Specktra Scoop - MAC Cosmetics to launch LE Lipstick as a California Exclusive


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
I'm wondering if they plan to do this in other states as well. It just seems so odd to make it a California only thing. Not that I'm complaining. If they do make it an "other version for other states" things, I foresee a lot of fun swaps in the future as in "I'll trade you my New Jersey for your Florida".

hahahahahaha...that would be great!


Well-known member
Yes. woohoo..so happy. But I hope, I get one because I never get postcards in the mail, except one dazzleglass. And I have been with them for a while already. Hmmm I wonder of the mail lady steals mine..lol..Does anyone know if when it comes to postcards MAC randomly sends them, and whoever gets them, gets them??


Well-known member
OMG !!!!! cant wait for that post card
, i hope i get one
i will be checking my mail box twice a day. lol!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by toby_is_cute

I am so jealous. People who get this MUST post lots of pics and swatches.

Oh yes!! Lots of pics and swatches as SOON as it arrives!!!

And I'm totally ready for a "Texas Tycoon" l/s as well!!


Active member
wait i don get it. will everyone on ca be getting this? i dont have a pro account or anything at all. i never buy online. will i get this? i do live in ca.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovegreen
no fair ! We don't get anything like this in the UK

Hell, I'm not getting it in Florida, so I feel ya!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
"I'll trade you my New Jersey for your Florida".

I LOL'ed my ass off.. I can just see it lolol. Dammit... I wish I had kept my California address sometimes. I will have to call my mom and see if she has gotten a post card, when the time comes. I hope they do a lipstick for all 50 states... that would be awesome.... but what in HELL would they do for Iowa? All we have is corn and cows out here... I KNOW!!!! A Holstein pattern lipstick case with a goldish corn colored lipstick!!! yeah yeah!!!!! * fights off the hands that are grabbing me and shaking me* awww leave me alone... let me live in my dream world.. lol



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jade1012
.....A Holstein pattern lipstick case with a goldish corn colored lipstick!!! ....

Funnily enough, that almost describes the DressCamp lip products. lol


Well-known member
I just talked to my MA, he said the post cards are only being sent to people who are in their system, but havent shopped much in the last year to get them back into the store. So there is a great chance alot of us wont get them!! Also they have to see ID to reedem the card, so you cant even get one from someone else. Probably to avoid ebay sales or whatever!!

I want it though!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oh so swish
I just talked to my MA, he said the post cards are only being sent to people who are in their system, but havent shopped much in the last year to get them back into the store. So there is a great chance alot of us wont get them!! Also they have to see ID to reedem the card, so you cant even get one from someone else. Probably to avoid ebay sales or whatever!!

I want it though!!!

LAME!! They should reward us faithful MACophiles!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oh so swish
I just talked to my MA, he said the post cards are only being sent to people who are in their system, but havent shopped much in the last year to get them back into the store. So there is a great chance alot of us wont get them!! Also they have to see ID to reedem the card, so you cant even get one from someone else. Probably to avoid ebay sales or whatever!!

I want it though!!!

Well that is just bound to tick all loyal California customers off. Did the same people who came up with the Originals contest come up with this? Because they so need to be fired.

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