Specktra Scoop - MAC Cosmetics to launch LE Lipstick as a California Exclusive


Active member
to those who have gotten their lippies: can i go to any mac location like nordies?

also, i think its kind of funny -- especially since they got sued for taking our personal information!!! lol maybe it's an i'm sorry? just kidding


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xtinemelanie
to those who have gotten their lippies: can i go to any mac location like nordies?

also, i think its kind of funny -- especially since they got sued for taking our personal information!!! lol maybe it's an i'm sorry? just kidding

no it has to be a freestanding store.


Well-known member
There was one on eBay, but the listing got pulled almost right away because the seller admitted in the auction she's tried the lipstick once and knicked the tip witht the cap, and then claimed it was brand new!


Well-known member
A new one went for $99 BIN

Sucks for those of us who adore MAC, spend money and are loyal customers to MAC, live in California and didn't get a postcard...

I want a postcard so badly, but I spend way to much money...why reward potential customers over your loyal customers? Makes no sense to me, but then again I'm just bitter...:p


Well-known member
She put the same listing up, now saying it was tested on her hand and sterilized....that's the same thing as used. Sheesh....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stormy
She put the same listing up, now saying it was tested on her hand and sterilized....that's the same thing as used. Sheesh....

If you want it you better message her quickly. Used cosmetics are against eBay rules so I expect the listing to be removed soon.


Active member
So here's a tricky one...I was in the system w/ a different address for years, but changed it. Wonder if that "starts me over"? :\ I live in orange county and haven't received a post card.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlysonWithaY
So here's a tricky one...I was in the system w/ a different address for years, but changed it. Wonder if that "starts me over"? :\ I live in orange county and haven't received a post card.

Go to your old address and steal their mail!! Quickly!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oh so swish
I just talked to my MA, he said the post cards are only being sent to people who are in their system, but havent shopped much in the last year to get them back into the store. So there is a great chance alot of us wont get them!! Also they have to see ID to reedem the card, so you cant even get one from someone else. Probably to avoid ebay sales or whatever!!

I want it though!!!

i've only been to the pro store once in the last year...which is when i started getting postcards (when i was in the system finally at the pro store) so i'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Well-known member
Ugh you guys this is so unfair!! I want a special lipstick!! There is no way they will do this for all 50 states. I could see NY, maybe TX or FL. Come on MAC, make a Nevada one! Vegas Glitz or something, COME ON!!!!


Well-known member
Wouldn't it be great if MAC had like a custom- made lipsticks and stuff? We make the color, and give it a name... it would be,like...I am the only one who has this l/s..yayyy!

Dream on...


Well-known member
i'm in the system twice because they screwed up on my name in one of the listings. the listing that i never use, due to the name error, received the postcard last week. the name that i use all the time, as with my mom's account, never received anything, though she and i both shop pretty frequently. i redeemed the postcard at the santa monica freestanding store, and got the lipstick. they would not let me keep the card, no matter how much i begged and pleaded, even though i suggested they void the back of it, so i couldn't re-use it.


Well-known member
I wonder if they have sent all of the postcards out yet or if they are doing it in seperate batches? I am really hoping my good friend in San Diego gets one!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I wonder if they have sent all of the postcards out yet or if they are doing it in seperate batches? I am really hoping my good friend in San Diego gets one!

I'm thinking it's in batches because I saw someone post on the mac_cosmetics livejournal community that they just got theirs recently.

At least I keep hoping it's this way. It's like wait, MAC is doing a special promotion, and it just so happens to be in my state AND IT'S FREE? Oh and it's a lipstick color that I don't have and have been wanting for awhile.


Well-known member
I've seen people redeem their postcards for the lippies at the South Costa Plaza Pro store...I'm so jealous! I want one =(


Well-known member
I am seriously thinking my parents threw it away thinking it was just some ad.
B/c I have only received my FIRST mailer for the Neo Sci Fi collection recently and I have only shopped at a MAC store ONCE. I think I should be entitled to one and I do hope it wasn't thrown away and I still get it in the mail!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
Theres another one on ebay now if you'd like to cough up starting bid $79, or you can BIN for $99

LOL it's gone!

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