So You Think You Can Dance!


Well-known member
Me too Rach!! It looks like he's holding his own so far with Vegas week, yay!

Have you guys noticed Nigel's haircut?
He looks so different, it cracks me up when they show him!


Well-known member
^I love Nigel but I HATE his new haircut. It makes him look sick or something. It also looks like he lost a bunch of weight so perhaps that is whats putting me off.

I really hope the Krumper gets into the top 20 as well as the gorgeous Russian goddess he was paired with for the ball room section of Vegas week. She is so amazing and gorgeous, I love her already and think she will be a fierce competitor.

I'm so excited that we get a new season already. Bring it onnnn!


Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Russell is still in the mix! *prays he makes it to the top 20*

Me too!! I can't believe he has no formal training...he is crazy good!!


Well-known member
I was so sad to hear that Mia Michaels quit the show, it didn't say why but she will be missed. It was her routines that I looked forward to the most


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pdtb050606
I was so sad to hear that Mia Michaels quit the show, it didn't say why but she will be missed. It was her routines that I looked forward to the most

Whoa - what?? When was this announced?

That is terrible news indeed.


Well-known member
Oh noooooooooo! Mia!!!

She will be hugely missed...I wonder what happened?!? I'm guessing something had to have happened for her to leave mid-season, or is she staying on to finish this round and that's it?

Aww man, I'm so bummed.


Well-known member
From the sound of it, I think she has formally resigned, which I guess means no amazing contemporary MM routines in season 6? *sigh*

I'm sad about this, but I will look on it as an opportunity to hopefully see some other great choreo from other/new contemporary artists this season.


Well-known member
Russell made it!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited for the performance shows to start. Still wondering what the situtation is with Mia Michaels and why she pulled out of season 6 after being a big part of the auditions. I hope her health is OK.


Well-known member
SO excited for Russell!!!!!

The ballroom guy is ridiculously hot and his wife totally annoys me for some reason. She wears way too much fake baked bronzer in the wrong color and looks over bronzed constantly!
I'm sure they'll fix that up when the performance shows start, she's far too pretty for that!

I'm with you Rach, I sure hope Mia's ok. She said something on the show last night like "Not many things have been going my way lately" when talking to Russell. I hope there are no health problems, she's such a talented and inspiring woman.


Well-known member
Jakob Karr is amazing! He's my favorite this season and I hate that he wasn't really featured that much.


Well-known member
How about that Wade Robson opening number last night?

Yay for performance shows! It's interesting how they are starting the season this time.


Well-known member
I have never really watched this show, but yesterday I tuned in.
I have totally missed out. The Wade Robson was fantastic.

I have been listening to PPP "On a Cloud" on myspace all day at work.

I wonder if the married ballroom couple, can she dance with anyone else in that performance I watched the other girl, the whole time, she had more fire.


Well-known member
Face2mac - you will love this show!

I am looking forward to all the dancers picking their partners and jumping in to the various dance styles and starting the actual competition. Seems like the talent this season is amazing, so will be interesting to see things unfold.


Well-known member
^^Monday, wasn't the regular day, right? because I thought I was going to watch House, and this just happened to be on.


Well-known member
^^^ yes, there are 2 sort of kick of episodes this week (the next one the judges will vote 2 dancers off) - and then I believe next week is when the normal format starts (performance show one night, and results show the next).

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