Specktra Secrets


Well-known member
Welcome to another Sunday edition of our "Specktra Secrets" community project. I encourage everyone to read the information below on how to share your makeup secret for next week.



All you need to do to participate is compose an email, attach your image (in .gif .jpg or .png) format to the email and send it to [email protected]. This is completely anonymous submission method.



We look forward to reading your secret next week!


Well-known member
oh my gosh! elmers glue.. eeeeh ! it's probably like the same thing though really, but it totally grosses me out!

as for the person that bleaches their skin, that makes me sad :C don't bleach your skin !


Well-known member
Hahaha! These are amazing! Just made my day! Thanks a bunch *hugs*.

The pornstar one made me laugh, so many girls think its so pretty but in reality its so awful! =( If only they knew about specktra and the true beauty that we can help people show! awww =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
Hahaha! These are amazing! Just made my day! Thanks a bunch *hugs*.

The pornstar one made me laugh, so many girls think its so pretty but in reality its so awful! =( If only they knew about specktra and the true beauty that we can help people show! awww =)

Whoever submitted that secret is on Specktra...
Why is it awful if they prefer the look?


Well-known member
I like them all, but I really like the exotic dancer one

Thanks for sending in your secrets everyone!


Well-known member
Iono about Elmers for lashes but its a hell of a blackhead remover... lol once a week I smear some over my nose and other spots let it dry then peel WORKS BETTER THAN BIORE PORE STRIPS I SWEAR LOL... come on!!!!! you remember when you were a kid and did this to your hands... lol just like that! and bleaching skin
the sad part isnt even the fact that they do it... the sad part is the fact that society rewards it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
i love the porn star look too i dont see how its awful :S

Me too, when it's done well (it's only smoky eyes and nude-ish lips after all!)... I can appreciate most looks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hotmodelchiq
Iono about Elmers for lashes but its a hell of a blackhead remover... lol once a week I smear some over my nose and other spots let it dry then peel WORKS BETTER THAN BIORE PORE STRIPS I SWEAR LOL... come on!!!!! you remember when you were a kid and did this to your hands... lol just like that! and bleaching skin
the sad part isnt even the fact that they do it... the sad part is the fact that society rewards it

Did it cause any damage to your skin? I have a sensitive nose and you made me curious now


Well-known member
the school glue one had me rollin!

I have a friend who once wanted me to put on her lashes with crazy glue because she needed them to last for a party. I told her I was not going to be the cause of her blindness. She even wanted to do it herself when she realize that I wasn't going to do it for her. I had to hide the damn glue.. from a 21 year old!

To the girl that bleaches her skin to feel pretty, thats sad. I hope one day you learn to love the beautiful small things about yourself, such as your skin tone.


Well-known member
Guilty of the Elmer's Glue, only once, and only because it was an hour before a SPICE GIRLS concert so it was clearly an emergency and worth losing my eyesight to have killer lashes.

Andddd duh pornstar look is THE best.


Well-known member
that elmers glue one made me kinda curious.. but i dont think i'd try it /= lOl.
as for the bleaching skin . aww so sad, but the fact that society encourages it makes it worse.
porn star look .. can be good as a theme (club, party eh you know). .. but as an everyday look .. com`on !!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by __nini
someone's clearly been reading Post Secret. I'm not quite feelin it yet, but okay.

I think Janice said she was inspired by Post Secrets but wanted to gear it towards more makeup/cosmetics secrets??