Sterilizing During Job Process?

I really would love to work for MAC someday, but I don't think I'm good enough yet. HOWEVER I want to learn as much as possible, as quickly as possible.

So can anyone tell me how you would sterilize the brushes while doing the makeup application during the job interview? I heard that you need to know how to do that, and since I've obviously never been through any official training, I have no IDEA how to do it.


Also, do you have to sterilize the brush inbetween uses? Like, if you use the 236 for brows [or whatever] but then want to use it for liner, do you have to resterilize?


Well-known member
I've seen several MAs at my counter sterilizing them by pouring some dilitued (I think) Brush Cleanser on a kitchen paper and then they swirl the brushes in it til they're clean!


Well-known member
You don't have to sterilize the brushes during the interview (just make sure they were cleaned and dipped in alcohol before you use them), but you do have to do the following:

User a petri dish for everything that you pour out of a container. For example, liquid concealer, foundation, liquid liner, etc. Before you pour out, also wipe the neck of the bottle. Do not put anything on the back of your hand.

Dip eye and lip liners into alcohol, sharpen (with a sterilized sharpener) then dip again.

User spatulas to scoop out pigments, Studio Tech, Cream Colour Base, Blushcreme, Fluidlines, etc. Don't dip into the container and use from there.

Wipe all powder items (shadows, Fix, blushes) with a tissue before applying.

When using items such as Shadesticks or the new Cremestick liners, I usually dip the tip into alcohol and then break off a piece into a petri dish (except for the lipliners...I just use them straight from the tube).

Lipsticks need to be dipped in alcohol before you use them. Some MAs use the color straight from the stick, others break off a piece and use a brush.

Always use hand sanitizer before you begin any makeup application. If your counter is near a sink (my old one was...near a facial room), wash your hands with soap and water as well.

I am sure I am forgetting a few of the "rules." When I went to Basic, we spent almost one full day learning these...

As for reusing a brush during the application, you can either use brush cleaner on a paper towel or use another brush...


Well-known member
We use alcohol in a spray bottle to spritz it on a tissue then wipe the brushes back and forth until their is no residue left on the brush.


Well-known member
Here are some more tips:

When using a petri dish, take a cotton ball with a smidge of alcohol on it and wipe out the petri dish before you put your product in it. Also wipe spatulas off with alcohol before using.

Wipe the surface off of anything with a tissue ...shadows, blushes, pressed powders, etc. If using a creme product (CCBs, blush creams, etc), put a small dot of alcohol on it and lightly wipe with alcohol before use.

When diping lipsticks, make sure you keep it pointed down...if alcohol drips down into the bullet, it can cause the lipstick to break.

I am sure everyone knows not to blow on anything! haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by saucipinkbabydoll
We use alcohol in a spray bottle to spritz it on a tissue then wipe the brushes back and forth until their is no residue left on the brush.

We weren't allowed to have spray bottles at the counter...I have no idea why....but I always had my secret stash...he he...

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