SpektraNetites often know more than MAC MAs!

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Well-known member
to me, being uninformed is one thing.. but insisting that your info is right is another.. I work in retail too, and I try not to say anything that I'm not sure is correct so it was kinda funny to me that someone at the Saks counter was so sure that the plushglasses were limited edition-- especially when it doesn't say so on the website..


Well-known member
Maybe in some cases the MA is a freelancer or someone that only works 12-15 hours. There are a lot of MAs that are in school (which requires enough study!) or have other obligations such as family or another job. Not saying they should just blow all information off, but it might explain why they might focus their attention to permanent/current LE things.


Well-known member
Okay, obvious question here, but why if you had already read this board and knew the locations where this collection was being released, would you call some MAC store that isn't listed as carrying it in the first place? Personally, the first thing I would do is get on the phone or online to MAC directly and see if it is being released anywhere near my area.

If I did call the local MAC store knowing that they weren't listed as carrying that collection, I certainly wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know anything about it and wouldn't be disappointed in the store's employee's for not knowing that info. And lastly, expecting people employed in retail to go online for info on what we addicts consider important when in reality, we're a small segment of MAC's customer base, is unrealistic in the extreme. Do you think the average MA from MAC gets paid enough to go research for such a small group of individuals, all with vastly different tastes and needs, in the first place? The encounters I've had with MAs and MAC employees in general have always been pleasant and I have no qualms about their knowledge or professionalism. I don't expect an MA to know about every single product MAC had, has or will have, because I couldn't remember that myself. This in one of those situations where we as MAC addicts have to step back and realize that, believe or not, MAC is not only thing of importance to others. I know, blasphemy.

And of course I'm not an MA, but am always amazed at how pleasant and professional most of them are. I remember what it was like working retail and admire anyone who can work with the public and maintain their sanity.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
Okay, obvious question here, but why if you had already read this board and knew the locations where this collection was being released, would you call some MAC store that isn't listed as carrying it in the first place? Personally, the first thing I would do is get on the phone or online to MAC directly and see if it is being released anywhere near my area.

At the time I called the stores I *didn't* know the locations. Moot point, however, as I've obviously become "fair game" by expressing a single experience and opinion here. And that really disappoints me, as this is one of the better, and I thought, more mature boards around.

If I did call the local MAC store knowing that they weren't listed as carrying that collection, I certainly wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know anything about it and wouldn't be disappointed in the store's employee's for not knowing that info. And lastly, expecting people employed in retail to go online for info on what we addicts consider important when in reality, we're a small segment of MAC's customer base, is unrealistic in the extreme. Do you think the average MA from MAC gets paid enough to go research for such a small group of individuals in the first place?

I'm am a little tired of the "woe is me in retail" argument. Although I work in a professional field, I have worked MANY, and I mean, many, jobs in my life thus far, retail included. I have also heard the "what if they work/have a family/are in school" argument. Guess what? At one time I worked 40+ hours a week in a demanding job while working on a Masters degree and also had a family to take care of. So I've been there, done that. No one is forced into retail, there are many other jobs out there. It all boils down to whether or not you want to do and be the best you can in whatever job you've chosen. Lackadaisical attitudes deserve no pity and get none from me.

The encounters I've had with MAs and MAC employees in general have always been pleasant and I have no qualms about their knowledge or professionalism. I don't expect an MA to know about every single product MAC had, has or will have, because I couldn't remember that myself. This in one of those situations where we as MAC addicts have to step back and realize that, believe or not, MAC is not only thing of importance to others. I know, blasphemy.

The MAs here in my local area are fantastic and very professional, some of the best I've met, BTW. My comments in this thread, however, have become misconstrued so that I am now somewhat under attack by many who feel that I somehow have issues with all MAC MAs. And what is blasphemy is not being able to share a difference in opinion. No, actually, it's more of a shame.

And of course I'm not an MA, but am always amazed at how pleasant and professional most of them are. I remember what it was like working retail and admire anyone who can work with the public and maintain their sanity.

You're preaching to the choir here, as I have worked FOR the public for over 20 years. That is exactly why I feel the way I do about people having a responsibility to their customers. Retail is not the only field that has customers, every worker in every job has a customer somehow, somewhere.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAChostage
At the time I called the stores I *didn't* know the locations. Moot point, however, as I've obviously become "fair game" by expressing a single experience and opinion here.

Well, now you do.
This is where I come and "research" upcoming collections. Seriously, I don't expect MAs to know or release this information, because that isn't the primary focus of their work; it's to try to make us look beautiful. In my case, that is a thankless task.

I'm sorry that you feel picked on, that was not my intent. If you go back and reread your original message objectively, you'll see why so many people here responded the way they did. Heck, the title of this thread alone would upset me, if I was an MAC MA. Whether you meant to or not, unfortunately the tone of your original post, seemed somewhat disgusted and very disgruntled. If that was not what you meant, you need to clue us in, by use of gratuitous smilies, if needed to get your point across. If you do indeed feel "appalled" by this incident, then I respectfully disagree with you. My expectations of MAC employees is that they are courteous and knowledgeable about their core products and LE's that they currently carry. Anything more than that, not so much.


Well-known member
Something to remember is that despite the fact that these folks are MAs they're first and foremost retail workers whose job is to make the customer look gorgeous and to sell said customer products.

As Calbear (a MAC employee) stated, the company expects the MA to know what is going on with the particular store the MA is employed at, not to know what is going on company wide.

If a customer is compelled to search for a product, s/he is certainly welcome to do so, and encouraged to do so by the company, but perhaps the customer's starting point should be the website, where the specific locations for certain products/releases are listed and linked.

To become angry at an MA who genuinely wants to help but really has no knowledge of a product because it is not sold at the store is rather silly, IMO.
And, as was previously mentioned, it's a JOB for these people. They go in and deal with MAC all day, everyday. The idea of coming home and doing more 'work' to find out about products and releases that don't even apply to the store s/he's employed at is probably not appealing, at all.


Well-known member
And, not to be a bitca about it, the info posted about the locations for the zandra rhodes collections was posted in this thread way back in early July: http://www.specktra.net/showpost.php...92&postcount=5

I expect you didn't see this, because there is a lot of information on this board to sort through. I imagine all of us here would be more than pleased to cut you some slack for not knowing this. I would hope that the same charitable attitude would apply to MAC MAs as well. After all we are all human and make mistakes.

I sense now, that you are somewhat defensive, because of peoples' reaction to your original post. That is the problem with posting on the internet, if you have a strong opinion, not everyone is going to agree with it. Those of us who are taking issue, are taking issue with the post, not you personally. You are probably a real sweetie in real life. Unfortunately I just disagree with your post. I don't have anything against you personally.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAChostage
Moot point, however, as I've obviously become "fair game" by expressing a single experience and opinion here. And that really disappoints me, as this is one of the better, and I thought, more mature boards around.

IMO, this is being taken too personally. I haven't read anyone attacking your opinion (<- please note it is your opinion being debated, not YOU personally) though there are many who are expressing the flip side of the coin. Doing so requires maturity from those participating, which is why you normally feel the forum is one of the "more mature" boards around. Very infrequently do you see otherwise, as the forum is extremely well moderated. This thread has maintained an even balance, if it hadn't it would have been closed or edited by staff. So take a step outside of the box, read the replies from shoes other than your own, and I think you will be pleasently surprised by the intelligent way this has been debated by all thus far.

Noone expects you to change your opinion, you're entitled to it. You have to remember that this thread is being viewed by hundreds of people, and you might get a difference of opinion in situations like that.
Doesn't mean you or they are "right" or "wrong".


Well-known member
I think what everyone objected to was the tone of your post, not you personally. I have worked for MAC both permanent and freelance (still freelance) and no, not all MAs know about every single collection that exists. If a collection is not going to be sold in a particular area (the Zandra collection is a great example) then we don't get info on it from the company, unless a particular MA is interested in knowing what's going on company-wide. That being said, the majority of MAC's MAs have lives and interests other than work. When I leave work, I leave everything there. I barely wear makeup when I am not working.

So just because some MAs don't know about collections, or the brush numbers (hey, I admit I don't know all of them either, but that's neither here nor there...plus we don't refer to the brushes by number at the counter anyway), doesn't mean they don't know their stuff...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Most people working retail are not going to go out of their way to know all about the company beyond what they're supposed to know. They probably like their jobs, but most people are simply not that passionate about retail or any company to spend extra time reading about it. I imagine it would be too much MAC overload. It isn't the same, but I have a friend who works at a nice bakery and restaurant. She doesn't cook much when she isn't at work and isn't scouring the web to check out the latest trends in cooking and cuisine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by REYNALD0C
Ugh, I was at MAC, and I asked this MA a question. I told her about specktra, and how sometimes we know more, she got offended, and the MA I usually go to was talking to her with me in the convo, and she looked at me all nasty, I was bout to rip her fake eyelashes off.

hmm, that may of been a little distastful to say, imo.

i've had a similar experience. when i decided to start buying foundation from mac as opposed to another brand, i went into it thinking i needed 15W for me... well the MA INSISTED i was a 15C... just cause i was so pale. so i was like, lets try each on on different sides of my face... we did... and what do you know, i was right! shes like.. "ok, i see what you're saying... good call."


Well-known member
I think it is a difficult job. The way I see it, just because a certain look is the norm, does not mean that that is how a client likes it. Someone may prefer a foundation to look slightly lighter or darker than their actual skincolor. I may expect certain colors to look a certain way on me, but my unique coloring may make them look different. I am always pleased when help is offered, simply because I sometimes need a fresh perspective. If it were not for the many kind MA's I have met, I wouldn't venture to give certain things a try. I may think something doesn't look right, wear it on a suggestion, and get compliments. I am sure no MA wants to intentionally make me look ugly, deceive me, or misinform me. They are human like we all are and the way things slip my mind, I'm sure they slip theirs too.


Well-known member
I found this thread inflammatory and insulting. And MAChostage, until you've done it for a day and learned it's *not* anything like other retail gigs, you have no right to comment about "having no sympathy". You also have no right to insult my lack of knowledge on something that wasn't covered in my training and is never coming to my city or region - and calling Specktra-ettes immature after not being able to bite the bullet that your post might have ticked a bunch of us off is pretty ironic. This is one of the toughest jobs I've ever had, and I've had many. There is no way I can be blank pop quizzed on everything MAC is doing/ has done/ will ever do in the future, but it happens all the time. I've read a lot of stuff on this forum about nightmare MAs... but not once have I seen one MA post something on our total nightmare customers. And there are PLENTY - I get at least five a day - but hashing it out on a public forum isn't professional.


Well-known member
I honestly don't expect the MAC employees to know everything, especially when it comes to things that are outside their counter/store. The MA's where I shop do know that I come to Specktra and LJ and that I'm slightly (okay, maybe FULLY) obsessed, but I don't ask much questions other than "Did this collection come out yet?" or "I need a new foundation because I'm darker/lighter. Can you help me?" or even better-- "Gimme thisthisthisandthis."

Honestly, asking them to know everything would be like asking me to know everything about Medicaid and Medicare (I work at a Medicaid Waiver office). I can answer the questions as they pertain to my waiver program, but ask me about food stamps or Medicare Part D? I wouldn't be able to answer you and that's not part of my job to know it, but people expect me to because of the word "Medicaid" in the title of our program. I'm not about to spend hours after work studying the ins and outs of those programs and I don't expect MA's to know about a collection that came out 5 years ago with such and such specific eyeshadow color when it's only a job to them as well. I know that I can find those answers here instead.
I give MA's credit because as shallow as it sounds, people place a lot of worth on their looks in this day and age and ANY JOB that deals with a fraction of a person's ego--- yikes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by maxcat
I found this thread inflammatory and insulting. And MAChostage, until you've done it for a day and learned it's *not* anything like other retail gigs, you have no right to comment about "having no sympathy". You also have no right to insult my lack of knowledge on something that wasn't covered in my training and is never coming to my city or region - and calling Specktra-ettes immature after not being able to bite the bullet that your post might have ticked a bunch of us off is pretty ironic. This is one of the toughest jobs I've ever had, and I've had many. There is no way I can be blank pop quizzed on everything MAC is doing/ has done/ will ever do in the future, but it happens all the time. I've read a lot of stuff on this forum about nightmare MAs... but not once have I seen one MA post something on our total nightmare customers. And there are PLENTY - I get at least five a day - but hashing it out on a public forum isn't professional.

Remind me never to piss you off.
I agree with the idea that MAs are patient and professional (at least the ones I've had the pleasure of doing business with) and shouldn't be expected to know everything. I think that MAChostage probably has received the message loud and clear as well. We should probably move on and try and focus on something more positive.

So the next time we go to MAC and get great service, we should all realize that it isn't an easy job. That most of the people who work there do it because they love what they do. Good service is so often taken for granted these days and sometimes we only notice that one percent of the time when they make a mistake. We don't even notice that 99% of the time we get great service and advice there. And it wouldn't hurt at all to let management know (by name) the MAs at our counters are fab and that MAC is lucky to have a such talented and professional people working for them.

So can we all commence with singing kumbaya and moving forward from this topic?
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