SPECKTRA FAQ: Acronyms (cosmetic and bulletin board/chat)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by madame_morbid
I've been wondering what this means myself.....

Women of Colour.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jayne5787
one more: what's DC? (not discontinued, but in regards to shipping)

I believe it's delivery confirmation.


Well-known member
Or Estimated Time of Arrival.

That gets thrown a lot when talking about when MAC things are going to hit the shelves in the UNK territories of the world.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brokenxbeauty
What is a LL (makeup-wise?)

liquid liner? lip liner?

I know LLL is liquid last liner.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sedated_xtc
I just came across a thread that says "I'm NC 50"

what's that mean?

This refers to a MAC foundation shade. The following is from maccosmetics.com foundation shade guide:

GUIDE TO M·A·C SHADE NAMES FOR FOUNDATION, CONCEALER, AND POWDERM·A·C shade designations for Foundations, Concealer, and Powder are a combination of a letter and a number.

The letter represents the colour family of the product. The number denotes the lightness or darkness. The higher the number, the deeper the colour.

The first step in selecting your shade is to simply look at your skin, without makeup, in daylight.

Decide which of the following descriptions best represents your skin colour:

If your skin looks more Golden Beige, you match with Neutral Cool or NC shades.

If your skin looks more Pink Beige, you match with Neutral Warm or NW shades.

Most skin tones will fall into these two classifications. However, if you are still not certain which classification is right for you, consider the undertones in your skin.

To determine your undertone, take a look at the underside of your forearm:

If your veins look more blue, then you most likely have pinkish undertones. If your veins look more green, then you have more yellow or golden undertones.

If you have a significant undertone to your skin, you may choose to play it up or play it down by trying a shade that includes or excludes your undertones:

If your skin looks more Yellow-Golden Olive, you will find those undertones in the Cool or C shades.

If your skin looks more Beige, you will match with the Neutral or N shades.

If your skin looks more Pink, you will find those pink undertones in the Warm or W shades.

Please bear in mind, finding the "right" colour is something very subjective. Most people will wear a variety of different shades throughout the year because the colour of skin changes according to the lighting, the seasons, and physical well being. We encourage you to visit a store near you.

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