Originally Posted by SMMY
Okay, obvious question here, but why if you had already read this board and knew the locations where this collection was being released, would you call some MAC store that isn't listed as carrying it in the first place? Personally, the first thing I would do is get on the phone or online to MAC directly and see if it is being released anywhere near my area.
At the time I called the stores I *didn't* know the locations. Moot point, however, as I've obviously become "fair game" by expressing a single experience and opinion here. And that really disappoints me, as this is one of the better, and I thought, more mature boards around.
If I did call the local MAC store knowing that they weren't listed as carrying that collection, I certainly wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know anything about it and wouldn't be disappointed in the store's employee's for not knowing that info. And lastly, expecting people employed in retail to go online for info on what we addicts consider important when in reality, we're a small segment of MAC's customer base, is unrealistic in the extreme. Do you think the average MA from MAC gets paid enough to go research for such a small group of individuals in the first place? |
I'm am a little tired of the "woe is me in retail" argument. Although I work in a professional field, I have worked MANY, and I mean, many, jobs in my life thus far, retail included. I have also heard the "what if they work/have a family/are in school" argument. Guess what? At one time I worked 40+ hours a week in a demanding job while working on a Masters degree and also had a family to take care of. So I've been there, done that. No one is forced into retail, there are many other jobs out there. It all boils down to whether or not you want to do and be the best you can in whatever job you've chosen. Lackadaisical attitudes deserve no pity and get none from me.
The encounters I've had with MAs and MAC employees in general have always been pleasant and I have no qualms about their knowledge or professionalism. I don't expect an MA to know about every single product MAC had, has or will have, because I couldn't remember that myself. This in one of those situations where we as MAC addicts have to step back and realize that, believe or not, MAC is not only thing of importance to others. I know, blasphemy. |
The MAs here in my local area are fantastic and very professional, some of the best I've met, BTW. My comments in this thread, however, have become misconstrued so that I am now somewhat under attack by many who feel that I somehow have issues with all MAC MAs. And what is blasphemy is not being able to share a difference in opinion. No, actually, it's more of a shame.
And of course I'm not an MA, but am always amazed at how pleasant and professional most of them are. I remember what it was like working retail and admire anyone who can work with the public and maintain their sanity. |
You're preaching to the choir here, as I have worked FOR the public for over 20 years. That is exactly why I feel the way I do about people having a responsibility to their customers. Retail is not the only field that has customers, every worker in every job has a customer somehow, somewhere.