I grew up in the 909 (now the 951), but thank heavens I moved away!!! Well, I think it depends on who you get at which counter most of the time, but I do agree that the Tyler mall is a complete trainwreck...Montclair used to be great, but the counter is SOOOO busy and the MAs are not as nice as they used to be...South Coast Plaza's store I found to be super small for a mall of that caliber, but I hear they are expanding to a larger space or moving to a different space in that mall (don't know if it's true), Brea store is ok, depending on who you get (I think, but the lack of knowledge overall at the Nordie's counter is irritating), and I prefer any MAC store over a Nordstrom counter. I feel the Macy's MAC counters are usually pretty cool, much nicer and not stuck up at all. My favorite of all is the Pasadena MAC store....they are always nice, offer great suggestions, and they will take the time with you. And I second whoever said there should be a MAC in Victoria Gardens! That would be fantastic!!!