Some of my painting inspirations...


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So for those of you that don't know I'm a fine artist that loves to paint. I have a series of paintings that I will be doing over the summer that I will be using my self-portraits for. Here are few unedited (except for the watermarks) pictures of the upcoming series... I will probably also be doing some as digital paintings (since I've just beginning in it) afterwards. These pieces are for inspiration and are often done quickly but you all will get the idea.

The series is going to be of a bunch of portraits depicting mostly fantasy 'races' (I don't really want to use that word but it seems to be the only on I can think of to convey this). I have a ton more photos for inspiration also (since I usually take at least 50 a set); but I chose the as my favourites from each set. If anyone wants to know what I used just specify which picture and I'll try and remember to the best of my abilities.

So I hope you enjoy, I'll post up the paintings when I've done them.

Fire Nymph



Bronzed Goddess



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Fire Nymph and Bronzed Goddess are my fave


Well-known member
OMG! I love them, you are sooo talented, I also love your fotds, you are a great inspiration to me!