Specktra the devil?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by betty
You are all a bunch of idiots with nothing better to do with your time than talk about make-up 24/7!!!

NEWS FLASH!! More than half of the MAC Artists out there LOATH this site (including me) because of what it is. BTW....it's NOT a money maker for MAC or EL it is in fact a BIG problem for them, and I hope they shut this ridiculous site down!!!

This site is actually the reason that MAC and EL are losing money and in turn that's why we MA's can't stand it. This site leaks information about products that haven't even hit the market yet, therefore other cosmetic companies are using this information to rip off items that MAC is coming out with. Why can't you make-up freaks have just a regular site with chat and FOTD's without all the MAC launches? OH wait...it's cause you're all insane...i forgot.

All of you that think you are intimidating us, think again....when i have to listen to one of your rants on the new collections coming out I think to myself, "wow", this poor girl has nothing better to do with her time than to sit on some stupid site for 12 hours and talk make up all day. BROADEN YOUR HERIZONS people! No wonder the world is in the state it is, because half of it is too concerned with how their liner looks and what to buy from the new collections.

Well, I hope that Specktra gets the boot, you certainly don't have my vote!!

PS....MAC Artists DO NOT work on comission!

Hah... this is where you ae wrong, MAC MA in Malaysia work on Commision... they earn around 1% to 2% commision...

And I'm happy to be one of Specktra... It's a very useful site and I learn a lot about MAC, especially I'm new to MAC and new to make up as well...

And about the rants, you don't have to listen to it, cos each person has different views on the products... or maybe it's just you who don't like to listen about it, but MAC Cosmetics, the company itself loves to listen to us, consumers... so they could do some improvement...

About losing money, how much they will lose? EL is an International Cosmetics Company... their profit can easily cover up the loss, even they earn more than they target... Remember: WOMEN DON'T MIND SPEND HALF OF THEIR SALARY ON COSMETICS ONLY...

That's why cosmetics company always make more money than any other companies...


Well-known member
*raises hand*

Hi my name is Janice and I am proud to be a makeup freak. In fact, so proud I created a community where people could come to freely express and exchange their thoughts on makeup. EL can't and won't "shut us down" so sorry baby, but us makeup freaks with no life are here to stay.

Ms. Betty, Your input is enlightning and eye opening... though I think not for the reason(s) you intended. Why don't you concern yourself further with what your mega conglomerate corporate company is doing to squeeze professional makeup artists out of the industry? Seeing as you are yourself a professional and life behind a MAC counter might not always suit you.


Well-known member
betty, betty, betty

haha betty, your in the same boat as the rest of us. Your hypocrisy has made me chuckle into my MSF.

Originally Posted by betty
You are all a bunch of idiots with nothing better to do with your time than talk about make-up 24/7!!!

NEWS FLASH!! More than half of the MAC Artists out there LOATH this site (including me) because of what it is. BTW....it's NOT a money maker for MAC or EL it is in fact a BIG problem for them, and I hope they shut this ridiculous site down!!!

This site is actually the reason that MAC and EL are losing money and in turn that's why we MA's can't stand it. This site leaks information about products that haven't even hit the market yet, therefore other cosmetic companies are using this information to rip off items that MAC is coming out with. Why can't you make-up freaks have just a regular site with chat and FOTD's without all the MAC launches? OH wait...it's cause you're all insane...i forgot.

All of you that think you are intimidating us, think again....when i have to listen to one of your rants on the new collections coming out I think to myself, "wow", this poor girl has nothing better to do with her time than to sit on some stupid site for 12 hours and talk make up all day. BROADEN YOUR HERIZONS people! No wonder the world is in the state it is, because half of it is too concerned with how their liner looks and what to buy from the new collections.

Well, I hope that Specktra gets the boot, you certainly don't have my vote!!

Why bother visiting the site and giving it more hits? you don't have to come here.

oh and yes, your right about the world being in the state its in because of people too worried about eyeliner. i like that one. :confused:

ooh, and i hasten to add your intro to the welcome forum:

Originally Posted by betty
Hello from Canada......new to the site but not new to MAC. I'm a MAC Artist here in Canada at a MAC Store and MAC IS my life. This looks like a pretty cool place and if I can be of assistance to anyone let me know!XBETTYX

Nuff Said


Well-known member
Originally Posted by betty
You are all a bunch of idiots with nothing better to do with your time than talk about make-up 24/7!!!

All of you that think you are intimidating us, think again....when i have to listen to one of your rants on the new collections coming out I think to myself, "wow", this poor girl has nothing better to do with her time than to sit on some stupid site for 12 hours and talk make up all day. BROADEN YOUR HERIZONS people! No wonder the world is in the state it is, because half of it is too concerned with how their liner looks and what to buy from the new collections.

Surely a makeup artist not passionate about makeup is in the wrong job?


Well-known member
NEWS FLASH Ms Betty, MAC alone made 448 million dollars for EL last year, despite Specktra or rather because of all the "idiots" on Specktra and MAC LJ communties, MUA, and dozens of other beauty websites in the US and all over the world. I don't see how a monstrous conglomerate such as EL is being hurt by any of this AT ALL. If they are upset about people leaking information, they might want to look to their own employees, because that information had to come from somewhere. If 448 million dollars and being the top grossing cosmetics company is not enough for them, well I'm really sorry about that. Maybe they need to concern themselves with more than the almighty dollar.

As far as my "horizons" go, they are quite broad enough, thank you. I like to discuss makeup, that doesn't make me a one dimensional person. YOU must like makeup enough to make it your life's work.

So if spending time talking about makeup and chatting with other like-minded people makes you call me an idiot (despite that college degree....) I think I'll get over it. I'm glad to be a part of Specktra and I don't care who knows it. I'm truly sorry you feel the way you do, and I wish things were different, but I have to question your motivation for joining if you dislike us all so much.


New member
Originally Posted by betty
You are all a bunch of idiots with nothing better to do with your time than talk about make-up 24/7!!!

NEWS FLASH!! More than half of the MAC Artists out there LOATH this site (including me) because of what it is. BTW....it's NOT a money maker for MAC or EL it is in fact a BIG problem for them, and I hope they shut this ridiculous site down!!!

This site is actually the reason that MAC and EL are losing money and in turn that's why we MA's can't stand it. This site leaks information about products that haven't even hit the market yet, therefore other cosmetic companies are using this information to rip off items that MAC is coming out with. Why can't you make-up freaks have just a regular site with chat and FOTD's without all the MAC launches? OH wait...it's cause you're all insane...i forgot.

All of you that think you are intimidating us, think again....when i have to listen to one of your rants on the new collections coming out I think to myself, "wow", this poor girl has nothing better to do with her time than to sit on some stupid site for 12 hours and talk make up all day. BROADEN YOUR HERIZONS people! No wonder the world is in the state it is, because half of it is too concerned with how their liner looks and what to buy from the new collections.

Well, I hope that Specktra gets the boot, you certainly don't have my vote!!

PS....MAC Artists DO NOT work on comission!

LOL I love it!

Us so called "idiots" who enjoy makeup products help pay the salary of MAC SA/MA's!!

I am sure all your comments are just to stir the pot and tick people off but let's talk about facts.
Fact: Sales would be nothing without customers! Companies who sell products want and need people who buy a lot or else they go out of business.
Fact: Since Mid 2002 EL stock has went up and even peaked around the time that Specktra opened. Click to make the graph show 5 years of history.


Fact, the "leaks" we (we meaning everyone on the net, not just Specktra) get our product info from come from EL/MAC employees and usually someone much higher up than a MAC SA/MA.

The next time you "roll your eyes" at people like us maybe you should turn that frown upside down because if it was not for people like Specktra's lovely members, MAC would not be the makeup icon it is today!


Well-known member
Sad sad sad. I have to wonder how pathetic someone's life is for them to come on an internet message board and trash other people.

Buh-bye Betty!


Well-known member
I actually buy more MAC because of dedicated sites like Specktra which constantly pique my interest.

I enjoy reading the discussion and hearing the good stuff fellow MAC-users have to say about the products. This makes me want to buy MAC!

The reason why I buy less of other brands like Shu Uemura or Dior is not because their items are not up to par to MAC, but because there isn't much discussion about them at all.

Who's going to flock to buy stuff which is hardly talked about?

Fora like Specktra practically provide free advertisement and exposure for MAC.

If such sites are shut down and MAC loses my interest, off to Dior I go!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by betty
You are all a bunch of idiots with nothing better to do with your time than talk about make-up 24/7!!!

NEWS FLASH!! More than half of the MAC Artists out there LOATH this site (including me) because of what it is. BTW....it's NOT a money maker for MAC or EL it is in fact a BIG problem for them, and I hope they shut this ridiculous site down!!!

You seriously have to be kidding me. You join this site, say you're glad to be here, and then launch into a diatribe like this? Did you forget your meds today?
Originally Posted by betty
This site is actually the reason that MAC and EL are losing money and in turn that's why we MA's can't stand it. This site leaks information about products that haven't even hit the market yet, therefore other cosmetic companies are using this information to rip off items that MAC is coming out with. Why can't you make-up freaks have just a regular site with chat and FOTD's without all the MAC launches? OH wait...it's cause you're all insane...i forgot.

I don't buy that crap. MAC makes a GOOD product, therefore even though someone else may have the same or a similar color, it's not the same quality. And, if they're worried about someone else coming up with something similar in BETTER quality, perhaps they need to take a look at their own product.
THAT said...personally attacking the people on this site because you're in a bad mood is highly reflective of your character.
Originally Posted by betty
All of you that think you are intimidating us, think again....when i have to listen to one of your rants on the new collections coming out I think to myself, "wow", this poor girl has nothing better to do with her time than to sit on some stupid site for 12 hours and talk make up all day. BROADEN YOUR HERIZONS people! No wonder the world is in the state it is, because half of it is too concerned with how their liner looks and what to buy from the new collections.

Well, I hope that Specktra gets the boot, you certainly don't have my vote!!

PS....MAC Artists DO NOT work on comission!

darlin, you have nothing better to do with your time than write a whining binge about how much everyone around you sucks.
I wish you luck in your chosen field, however as someone who works with MUAs regularly (and NOT at a MAC counter but on a professional basis) I have to say I see a dreary future ahead for you.
Change your attitude.
Buck up.
And don't hate because the 'amatuers' on this site produce better looks than you do, without the training you paid for.


Active member
She should learn to spell "horizons" before telling us to broaden ours. Just a suggestion from someone who feels sorry for those who explode randomly on sites they claim to hate.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by 'Nessa
LOL I love it!

Us so called "idiots" who enjoy makeup products help pay the salary of MAC SA/MA's!!

I am sure all your comments are just to stir the pot and tick people off but let's talk about facts.
Fact: Sales would be nothing without customers! Companies who sell products want and need people who buy a lot or else they go out of business.
Fact: Since Mid 2002 EL stock has went up and even peaked around the time that Specktra opened. Click to make the graph show 5 years of history.


Fact, the "leaks" we (we meaning everyone on the net, not just Specktra) get our product info from come from EL/MAC employees and usually someone much higher up than a MAC SA/MA.

The next time you "roll your eyes" at people like us maybe you should turn that frown upside down because if it was not for people like Specktra's lovely members, MAC would not be the makeup icon it is today!

Check this out regarding Lauder's stock:



Not trying to argue with anything you said, just thought I would throw it out there.


Well-known member
Good lord.

Originally Posted by betty
You are all a bunch of idiots with nothing better to do with your time than talk about make-up 24/7!!!

NEWS FLASH!! More than half of the MAC Artists out there LOATH this site (including me) because of what it is. BTW....it's NOT a money maker for MAC or EL it is in fact a BIG problem for them, and I hope they shut this ridiculous site down!!!

This site is actually the reason that MAC and EL are losing money and in turn that's why we MA's can't stand it. This site leaks information about products that haven't even hit the market yet, therefore other cosmetic companies are using this information to rip off items that MAC is coming out with. Why can't you make-up freaks have just a regular site with chat and FOTD's without all the MAC launches? OH wait...it's cause you're all insane...i forgot.

All of you that think you are intimidating us, think again....when i have to listen to one of your rants on the new collections coming out I think to myself, "wow", this poor girl has nothing better to do with her time than to sit on some stupid site for 12 hours and talk make up all day. BROADEN YOUR HERIZONS people! No wonder the world is in the state it is, because half of it is too concerned with how their liner looks and what to buy from the new collections.

Well, I hope that Specktra gets the boot, you certainly don't have my vote!!

PS....MAC Artists DO NOT work on comission!

Dear Betty:
A good MMA doesn't INSULT her freaking CUSTOMERS.
Your post is a disgrace. I can't believe you're a colleague.

The reason *I* joined this site is because it's a great way to see what MAC users do with the product. This gang is pretty creative and supportive of eachother. I get a lot of information of what's working and what isn't from a bunch of different perspectives.

There are leaks... and yeah, that aspect sucks, and I have a responsibility not to contribute to the problem. I try to be helpful when I can and when the product is already out there.

EL is and should be monitoring this site for a lot of reasons - not just leaks but also to find out what people really think of their products and items that maybe should be brought back.

So. BIG love to Spectra Gals and Guys.
Betty... find another place to vent your rage.


Well-known member
if betty hates ppl who love make up so much then she is alienating not only her clientelle but her collegues as well.

and to write such a long rant, you cant help but think about who is the 'sad' one here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by maxcat
Dear Betty:
A good MMA doesn't INSULT her freaking CUSTOMERS.
Your post is a disgrace. I can't believe you're a colleague.

The reason *I* joined this site is because it's a great way to see what MAC users do with the product. This gang is pretty creative and supportive of eachother. I get a lot of information of what's working and what isn't from a bunch of different perspectives.

There are leaks... and yeah, that aspect sucks, and I have a responsibility not to contribute to the problem. I try to be helpful when I can and when the product is already out there.

EL is and should be monitoring this site for a lot of reasons - not just leaks but also to find out what people really think of their products and items that maybe should be brought back.

So. BIG love to Spectra Gals and Guys.
Betty... find another place to vent your rage.

You rock maxcat.


Well-known member
Right back atcha, Louise!!

When the CIA leaks something, it's treated as a security breach of the CIA - newspapers aren't attacked for reporting the leak.
Same thing here. It's EL's job to crack down on these leaks, not Specktra's...


New member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Check this out regarding Lauder's stock:



Not trying to argue with anything you said, just thought I would throw it out there.

Not a problem at all.
I am very aware of the lawsuit. Just to point out the lawsuit deals with a time frame from April 28 2005 and October 25 2005. If you note on the graph I gave ( you can put the mouse over the graph to show certain dates) the time frame stated in the lawsuit was a down dip in stock prices. If you check the collection history of MAC you'll see the even MAC didn't have huge sells on those collections.
My main point is that EL is not hurting for money and it showed a spike in sells right around the time Specktra was introduced to the masses. Now I am not saying Specktra is the main cause of their spike in stock but I am sure it helped to play a roll.

If anything EL/MAC should be thanking Specktra for the free promotion.


New member
Originally Posted by Janice
*raises hand*

Hi my name is Janice and I am proud to be a makeup freak. In fact, so proud I created a community where people could come to freely express and exchange their thoughts on makeup. EL can't and won't "shut us down" so sorry baby, but us makeup freaks with no life are here to stay.

Ms. Betty, Your input is enlightning and eye opening... though I think not for the reason(s) you intended. Why don't you concern yourself further with what your mega conglomerate corporate company is doing to squeeze professional makeup artists out of the industry? Seeing as you are yourself a professional and life behind a MAC counter might not always suit you.

Well said!


Well-known member
haha, yeah, little, loyal MAC demons who eagerly await each new launch and are probably the most supportive/active members of their clientele...