Spring Break


Well-known member
So what are you guys doing for spring break?

Ours is starting Thursday and I had a change of plans. It's my birthday this weekend so my mom called last night and told me to "pick somewhere to go, happy birthday". So I asked my dad this afternoon if it would be okay to go to Thailand (I've never been there, we might go to Singapore instead though...hrm...) and he said okay. But he isn't going. Just me, my mom and my sister in law. I'm really excited XDDD


Well-known member
My spring break is from April 2-8. I have no plans so far LOL. Next week I'm going to Houston though.

Hope you have a safe trip to Singapore! Have a fabulous time


Well-known member
Come to Singapore! And be sure to get duty-free MAC at the airport before you leave, LOL. Come and be well-fed and sweaty from the humidity and awed at the way we can get two huge storms and loads of hot sticky sunshine all in the same day! I'll be in classes, most likely, but if things work out and you do come over, I'll be happy to show you around, at least for a day.

Alternatively, go to Thailand and shop your heart out in the markets.

Oh, and I spent my "spring" break right here celebrating Chinese New Year and working on projects for school, ick.


Well-known member
My spring break was two weeks ago...it was SOOOO exciting!

I worked on school projects, did some PTA stuff at my son's school, and puttered around the house....a thrill a minute, I tell ya!!


Well-known member
My spring break is this week and I didn't even know we had spring break until thursday when my teacher told us haha. so i'm not doing anything but working.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I wish my mom would call me and say that! haha

jajajaja me tooooo


Well-known member
Enjoy Spring Break while you can ;p Once you evter the working world there is no such thing! Unless you decide to be a teacher lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Enjoy Spring Break while you can ;p Once you evter the working world there is no such thing! Unless you decide to be a teacher lol.

: ..no spring break.. no summer.. its work work work.. just LIke school except you get paid,less of your friends are there... and its year round. until you get old and decrepit


Well-known member
well, i'm not in school anymore BUT dh and i are on vacation in L.A
we're here for a few days then we're off to Vegas on Saturday! oh yeah!