sorry, i just didnt know who to talk to...


Well-known member
Sometimes "Family" are your worst enemies... i totally agree with Bybs, you really have to get away of people like this, you do not need people that put you down ,that's BS!
I'd say if you still living with them, try to move out, I know is hard to move out alone but you can always move out with a couple of friends, get a job, and F$^^%& them, sorry for the expression, but it really makes me mad when "familly" instead of supporting you they do the opposite ..

Try to talk to them as little as possible, and if they start making this stupid comments about your weight just TRY!!! to ignore them, 'cause if they notice that that affects you ,they will keep doing it ... just say something like... AT THIS POINT I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK! or something like that, they'll get tired .. trust me...
Seriously that thing about getting away from them , helps.. A LOT! i've trough something similiar with my family, i do not talk to them for.. 3 years or so, and i swear i feel much better i know you can do it! i don't know you, but you sound like a very strong woman, and you'll get through this rough time..


Well-known member
I wanted to follow up on this in case you guys wanted to know & from the responses i got...i see you guys do care.

I recently had a huge blow out(but civilized) talk with my mother. I also told her what i am feeling lately. Ever since my sexual assalt, i have become very paranoid & i feel like i cant do what i used to. I'm afraid to go outside of my house, i hate it when doors are unlocked, i carry my Pepper Spray IN MY OWN HOUSE..ect. Its okay to be worried, but it's taking over my life. I don't do much, i lost all myy desire for a lot of things. I do have my moments that I am laughing but it gets over shadowed.

I am now on anti- depressants, Cymbalta. It has only been a couple of days, but atleast i think it is working & as long as i think will help. The placebo effect. Hopefully that will change & i will really experience what i want. The main thing is, I AM READY TO GET MY LIFE BACK. i hate saying this because i always feel like i am being dramatic, but its time for me to be open.


Well-known member
Good for you for voicing your fears and your feelings.

I have an anxiety problem too triggered off by a trauma, and it has improved greatly since I was given some medication for it. It will work but you need to give these things time to have their full effect.

You sound like a positive person despite what you have been through, and I think that's part of the battle won. It's so easy to succumb to negative thoughts when they become overwhelming.

Good luck to you!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Good for you for beginning to take control of your life again and for voicing what's wrong to your mother.

I hope things start to turn around for you.


Well-known member
I want to stop worrying about everything.
it takes control over my life.

id love to start having fun again.
get dressed up....sure i have an obsession w/ buying makeup...but rarely wear it.

i am only 20 yrs old.
i dont want life passing me by.


Well-known member
Don't rush yourself, just go at your own pace

You'll get your spark back again. Don't worry about what you think you should be doing at 20, just do what is OK for you at this time. And give yourself time to heal and grow stronger.

Maybe do a little bit of something that you used to enjoy every day. For the worrying perhaps try some relaxation techniques, like yoga. This was recommended to me.


Well-known member
I realized many years ago that family can really be overrated. My step mother is just like your mother. She ridicules my step sister who has had a weight problem and she tries that with me and I dust it off. I know that I am beautiful and happy with my body so I don't even entertain her comments. You have to learn how to brush ppl off, they are unhappy with themselves in some part of their life and they project that on other ppl. Those type of ppl are weak themselves and they prey on ppl's weaknesses. You should never let anyone control your self image. If you started to ignore her and stopped reacting, she would stop. Be strong.