So they say women of color shouldn't wear a smokey eye...


Well-known member
I am an NC50 and I rock smokey eyes. Black is not the only color that can be used when creating a smokey eye. Colors such as navy blue are great.


Well-known member
Who is "they" and who cares what "they" think? I've always hated these so called rules made up by these imaginary people. Women of colour can wear what ever they want, smokey eye included.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Elle93

I was actually on yahoo answers and I stumbled upon it and apparently alot of people agreed and I was kinda like...huh?!

Proving that Yahoo Answers is the last place anyone should look for an answer about anything!


Well-known member
If that's true then i think i'll continue making my mistakes! Some of these rules are ridiculous and seem to ignore one basic fact. Makeup is supposed to be fun!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L281173
I am an NC50 and I rock smokey eyes. Black is not the only color that can be used when creating a smokey eye. Colors such as navy blue are great.

I Agree! I was just gonna say that navy makes for a very nice smokey eye on WOC. I also like to do a brown smokey look when I wanna have a slightly jazzed up natural look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vixxan
They say that women of color can't wear smokey eye, red lipstick, bright lipstick, blue eyeshadow, etc. They say that women of color should only wear nuertral eye makeup and neutral blush and neutral,nuertral, neutral. I couldn't abide by those rules so I stopped being a woman of color and decided to be a black woman.

Do you mind if I save this quote? LOL. All the credit goes to you, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladyvirtuous
Do you mind if I save this quote? LOL. All the credit goes to you, though.

Of course, have fun with it.


Well-known member
^ LOL I like that quote!!
But it's crazy how people seem to make up these rules for darker skinned people, and even very light skinned people.
WHo are they to tell us what and what not to wear?
And you know what's sad? Some people actually do follow these " Rules" like mu aunt. SMH, all that woman wears is Razin blush, and brown eyeshadow :p
And the few of my friends that actually DO wear makeup, only keep it neutral, like um, hello? Let's explore the different colors of the rainbow please!


New member
I have never heard anyone say that before.But the smokey look doesn't have to be limited to black, a purple or grey variation looks softer on the eyes.

I think with any make up look its about balance depending on how the hair was styled,what you were wearing it with and I think its a look everyone can pull off


The smokey eye is universal...there are no rules to make up. I believe in coloring outside the lines. Dark greens, blues, and other jewel tones look wonderful on women of color and can be smokey as well.


Well-known member
I'm surprised! I actually thought that a smokey eye was one of the more flattering looks for WOC. I love it so much that I often rock a purple/gray version of it in the daytime.


Well-known member
I can't believe anyone would think that. Anyone can pull off ANY looks, regardless of skin color!


I'll be honest, if I try a smokey eye with the dark circles under my eyes, I do look like I got socked! Now with light concealer underneath it is better, but not 100% great. It doesn't have to be black shadow eaither. I cannot have a dark color on my lid when I am tired!


Well-known member
If I see this nonsense somewhere else...

This is so offensive, if makes me sick.

We see beautiful WOC rocking colors all the lips, pink cheeks...

Did I miss the 20/20 special on why WOC are walking around with black eyes, busted lips, and bruised cheeks?

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