So, I'm a bitch. And I'm proud.

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
Warning: Cuss words.

Background info. Shelby is a horibble friend/slut. Saturday night, she totally made out with my friend's love interest. Her and her other friends told my friend to just forget about this guy b/c Shelby was going to hook up with him anyway. Too bad, y'all don't know shelby. Shelby is immature. She has no manners. She craves to be popular. Because she craves to be popular she has no friends. Two weeks ago, she got caught at her school drinking on PRIVATE CHRISTAIN SCHOOL property. She got expelled and is coming back to my school, unfortunately. She's dirty (like in a smelly way). She tries to date men who are way older than her. What is a 16 year old doing taking to a 25 year old? She has REPEATEDLY tried to hook up w/ other girl's boyfriends.

FYI: She's Shelby, I'm Sammee.
OH and do take notice of the times. Especially at the end lol!

SheLbY (8:34:35 PM): um thanx 4 ur stupid comment
Sammee (8:34:48 PM): ok?
SheLbY(8:34:54 PM): are u mad @ me too?
Sammee (8:34:55 PM): so, did you have a good time?
SheLbY (8:35:01 PM): actually not really
Sammee (8:35:22 PM): Well, Shelby, let's just say that you proved to me that I can no longer trust you ever again
SheLbY (8:35:45 PM): ok samantha. its not like i did it intentionally
Sammee (8:36:11 PM): it's not like you couldn't have stopped yourself or anything
Sammee (8:36:24 PM): you knew whitney liked him, like seriously why would you even do that?
Sammee (8:36:34 PM): Are you THAT low of a person?
SheLbY (8:36:37 PM): samantha i dont know y i did it
SheLbY (8:36:49 PM): and no im not THAT low of a person, like honestly.. people make mistakes.
SheLbY (8:36:59 PM): and im sorry and there is nothing else i can say.
Sammee (8:37:19 PM): then why did you IM me even?
SheLbY (8:37:27 PM): b/c ur comment..
SheLbY (8:37:32 PM): like that wasnt necessary
Sammee (8:37:47 PM): it wasn't necessary to kiss my friends love interest either was it?
SheLbY (8:39:14 PM): no it wasnt.. and i regret doing it
SheLbY (8:39:28 PM): im not talking to andrew anymore
Sammee (8:40:21 PM): or is he not talking to you?
SheLbY (8:40:28 PM): both ways actually
SheLbY (8:41:05 PM): he got mad @ me last night b/c whitney lied to him. and i decided that i guess its for the best
Sammee (8:41:32 PM): so you're blaming things on other people? Why can you frickin take responsibility for yourself?
SheLbY (8:42:17 PM): samantha chill out. like honestly.. i know what i did was my fault, and i messed up
Sammee (8:42:46 PM): no shit
SheLbY (8:43:16 PM): do u think i dont already feel like shit? b/c i fucking do
Sammee (8:44:27 PM): I hope you do. I hope Andrew does. Whitney is the sweetest person in the world.
Sammee (8:44:43 PM): Honestly, I don't have time for this anymore.
SheLbY (8:45:27 PM): ok samantha. well im sorry for whatever i did to you..
Sammee (8:45:47 PM): w/e shelby, you're so full of crap
SheLbY (8:46:09 PM): um no im fucking not samantha. you actually think i did this on purpose.. b/c i didnt!
Sammee (8:46:45 PM): Oh, so you accidently stuck your tongue in his mouth?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!
SheLbY (8:47:05 PM): its not like i left my house saying "omg i wanna hook up with andrew, and hurt whitney"
Sammee (8:49:03 PM): You could have stopped yourself shelby, and you didn't. You knowingly kissed my friend's guy. You told whitney that she should just get over him b/c you and him were going to get together.
SheLbY (8:54:17 PM): um samantha he treats her like shit, and everyone knows that. and we werent planning on getting together either. and i dont know if u knew this, but they WERENT together. and im sorry for what i did and i dont know what else to say. i know it was my fault, and i take full responsibility for it.
SheLbY is away at 8:54:34 PM.
Sammee (8:54:45 PM): running away huh?
Auto response from SheLbY (8:54:46 PM): I am away from my computer right now.

SheLbY returned at 8:55:37 PM.
Sammee (8:55:39 PM): I fucking hate him enough for treating whitney like shit. But that's not really an excuse shelby.
Sammee (8:55:51 PM): This isn't going anywhere
SheLbY (8:55:56 PM): um no i wasnt running away. i was going to fucking talk to my parents stupid ass
SheLbY(8:57:20 PM): and i wasnt trying to say it was an excuse.. i was just saying he does treat her like shit
Sammee (8:57:46 PM): Sounded like one to me.
SheLbY (8:57:56 PM): well ur wrong
SheLbY (8:59:34 PM): running away huh?

Auto response from Sammee (8:59:34 PM): Geetting a bite to eat. :)

SheLbY (8:59:43 PM): yeah sounds pretty gay doesnt it.
SheLbY (9:00:34 PM): ok well this is all i have to say, im sorry. like i never hurt whitney on purpose.. and if i could go back in time i would take it back, but i cant. and honestly i know your friends with whitney, but this doesnt really have anything to do with you.
SheLbY (9:00:54 PM): sry if im being a bitch.. but i've gotten so much shit for this, and no one even believes that im sorry.
Sammee (9:01:51 PM): wow, you are so mature shelby! I would have stayed out of this, but you got your little friends to text whitney, so as whitney's friend, I'mgiving you shit
SheLbY (9:02:07 PM): i didnt tell anyone to text whitney.
SheLbY (9:02:14 PM): the ppl that texted whitney were friends with her.
Sammee (9:02:49 PM): Who sided with you and aren't her friends anymore
Sammee (9:03:04 PM): Same thing happened with me
SheLbY (9:03:14 PM): what do u mean same thing happened with you?
Sammee (9:03:28 PM): I'm siding with Whitney
Sammee (9:03:33 PM): And I'm not your friend.
SheLbY (9:03:40 PM): ok well congradulations to you.
SheLbY (9:03:56 PM): but to be honest with you.. this is none of your business just b/c shes your friend
SheLbY (9:04:13 PM): whitney just needs to eventually get over it, and stop causing drama. like honestly.. she may have loved him but they werent together
Sammee (9:04:34 PM): Shelby, you are the one that causes drama all the fucking time.
Sammee (9:04:49 PM): Sorry, but I would want whitney for me if I were in this situation
SheLbY (9:05:01 PM): samantha shutupppp.. i havent even gone to ur school and i NEVER talk to you
Sammee (9:05:21 PM): Thank heavens. C**** P*** was so peaceful w/o you here.
Sammee (9:05:29 PM): Too bad you are coming back.
SheLbY (9:05:35 PM): Ur such a bitch
Sammee (9:05:42 PM): Yes, I know.
SheLbY (9:06:39 PM): wow sam, way to make me feel like ive known you since 3rd grade..
Sammee (9:07:09 PM): And that has to do with anything?
SheLbY (9:07:39 PM): Um actually it does.. we've known each other for so long.. and ur ganna ruin a friendship over something that doesnt even involve you?
Sammee (9:07:56 PM): Shelby, what friendship?
SheLbY (9:08:04 PM): Ok w/e then
SheLbY (9:08:29 PM): oh and just so you know.. Brea can agree with you and whitney all she wants.
SheLbY (9:08:33 PM): but she did the same fucking thing.
SheLbY (9:08:46 PM): i was just reading whitneys myspce..
Sammee (9:09:04 PM): Ok, lets bring Breana in this too. I'm sure she has no problem sticking up for her two best friends.
SheLbY (9:09:23 PM): im sure she doesnt either. but i dont feel like talking about this anymore.
SheLbY (9:09:23 PM): so bye
SheLbY4512 (9:12:11 PM): well sorry for w/e i did to you, even though i did nothing to you. and bye

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
Oh, Breana is the Brittany in my other story. Whitney is Wendy in my other story.

I had to use code names in the other one.


Well-known member
like she didnt know what she was doing (if she really did it-i dunno her).

I mean come on what a lame excuse anyway- Oh I dont know why I decided to do that.

Just as stupid as an excuse " Oh I dunno why I got drunk and decided I could drive!"

*rolls eyes*

Oh well Good for you girl! You go!

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
lol thanks. Now she keeps on IMing me, trying to get me to pity her.

SheLbY is away at 9:13:13 PM.
SheLbY returned at 9:24:44 PM.
SheLbY (9:25:36 PM): just so u know.. i might not be going to cp, so throw a party
Sammee (9:25:58 PM): I thought you were leaving?
SheLbY (9:26:05 PM): huh
Sammee (9:26:38 PM): I thought you weren't talking to me anymore?
SheLbY (9:27:10 PM): i just thought u should be the first to know
SheLbY (9:27:15 PM): and samantha im really sorry