleeding... oh the infections!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fishx3
Oh, and Pat doesn't recommend daily cleanses with sea salt. Use any glycerin based anti-bacterial soap daily. Every now and then, using sea salt is good but for daily, it'll be too drying. Then the skin cracks.. and bleeding... oh the infections!

it sounds like your piercer needs to be a bit more educated. using something like epsom salt or too salty of a solution would dry out a piercing, but not if it's mixed properly and only cleaned twice a day. using glycerin-based soap, especially an anti-bacterial one is not effective and does not promote proper healing of a new piercing. also cleaning piercings with alcohol, iodine and dial not recommended.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jessiekins1
it sounds like your piercer needs to be a bit more educated. using something like epsom salt or too salty of a solution would dry out a piercing, but not if it's mixed properly and only cleaned twice a day. using glycerin-based soap, especially an anti-bacterial one is not effective and does not promote proper healing of a new piercing. also cleaning piercings with alcohol, iodine and dial not recommended.

yeah like i wrote before sea salt cleansing is the best thing you can do for a piercing [dead sea salt is what i personally prefer] but also overdoing anything can be problematic beacuse the skin has to have a chance to heal and if your constantly cleaning a wound it will never heal.

As for the girl [ sorry i forgot your screen name ] who has a belly button piercing that hasnt healed for 2 1/2 years. You seriously need to take that out anything that is a flesh piercing and takes that long to heal has serious issues. I surprised that the skin hasnt already cut off circulation and fallen off.

Also a really BIG recomendation i have for people with any piercings [excluding tunnells over size 2] is you really need to let your piercing rest by taking it out over night atleast once a week. Beacuse the constant pressure against your piercing causes it to stretch.
I had the same problem. I got mine done in 4th grade and again in 7th. both times I had to take them out due to infection.
Last winter I pierced my lip knowing that there was chance of the same thing happening. Amazingly my lip has never been infected in either of the two holes. I didn't have the chance to properly clean them do to being sent to rehab and my cleaning solution wasn't allowed in there. I then went on to pierce other multiple body parts (septum.nipples.and some other stuff....) and none of them have ever been infected. My ears are just really sensitive and I still can't get them done. They even rejected my titainium posts. My best guess would be to go to a tattoo/piercing shop if you want to attempt to get them pierced again. They are way more clean than any place in the mall and they SHOULD be a member of the APP (Association of Professional Piercers). Don't EVER get ANYTHING pierced if they aren't a member of the APP.
Mall piercings are unsanitary because they use guns and you can't 100% clean the gun after every use. Piercing shops use brand new equipment every time and promptly throw away used needles, clamps and so on after every piercing, even if they're doing a second piercing on the person right after.

I'm in training...can you tell? lol.


Well-known member
reject dollie although some of the facts you state are true most really arent although i agree that mall piercers are not a good idea the AAP will preety much give accreditation to piercer/tattoo artist with half a birds brain so thats really not something you want to go off of. Plus in alot of states only one person in the shop has to have actual accreditation.

also saying that all tattoo shops are sanitary is definitly false the only way you can determine if it is or not is by looking around before you get your piercing/tattoo done just beacuse a shop is required to do something by law doesnt mean they are going to.

Piercing anybody part on your own is stupid esp lips and nipples thier are hundreds of tiny veins in your nipples and lips thats why their soo sensitive theirs a high likelyness that you will hit one of their veins which could result in numerous different things in alot of cases of bad nipple piercings the areola will start to turn purple then black and fall off i know you said your in training but its really better in almost every case for a even a piercer to be pierced by some one else it goes alot faster and they have a different point of view then you yourself can.


Well-known member
I have 9 piercings now (just got my nose done last friday....) and the only time any of them has ever been infected is when my lobes were in their 'piercing gun sized' jewelry. I shave sinced stretched them and now the only problem is the ear-funk smell associated with larger gauge earrings (I'm 2ga, with little pinkish doubleflared plugs, and I wear normal dangly earrings with it as well...cuz I love earrings). The only piercing I have gotten major problems with that was done professionally was my helix. But that's cuz my chiropractor accidentally hit it the day after it was pierced. Sea Salt soaks do wonders though...

But I've always heard it as 1/4tsp - 8oz, or 1/8tsp -8oz.....Oh well...

My nose piercing has been wonderful so far, very easy. I just wash it when I wash my face, and I do a couple sea salt soaks every once in a while, and try to follow the LITHA method (haha..I love that)...and it hasnt been angry, or sore or anything.

My nipples give me some problems every once in a while...esp when they get caught on towels or something..OUCH!

Back to the original purpose of this thread though: Go for either implant grade titanium or nobium or PTFE. It would be more expensive, but less likely to reject.


Well-known member
my ears infected too when I had them pierced with a gun (waaaay back when I was a little annoying 7 year old) and my ears would swell up soo much that the front of my studd was pulled inside my ear!!! ouccch!! Strangely enough I cannot wear any earrings anymore, my ears go crazy when I do!!!
I also had my nose pierced with a gun, and it was a bit infected as well, but not that bad.

I agree with the advices from the other girls, def go to a good piercing shop, maybe even ask them what they think is the best material for your ears.


Well-known member
I know everyone has a different tolerance to pain, but those of you who have had a nose (not septum) piercing done, can you describe the feeling? Also, if you've had your tongue pierced, can you compare the 2?

I've had my tongue pierced twice, and it didn't hurt... the only pain I had from that was just from some mild swelling after the fact. The actual piercing was relatively painless.

I would really like to get a nose piercing soon, but am hoping for some input from here first so I'll know what to expect.

Also, if anyone is in the Twin Cities area, can you recommend a reputable place to get it done? I haven't lived here for long, and don't know anyone who has it done.


Well-known member
nose piercing...

it was hella boring...IMO haha...But I am used to the whole procedure and everything and I have researched like crazy as well...

It was a squinch and pinch...and then a bit of a burny sensation and then it was over...
The thing I remember the most is having the qtip with cleaning solution stuck up my nose...that was fun

oh...and your eye will probably water like crazy...

its not really a pain...more of like a sneeze almost


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
the only problem is the ear-funk smell associated with larger gauge earrings (I'm 2ga, with little pinkish doubleflared plugs, and I wear normal dangly earrings with it as well...cuz I love earrings).

2 gauge isnt that big so i would have never recommended you put double flares in your ears... theres multiple reasons for that

number one being their very hard to remove and so that makes cleaning very hard resulting in your funky ear smell haha

also like i posted in one of my other posts in this thread gauges under 0 should be let out during the night to breathe which you cant do with double flare.

Now heres what you should have done you should have gotten organic double flared plugs or just single flared plugs the reason for organic is beacuse they naturally take away the bacteria and the smell and are much healthier for your ears. I myself will never wear double flared in my ears and i have 1 inchers beacuse im personally not comfterable with not being able to fully clean any of my body parts. haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
2 gauge isnt that big so i would have never recommended you put double flares in your ears... theres multiple reasons for that

number one being their very hard to remove and so that makes cleaning very hard resulting in your funky ear smell haha

also like i posted in one of my other posts in this thread gauges under 0 should be let out during the night to breathe which you cant do with double flare.

Now heres what you should have done you should have gotten organic double flared plugs or just single flared plugs the reason for organic is beacuse they naturally take away the bacteria and the smell and are much healthier for your ears. I myself will never wear double flared in my ears and i have 1 inchers beacuse im personally not comfterable with not being able to fully clean any of my body parts. haha

yeah, I know 2ga aint big...but I have small ears...and the double flares are fine...I have no problems taking them in and out (unless I leave them out for 2 days or something...then its tricky so I put my organic spirals in first to get them used to having something in there)

My boyfriend has 00ga and he can pop his eyelets in an out without unscrewing the one side....I told him he should move up in gauge...

I have the funky smell whether I am wearing my organic spirals, or my plugs, or waaay back when I had smaller gauges...

I do however want to get a whole bunch of organics off Onetribe...but I have no money


Well-known member
I rock double flares all the time in 7/16"... the only time I take them out is to go in water. I clean them in the shower every morning, but also take them out for going in the ocean or pool.

i have no problems popping them in and out... they actually have a tendency to fall out once in a while.

I don't get much ear funk either... then again, it's been about 10 years at this size....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
yeah, I know 2ga aint big...but I have small ears...and the double flares are fine...I have no problems taking them in and out (unless I leave them out for 2 days or something...then its tricky so I put my organic spirals in first to get them used to having something in there)

My boyfriend has 00ga and he can pop his eyelets in an out without unscrewing the one side....I told him he should move up in gauge...

I have the funky smell whether I am wearing my organic spirals, or my plugs, or waaay back when I had smaller gauges...

I do however want to get a whole bunch of organics off Onetribe...but I have no money

the reason why your boyfriend can probably get out his jewelery like that with his 00 which still arent that big is beacuse hes had them at that size for a while and now they have started to relax and intern have become bigger he probably couldnt go up a size considering that once you pass 00 the gauges go up considerably more then from 12-00 beacuse they use a the inch system he might just want to keep a 0 in for a week or so let it shrink down a bit then put the 00 back in and it should stay more snug.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PigmentJunkie
I know everyone has a different tolerance to pain, but those of you who have had a nose (not septum) piercing done, can you describe the feeling? Also, if you've had your tongue pierced, can you compare the 2?

Compared to the tongue (which I thought was a piece of cake, except for the two days or so after when I had a strict diet of water and popsicles), I'd say the nose is a bit more uncomfortable to have done, only because it was a bit weird sitting there after my piercer put the needle in with this really long needle hanging out of my nose while he was getting the nasal screw ready. It's really a pretty easy piercing, and I thought the initial pain was more of a little pinch than anything else. Of course, don't listen to me much about piercing pain, because after getting the "girls" pierced, I think just about anything else seems minimal in terms of pain.

But, yeah, the nose isn't bad at all. If you've had anything on the inner ear pierced (conch, daith, rook), it's pretty comparable to that, except for a few weeks after you REALLY want to pick your nose constantly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by moonrevel
except for a few weeks after you REALLY want to pick your nose constantly.

haha yeah...and it traps all the boogers up in your nose and then you sneeze and its awful...

all in all I think my nose stud is my favourite was also the least noticed (well...other than nipples...but those are pretty noticeable if I am wearing a bathing suit...) one a few ppl noticed when I got it done...and my boyfriend keeps saying how he is surprised I hadnt gotten it done I was seems that naturall


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
nose piercing...

it was hella boring...IMO haha...But I am used to the whole procedure and everything and I have researched like crazy as well...

It was a squinch and pinch...and then a bit of a burny sensation and then it was over...
The thing I remember the most is having the qtip with cleaning solution stuck up my nose...that was fun

oh...and your eye will probably water like crazy...

its not really a pain...more of like a sneeze almost


the worst part of it was when my eyes watered.. my piercer grabbed me a bunch of tissues right away & was like "OH NO!! your makeup's gonna get ruined!!!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
the reason why your boyfriend can probably get out his jewelery like that with his 00 which still arent that big is beacuse hes had them at that size for a while and now they have started to relax and intern have become bigger he probably couldnt go up a size considering that once you pass 00 the gauges go up considerably more then from 12-00 beacuse they use a the inch system he might just want to keep a 0 in for a week or so let it shrink down a bit then put the 00 back in and it should stay more snug.

They only go up like 1 or 2 mm...and he's at a 10mm (the ones he can push in and out without trouble) and is gonna go up to a 7/16th inch...I see nothing wrong with that