Space NK


Well-known member
ok so theres this store called Space NK [in the UK not sure about anywhere else] and i went in today and nobody was in apart from the 2 girls who work there and me and my boyfriend... anyway i looked at the stuff as you do lol and them 2 girls were bitching like "omg i hate it when girls comes in and say 'hmm im looking for a brown lipstick it has to be matte and good for staying power and blah blah''' etc" i was like hmmm how lovely ... i looked for bout 3 more second then walked out, do they actually think i would of bought something if they bitch about customers like that? it would have been funny if i said straight after "ohh can you help me find a pink lipstick it has to be glossy and shimmery and has to last for so many hours" do they actually think customers are gunna buy from them? i actually walked out quite uncomfortable because they probably bitched about me not buying anything, has anyone else ever had the same situation? after that i went into MAC and all the girls are lovely, so friendly and actually wanna have a conversation with you which i love oh and they make you feel comfortable


HI there fellow UKer

I sense that Space NK is losing business bcos so many other brands now (not just your standard - but ones like NARS/LM) have their own counters now and don't need Space NK. I think then that the original Space NK SAs who were talented and nice have gone to these other counters and the SAs now who are there are just your bog standard SAs. That might be unkind but I think that the specific MAs have just gone where their own brand has gone.

I can imagine how you felt...iot's never nice and also things in the UK are so expensive and you klnow that it's chepaer in other countries so I think you're justified in not buying stuff if you're not sure about it.


Well-known member
That's a shame to say that sort of thing in front of customers. I wouldn't have wanted to ask for anything after that! I love Space NK but don't get to go often as there isn't one close to me. I think the closest is Birmingham, in the Mailbox (??). Or something like that lol. Last time I went in the girl was really friendly with me and very helpful.

It's really not professional to talk like that about your customers in front of some of them, in any business you're in.


Well-known member
hello i live in newcastle too!

ive been in before and was looking at the nars stuff and this SA with this woman (i think they were looking for stuff for a makeover type thing) well the SA honestly pushed me out the way to get to where i was looking so i walked straight out.
I don't really like going in the shop as its always so empty and feel like they all just LOOK at you when you go in lol