Soda Diet?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eowyn797
it's not just the sugar in soda that's bad for you - it's the carbonation as well. CO2 in your body seems to be attracted to calcium, so it will work it's way close to your bones and any toxins in your body (and you'd be totalyl surprised just how many acidic and destructive toxins you consume a day from things OTHER than soda) get trapped against your bones by the CO2 and it greatly (and i mean GREATLY) raises your chances of osteoporosis.

so there's reason #2

I thought it was found that that wasnt the case, since it was only caffeinated carbonated beverages that were found to increase likelyhood for osteoporosis and other carbonated beverages did not have the same effect. And mainly this is due to the fact that ppl are drinking these things instead of having some milk or water (or even juice).

and i don't recommend the Coke Zero thing (or ANY diet drink) - they use aspartame (Nutra-sweet) a lot of the time, which breaks down into formaldahyde (preservative for dead bodies, YAY) and phenyalalanine (elevated levels of which is what gives epileptics seizures).

where, other than your mother, did you hear that phenylalanine gives you epileptic seizures? I cannot find any information on that...and if that were the case then if you eliminated foods with phenyalanine in them (which isnt just aspartame its also Quote:
Originally Posted by wikipedia
Phenylalanine is contained in most protein rich foods, but especially good sources are dairy products (curd, milk, cottage cheese), avocados, pulses and legumes (particularly peanuts and lima beans), nuts (pistachios, almonds), seeds (piyal seeds), leafy vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish and other seafoods.

) then the epilepsy would cease. The only major problem with phenylalanine is PKU which is a genetic disorder and can be combatted by refraining from eating foods with phenylalanine until you are approx 12 ish...


Also, My can of coke right here says 42 grams of sugar so if you had one of those a week, if my calculations are correct: 0.042 kg = 0.01875 lbs of sugar a day...x365.25 (if you want to be completely technical and include leap years) = 6.8 lbs a year...

And, IMO emergenC is unnecessary and contains WAAAY too much vitamin C (you aint gonna absorb it all ppl, if you did you would die)


Well-known member
Oh! I started cutting back on soda almost a year ago. I know I can't ever COMPLETELY eliminate it, but I noticed a HUGE difference when I cut back.

My mom never buys soda for the house, but at school we had a "school store" that sold pepsi and other pepsi products so I was all over that. Getting roughly two things of a soda a day (1 for lunch, 1 for the ride home)...and to think, I don't like pepsi either.

So I cut back, got Gatorade or Ice Tea instead of soda and INSTANTLY I felt a difference, I didn't have ups and down (highs and lows) with my behavior and I dropped nearly 15 pounds in a little over one month.

Now I only get soda when we go out, but only if the place doesn't serve Arizona Ice Tea or some other beverage that I like, and when I do get soda I go down one size then what I would normally want (medium instead of large etc etc). Also unless it isn't served, I get Diet Coke, and since I don't really like diet that much, I'll drink less of it.

Although I'm still addicted to Monster and/or Full Throttle.

My motto?

"I don't do drugs, I do Monster


Well-known member
We never had fizzy drinks either in my house growing up. Now I rarely drink it, once a week if that. Wonder if there is a correlation

I heard somewhere that your taste buds renew themselves every 7-8 days so if you can get through that time not drinking fizzies then your cravings should stop


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bre
We never had fizzy drinks either in my house growing up. Now I rarely drink it, once a week if that. Wonder if there is a correlation

I heard somewhere that your taste buds renew themselves every 7-8 days so if you can get through that time not drinking fizzies then your cravings should stop

Ahh, but cravings are more than just taste...hormones play a huge role (hence why pregnant women crave things...and same with pmsing)...and social cues, and psychological effects (whether thats the caffeine in some of them or the "this tasted good and so I like it" effect)

I wish it was as easy as 7-8 days of no eating certain foods and then never wanting them again...hehe..


Well-known member
I haven't had a carbonated beverage in 3 years. For me, I'm an all or nothing girl... I don't have control with in between. I got seriously "addicted" to it my first year of college... I was drinking 4-6 a day. It's weird because it cut out a lot of problems... the first year I lost 15 lbs. My skin cleared up.... and I have not once gotten heartburn or that weird acid feeling you get in 3 yrs... that's simply amazing to me. I know it was the soda habit for me, because when I turned 21 I started drinking a bit at restaurants and without knowing sometimes they have carbonated water or sprite and it burns like nuts... I hate it now. I taste it and I know it's not worth it anymore... I was having tons of empty calories... especially when I didn't like Diet drinks either. Good luck to you girls!

For the record, I'm not saying anyone should just give it all up... that's how it worked for me because my self control sucks... I'm a control freak and I don't easily define greys or mediums... so it was, once again, all or nothing for me. You're right about caffeine though... it's an addiction like any other... but you can get your fixes elsewhere until you get off of the soda... such as tea or coffee.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Uchina
Yeah! Diet coke and lettuce leaves! Thin in two weeks, dead in a month.

Haha, yeah silly model =(

I though that at first at too when I saw the thread... I was like... you want to survive off of... soda? But, then after reading the content it's skipping the sode that's the diet =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii
Oh, I feel for ya... I am addicted to soda. I keep trying to quit, I even started drinking diet sodas, as gross as they are... But, I kept going back to the regular stuff.

I have two big boxes of this stuff called emergen'C, it comes in fruit flavors and fizzes up in water. I try to cut down on the soda by replacing at least a can per day with a cup of that instead. The best flavor is raspberry.

Anyway, good luck with it. If you find any tips or tricks that work, please let me know. I'm having such a hard time! And it's not even the caffeine, since I can get that with coffee. It's the stupid BUBBLES!

emergen C also has a coke flavor it actually tastes preety close to cola i know all the flavors beacuse the health food store i use to work at sold the stuff and we would have tons of sample packets in the back for lunch. haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
Haha, yeah silly model =(

I though that at first at too when I saw the thread... I was like... you want to survive off of... soda? But, then after reading the content it's skipping the sode that's the diet =)

Hahaaaa like the nerds in the 80's with their TAB soda and LAN parties. Crazies. :roll:

Well I'm doing pretty freakin good, guys! It's been almost a month (a week more) since I decided to start my soda diet, and I can safely say I've only had TWO SODAS!!
WOOO!! I have to try really hard now to not have ANY sodas or "cheat" by getting caffiene free, but sugary, bubbly drinks. I think water, vitamin water, real juices and my 1 daily coffee is okay
And a milkshake whenever we go...wherever they offer milkshakes, lol.


Well-known member
i don't even like how soda tastes, thank god. i do drink diet soda, but i like that...with all the aspartamine though, i need to get rid of it, it depletes women's bones of calcium, so i've heard.
cold turkey seriously will lead to a mountain of headaches, UGH


Active member
i thought this thread was about going on a diet by just drinking diet soda!! LOL!! ok i can drink a liter soda a DAY, so i am of no good to you girl! LOL!!!! i have tried and tried and only when i get my gastritis attacks which last a couple of days do i stop...but then its pepsi or diet raspberries n' cream dr. pepper for me!!!!


Well-known member
When I was in high school, I would drink about three to four, sometimes more, cans of regular Pepsi a day! I decided that was insane, so I cut back, and within a couple months of finally getting off the stuff (I gradually cut back over a period of a month by going to three a day one week, then two, etc.) I had lost ten pounds! I still have a diet soda every once in a while (I am obsessed with Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper...when I want one, I ask my boyfriend to bring me a "can of crack"), but it's nothing like I used to be with soda. Cutting out the soda overload from my diet was one of the best things I've ever done for myself, in my opinion.


Well-known member
I used to be a soda addict, but I stopped cold turkey...that was the only way I could do it. Instead I drink tea. The only soda I drink is sprite, and I don't like it that much so I usually only have it every once in a while.


Well-known member
Same as you, Callie, with the tea and water instead of soda. I've been doing really well since I started, you guys. Yesterday my husband and I were going through old pictures, and one came up from me at summertime standing in front of a classic car at this event. DAMN I LOOKED LIKE A HEFFER! My husband was like "babe you have lost so much weight!" Granted I've been doing turbo kickboxing 3x+/a week, but I seriously think the cutting back on soda helped me lose alot of weight, too!!

Today at the gym, there was a girl in my class I hadn't seen in ahwile. After class she said "it looks like you've lost a lot of weight! Are you only kickboxing?" I told her I stopped drinking soda, too and she said "oh that definatley makes a difference." I couldn't believe it, I'm so proud of myself! Seriously, if you're thinking about quitting soda, DO IT!!!!!!!!

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