Specktra AIM chat! *NOW*


Well-known member
lol this thing isn't really very popular is it? OK I'm outta there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
lol this thing isn't really very popular is it? OK I'm outta there.

I went in there, but no one was there (AIM said "specktra" was offline about 5pm EDT, so I did not hang around.)

I think that if an official announcement was made more people would log on.


Well-known member
This is a great idea and alot of fun, it's just a shame that some people have to be rude and disgusting and just plain stupid.
But really I'm enjoying it alot, thanks for this!!


Well-known member
It is really sad that some people are not brave enough to talk that way on Specktra but when they go on the chat room they act childish. But i am enjoying the chat too


Well-known member
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Okay I downloaded AIM, then I right click, then I click on chat, and change the room to say spectra. I end up in a room all by myself...where did I go wrong???


Well-known member
Did you add your sn to your buddy list? From there it's:
Right click your sn -> Chat -> Buddy Chat -> Change the room name to specktra and send
Hope that helped =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Okay I downloaded AIM, then I right click, then I click on chat, and change the room to say spectra. I end up in a room all by myself...where did I go wrong???

Nothing, it just means that no one is in there yet. Just bump this thread when you want to chat, and usually you have to wait a while til a few people see this thread, and then join the chatroom.

Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
The first part is the one that I am trying to do. I keep getting something on grannies. WT

Here is the instructions how to get in:
Originally Posted by Janice
Invite yourself to chat room: specktra

Just to chat!

How to get into the chatroom on AOL Instant Messenger (AIM):
Just add yourself to your own buddylist on AIM, right click on your buddyname, and then invite yourself to the chatroom: specktra



Well-known member
ooh. i just read this.
i'm at work now, but i'll try going into the chatroom when i'm home later on tonight. hope to see some of you there. =D


Well-known member
Re: Specktra Heatherette AIM chat!

I don't understand

I have a MAC - can someone invite me? It's so confusig on this thing!

Originally Posted by MissChievous
Ooh I'm in the chatroom right now if anyone wants to come in hehe...

Just add yourself to your own buddylist on AIM, right click on your buddyname, and then invite yourself to the chatroom: specktra

I'll wait like 10 mins to see if anyone shows up
