Spending Habits


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SonRisa
Well, I'll save a LOT of money now that Staff can't use their discount on LE items.

Did I read well?? No more discounts on LE items???
So is this for the PPID card users too??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by artemisa
Did I read well?? No more discounts on LE items???
So is this for the PPID card users too??

My counter is retarded. Nevermind. They posted a HUGE memo telling us we can't get discount on LE stuff anymore. But yesterday our stock guy was working at the PRO store and I had him ask the manager if I could use my discount on culturebloom on Thursday at the preview night and he said yes. It's only special packaging. So that means that during the summer if they do the whole bronzey/gold packaging, staff and MAC PRO members won't get discount on that . . .


Well-known member
i totally understand...its ridiculous...i reached my 2000 limit in 2 months!!! and thats with the employee discount...my credit cards are upset but i was happy =)


Well-known member
It doesn't help that MAC makes so many LE products--you feel like you have to get everything or you'll be sorry you didn't later... plus you know that you can always sell or swap it.

I used to work at an outdoors store, and I ended up with like ten technical jackets; one for every condition or sport you could possibly do outside. Thank God I don't work for MAC (or any other m/u company for that matter). Though, after I graduate in May and hopefully get a real 9-5 job, I might see if I can get a part time job...


Well-known member
Shit in the last month I've spent $509.06 on makeup.....geeze this is it I'm DONE on everything permanent all I need is Benefit High Beam, the MAC 187 brush, and except for limited edition lines, I'm DONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE. I need to start saving for a car, and start writing my book and stop spending so much time at the damn mall.


do you toss stuff out when it 'expires'? I mean, according to the guidelines?


Well-known member
I used to be really bad. I used to spen $100 a week. there were a couple weeks I didn't buy anything, but I spent about $4000 that year. (and ended up selling most of it to pay off credit cards.)


Well-known member
For me, I'm not old enough to drink and not that it would interest me anyways, but 2 cocktails is an eyeshadow or lipstick. Also I don't smoke or do any of that-makeup is my indulgence. Like previously said, makeup is a creative outlet, it is my only creative outlet, so I justify it that way. Also potentially down the road I might want to go into makeup art so that's the other justification.

That being said, I am trying to tone my spending down because I want to save up to move out of the house, I would like to get more jeans and sunglasses, and just have money in case something were to happen.


Well-known member
WOW you ppl.... I only spent $250 on MAC last year (cuz I was in love w/ NARS)... But since now I'm back to MAC~ I dunno about this year =.=


Well-known member
I really dont spend that much actually, if you girls think of it in the long run.

Ok yes over the past 3 years i splurged on mac brushes, which cost $600, but im hoping to have them for 10 years or longer, but many mac MA's have told me they are supposed to last a lifetime.

I spend maybe $100 a month, on the new collections, but but i honestly have my make up for years and i use them everyday and i dont run out, so after doing the math it comes out to pennies per day after so many years.


Well-known member
Pigments are my killer. I have spent a lot of money on them and even more on the rares - it could be worse though...lol...though I actually use my pigments as well so I get use from them I can justify the purchase, I think...?? LOLOL!!


Well-known member
ugh...omgsh dont even get me started! I would have a mental breakdown if I had to count and recognize that I have a problem,a big problem.My bf luckily is supportive & throws me a bone once in awhile,heh.M.A.C is good though,it doesn't lose value..it gains it
Its worth every penny.. (what I tell myself anyway!)


Well-known member
.. well my total of just items from mac, including most everything.. cases.. bags and my traincase, and brushes.. a few things I'm sure I forgot.. my lipliners and glitters

it comes out to be close to 8K with random add ons such as those things I forgot and some creative rounding, I've been collecting for the past at least 4 years and the bulk of my collection is my pigments

my adding does include the products that are not out.. that I am going to be picking up here within the year as well. as some things were bought at cco's and others before the price increases .. so its all with current prices.. so things are a little bit off in those terms as well

however the scary part of this.. is the fact that this is just my mac and no other brands


Well-known member
Compared to specktra members I probably don't have that much, but to the "average" person I would have a lot. I don't even want to try to add it up, it would make me sad lol. I haven't been buying as much as usual though because high gas prices are seriously cutting into my spending cash.


i know how that goes i started in aug of 07 and have spent $3000 i got my pro card 2 mo ago and went crazy $600 in 1 week


Well-known member
Alright I just did the math, and since I've only been collecting for a little bit I've spent about...$330..not including taxes...phew..


Well-known member
Since they opened the new MAC store closer to me in the last month, I've spent $300+. Luckily I'd paid my credit cards for the month early and there's another paycheck for bills so I'm ok.

JUST SAY NO TO CREDIT CARDS! I'd post what I still owe on them, but I'm too embarassed. Lots of MAC, lots of other crap. Everything I buy is with real money, which makes me more annoyed that I could have put that on a credit card.
