Starting a new year looking good


Well-known member
I really wanted a nice soft dewy look that wants over the top. I swear natural MSF are my new best friends. They are amazing with out the glitteriness some MSFs have. Sounds like I accomplished what I wanted to.


Well-known member
you look great!


New member
This may sound like a silly question, but what are MSF's? I'm looking for a powder to set my foundation but not change the color of it...and I'm wondering if you are referring to the Mineralize Skinfinish powder.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Marmelina
This may sound like a silly question, but what are MSF's? I'm looking for a powder to set my foundation but not change the color of it...and I'm wondering if you are referring to the Mineralize Skinfinish powder.

I am referring to them. Specifically the natural ones. They don't change the color, but give you a radiant look. I use them to set my liquid foundation.

Click here for the type I used.
Originally Posted by prsfynestmami
you are really beautiful.. are you on my myspace??

Yes, I am. Please click here to get there.

Thank you again for everyone that has commented.