southern californiansssss?


Ok I know that I said that I didnt really like Brea, but I've changed my mind. Erika at the stand alone store is awesome....she gives her honest opinion, which I love. And then there is a really tall blond at the Nordstrom counter at Irvine Spectrum that I like as well. The best thing about the irvine store is that they arent completly packed all the time, but the layout is weird imo.


Well-known member
I don't know, Brea is always a little crowded for my liking. I like South Coast much better although my favorite MAC store is on Robertson blvd in LA. As for the post about Tyler, as a 951 er it's nice to have a MAC counter close when Im not looking for pro products and they don't sell out that often either. I wish they would put a MAC store in Victoria Gardens though.


Well-known member

I grew up in the 909 (now the 951), but thank heavens I moved away!!! Well, I think it depends on who you get at which counter most of the time, but I do agree that the Tyler mall is a complete trainwreck...Montclair used to be great, but the counter is SOOOO busy and the MAs are not as nice as they used to be...South Coast Plaza's store I found to be super small for a mall of that caliber, but I hear they are expanding to a larger space or moving to a different space in that mall (don't know if it's true), Brea store is ok, depending on who you get (I think, but the lack of knowledge overall at the Nordie's counter is irritating), and I prefer any MAC store over a Nordstrom counter. I feel the Macy's MAC counters are usually pretty cool, much nicer and not stuck up at all. My favorite of all is the Pasadena MAC store....they are always nice, offer great suggestions, and they will take the time with you. And I second whoever said there should be a MAC in Victoria Gardens! That would be fantastic!!!


Well-known member
Aww, hopefully you didnt go yett!!!

BUTTT when you go to South Coast, dont go to the Mac store unless you need something only sold there! Go to the Mac counter in Macys and ask for Lexie!! Shes niiiiiice!!!!! I love that girl!


Originally Posted by mitziedoll
I wish they would put a MAC store in Victoria Gardens though.

oh my goshhh me too! wouldn't that be heaven??? considering i live about 5 minutes away from it


Well-known member
Hehe... I've had good expierences at MAC in the Lakewood Mall, Cerritos, Beverly Center.

Haven't been to many others, but I usually come into the store already knowing what I want to buy, so the reps are always nice since they know their making some $$$ LOL...


Active member
Originally Posted by Renee
The MAC counter at Nordstroms is great and I think the MA's there are very nice. One of my favorites is named Mary Nieto. She used to work in the Cerritos Nordstrom. She has a sort of Gwen Stefani style. I'd go see her!

i love everyone at that counter, especially Germaine and Arianna! thats my counter. they know me like i know myself.


Active member
I would love to go to South Coast Plaza one day. I've never been and I was born and raised here. IS THAT A BAD THING?? but yeah, I've also visited the pro-store on Robertson ONCE, by myself. It was nice but obviously, if I had someone with me, It would have been awesome. I've taken two times to the free-standing store in tthe Brea mall and both days, got the same MA and she was the sweetest. Its kinda out of my way but whatever I can do for makeup, I'll do it!!


Well-known member
.. I love the pro store in LA

south coast is really blah last time I went.. I go to mission mall to the mac store there, however they are normally really busy. so now a days when I'm in so cali. I go to Irvine Spectrum Nordies

theres one girl there .. she has black hair, I forget her name but she is the sweetest girl ever!!!

when I'm up in Northern I dont often shop.. just wait till I get to go home to go shopping though I keep meaning to go to the pro store there though its not really going to be much different then the one in LA right?


Well-known member
Do shopping buddies only have to shop for make up? cause I am always looking for a sample sale shopping buddy and the sales are usually up in LA.



Active member
i just moved to Irvine as an exchange student.
would LOVE to hit one of the MAC pro stores
According to the MAC pro website, the nearest one to Irvine is South Coast Plaza?
Any lovely MAs to recommend there?
Thank you ladies!


Well-known member
I love the Pro store on North Robertson. Everytime I go in there the MA's have always been so friendly and helpful.

I typically frequent the Pasadena store at Paseo Colorado. Sometimes, more often than not, I have to ask for help.