Specktra Secrets

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Well-known member
I actually love it when people post gorgeous FOTDs and all they used were low-end brands. It's amazing to me, so please post them!

What's different from Specktra Secrets and PostSecret is that you're allowed to express your opinion about these secrets. I don't know how I feel about this...on the one hand, I don't think that stealing makeup is right, but on the other hand, I don't think that we should judge the person because they were brave enough to actually out and say what they did. I mean, that's the whole point of PostSecret, right? Confess your secret, let off some steam, but without fear of judgment. I feel like if comments are allowed, people might not post their Specktra secrets anymore.


Well-known member
I've been thinking the same thing as some others above, I might start closing these threads after I post them.

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
Please do...because I don't think it's right to judge the second person like others have been doing...we all sin in some type of way.

As for the first one...drugstore makeup is just as good if not better as some of the high end ones some times. I feel more comfortable working with my HIP than my MAC sometimes if that makes sense.
To the first one, there are a lot of great "low-end" (or drugstore, not sure the proper term) cosmetics. I've been branching out from MAC and have fallen in love with NYX and Milani! Besides, with the quality of MAC lately, you're not missing out on anything too breakthrough (sorry to say, but the quality has gone downhill quite a bit yet the prices keep going up... which is why I've been branching out and experimenting with different brands myself!)
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