Speed of collections coming out..


Well-known member
i am with all of you girls. I've actually made myself not like the collections so i wouldnt have to buy them! lol. I think if they made collections just come out just a lil bit more behind eachother then things would be good. I just always feel like im in a rush to get to a new collection because im scared they will sell out!!


Well-known member
Wahey i'm not alone, i thought it might be different for all you guys that actually buy all the stuff. I barely get to buy anything at the moment but i still get excited and love seeing FOTDs etc for collections so i also feel the ''over it'' feeling when the next collection is promoted just days after the last one released.

I think everyone should feel free to share their joy of any collection anywhere on the forum even if it's ''old news'' as i don't they get appreciated enough and we forget those beautifull looks and colours so quickly.

I loved the look of Madame B


Well-known member
yea they do come out fast now, its lie ka collection a month, started with i think d'bohmeia. I wouldnt mind new collections if they were spaced at least 2-3 months, that way everyone can regroup moneywise and they would think of fresh NEW colors unlike anything they have had or have...


Well-known member
I honestly don't even buy MAC anymore because everything seems to be LE and I hate getting something I really love and then not being able to find it again.


Active member
I always thought there was alot of collections released in so little time, MAC definately know how to make alotta money, and it shows seeing as they have the money to promote a new collection every month or so. It is disappointing that most of the items are limited editions. The goldplay stuff sold out within 2 days at my counter so I didnt get any of it. But ive bought stereorose on ebay and am waiting for it to arrive, although I would have loved shimpagne too.


Well-known member
I fully agree with all the comments. So much comes out so fast that I end up missing parts of collections. I totally "missed" the TLC's from one of the summer lines. The one that had summerfete in it. I would love to see that color after reading about it here. It's getting to the point where it's hard for me to justify buying from every collection when I know something "new" will be coming out in 2 to 4 weeks. The holiday line and Nordstrom anniversary I tend to buy because I love the palettes.



Well-known member
Sometimes I feel pressured to buy a colour simply because it is LE even though it may not be something I choose without pressure. Take Blow for example,(which I might add isn't even on the Canadian website) at first I really liked and wanted the colour, but I think it was more because it was LE rather than because it was a fantastic colour- I still think it is a beautiful shade but not for me. However I wouldn't get that chance to decide since its already been decide for me.
(I also didn't get to try the TLC LE colours or goldplay skinfinishes-just cause I didn't get out fast enough)
I'll also add that this idea of LE doesn't really help improve getting new customers-some of the release dates I only know because I look at forums and I watch the website. If I walked into a store or counter, chances are I wouldn't know about any new stuff that gets sold so quickly.
Sorry-my rant. =)


Well-known member
I guess I will be the lone voice of dissent. I love all the new collections - as a woman of color I am tired of seeing one new collection from a company in four months with ANOTHER pink lipstick (or blush) and nothing for women with darker skin. (not to say we can't wear pink lipstick or blush - but I really only need so many since they all start to look alike on my skintone) All of MAC's new collections allow me to have a chance to find things that are fabulous on my skintone.

I have never felt pressure to buy an entire collection. I buy what works for me and skip the rest. I like having all the options.

It is disheartening when MAC releases something that everyone want's just cause it's LE even though they know that they aren't going to use/like/ want to keep i.e. the Eddie Izzard stuff. Everyone gushed over it and bought it all up and then everyone hated how dark it was and didn't want it anymore. I know so many women who would have loved that color but it was all gone and people were still trashing it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
It is disheartening when MAC releases something that everyone want's just cause it's LE even though they know that they aren't going to use/like/ want to keep i.e. the Eddie Izzard stuff. Everyone gushed over it and bought it all up and then everyone hated how dark it was and didn't want it anymore. I know so many women who would have loved that color but it was all gone and people were still trashing it.

dood that color ROCKS! it IS dark, but it's SOO pretty! for me, it's the perfetc "notice my lips" color!
i just posted an fotd with me wearing it yesterday!!


Well-known member
I agree with everyone here! It seems as if NE is going to become in a week or so, old news....whic i find sad since it was releases not too long ago.....a few yrs ago Mac used to be slower in the releasing collections process and they now really seem to have speeded up.....


Well-known member
I'd like to add that if you truly ARE upset by the situation, then make your buying habits reflect it. MAC started releasing more LE color stories when they found that people are collecting items that are LE, and thus purchasing more when more collections come out. If you alter your buying habits to only purchase that which you will use and works for you, and not buying everything solely because it is LE, the company is more likely to change it's practices.


Well-known member
I agree. I could never become a serious MAC collector because I'd be broke and I'd have no place to store that much makeup.

I generally try to buy what I like and if it's LE and I don't get it, it wasn't meant to be. Plus I'm just not discerning or talented enough to have really similar shades or 8 versions of the same color.

I actually am less likely to buy LE shadows unless I really love them (only have Lucky green) unless they're in a palette. I love having my shadows in palettes and I am way too lazy and klutzy to depot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by martygreene
I'd like to add that if you truly ARE upset by the situation, then make your buying habits reflect it. MAC started releasing more LE color stories when they found that people are collecting items that are LE, and thus purchasing more when more collections come out. If you alter your buying habits to only purchase that which you will use and works for you, and not buying everything solely because it is LE, the company is more likely to change it's practices.

I totally agree!


Well-known member
Yes girls, M.A.C. puts out a new collection every month. These are the "trends" of the current season, so that's why there are so many! I agree there is not enough time to enjoy the collections. Being a M.A.C. Artist, It really gets hard because we can't wear a color to work after the collection is passed. For example I can no longer wear "Flash of FLesh" l/g to work and its one of my favorites! I also scored parrot from one of my co-workers and I can't wear it to work either. And of course that sucks!


Well-known member
It is almost a definate thing that a new collection will come out every month. Even though I am largely a lipglass girl and I seldom buy eyeshadows, it still hurts my very shallow wallet.

Really wish they will slow the collections down. All my money can't go to MAC!


Active member
I completely agree. I came here around the time of D'bohemia and everyone is moving on to the next collections SO fast, which makes sense since MAC is releasing so much. I haven't even bought the summer stuff, and everyone is talking about things being released in December!


Well-known member
Ouch, I hate that!! I used to work at Express and we couldn't wear the clothes that weren't in stock anymore. It sucked in Houston because its so hot till like NOVEMBER, but we had to wear sweaters and stuff..YUCKIE and it got to be expensive, constantly buying new clothes. Make-up wouldn't be that bad though, wow it would be difficult to wear only new makeup or current makeup all the time!

Originally Posted by I_M.A.C._ULATE
Yes girls, M.A.C. puts out a new collection every month. These are the "trends" of the current season, so that's why there are so many! I agree there is not enough time to enjoy the collections. Being a M.A.C. Artist, It really gets hard because we can't wear a color to work after the collection is passed. For example I can no longer wear "Flash of FLesh" l/g to work and its one of my favorites! I also scored parrot from one of my co-workers and I can't wear it to work either. And of course that sucks!


Well-known member
I'm totally with you all! I got into MAC about a year and a half ago and already spent more money in this time than all the years before! MAC's gorgeous and I love it, but all these new collections get me into trouble money-wise. I'd just love to collect everything I like, but I can't afford it anymore. 3 or 4 amazing e/s and l/g and maybe a blush or some kohl or powder or whatever reaches an incredible amount per collection.
Either I'm trying to beat my addiction *lol* or I'll soon be broke.

I also totally agree with MartyGreene - it's very clever of MAC to bring out so many collections to make money after seeing that collectors get everything they bring out ... and if we all buy less maybe they'll realise that the collections are too many to bear.

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