Stolen MAC Tweezers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hikaru-chan
Okay I found them. I still think someone went trough my case tough because stuff was moved and the tweezers were in the lining of the suitcase and I know I didn't put them there, I don't even know how they got there (they were in the upper part of the case lining but the zip that leads to the inside of the lining is on the bottom of the case and all my clothes were on top of the zip).

Yeah, when you check your luggage into baggage claim, some airports in the US actually open random ones. I saw them open mine and look through it right before my very eyes while I was checking in for my flight (after I gave it to them for baggage claim). They did put a little note in there though saying that they check random bags for security purposes...


Well-known member
I always get my small eye brow scissors taken away when I travel. It sucks because I use those for cutting false lashes as well and they are not cheap to replace.


Well-known member
For those who want to lock luggage, you can purchase TSA approved locks. Basically TSA has master keys for those locks, that way nothing has to be broken off and you at least feel somewhat protected from anyone else sorting through your stuff.

Personally, I don't lock my luggage until it's in my hotel room (I drop my makeup bag in there and then lock it up when I leave for the day), so I've been pondering buying the TSA locks so that I can keep it locked through the airport process as well.


Well-known member
something that pisses me off is when they take food off you.. like sweets n stuff, when i went to the caribbean last year with my bf and all his family for his sisters wedding, my bfs neice who was 2 at the time had some sweets in her hand and they took them off her... i know they arent allowed through but ive heard lots of stories about people coming back from florida who said they bought sweets/food at the airport to take home (coz american sweets are gorgeous!! so lots of people like to take them back for friends etc.) and they get them took off them.. so my bfs brother in law said 'right i want my money back' and wouldnt move til they did something about it, in the end they didnt give him his money but let him go through with them

its bloody stupid the rules they have these days

also last year i knew we werent allowed to put things like sun screen in hand luggage but my bf accidently forgot to take one out of his backpack and got it confiscated.. then Boots was a 3 second walk away and we had to pay another £9 for sun screen

waste of money
.. i should of just rubbed it all over me and proved it wasnt anything bad lol


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when i was working as a flight attendant last year there were always the same people working at crew security and every single day they let me through for my flights with my mac studio fix fluid foundation (its either 100ml or less than that) which was in one of those sealed liquids bag we're allowed and i had blot powder in my bag as well and after about 2 months of letting me through with them one day they searched my bag and told me they were confiscating them!! i was like wtf, you've let me through with them for the past few months and now you're randomly going to take them off me!! i was so angry, i had a nightstop downroute that night as well for which i had no foundation and no foundation or powder for my flight the next day. makes me angry just thinking about it! they can just decide to take things whenever they want apparently grrr, i was the only female crew on my flight the next day and in order to look passable and not scare the passengers lol i had to borrow some tinted moisturiser from one of the male crew and his bronzer lol.
also earlier this year when i was still crew there was something wrong with the plane we were working on when we were in belfast and we had to fly back down to london as passengers on an easy jet flight. so we had to go through security in our uniforms with other passengers, i had my airport id on and was with one of the captains. anyway we were running a bit late for our flight and they decide to search my bag at security, which is fair enough. i told the woman we were running a bit late and needed to be quick. anyway she then decided she wanted to check all of my liquids in my sealed liquid bag for explosives!!!! so she did that and then she took everything out of my bag and scanned everything in my bag and the empty bag to check to see if id been near explosives in the last 24 hours. of course all of her checks were negative, i missed my flight and she randomly confiscated my lip balm out of my liquids bag and left everything else in there. i had to wait 10 hours by myself for another flight.
security people annoy me so much sometimes! theyre really inconsistent.
one day i forgot i had a bottle of water in my bag and perfume samples which arent allowed and no one said anything at crew security! i realised i had them in my bag when we had taken off. i dont understand why one day i get my powder taken off me and then next day i can get through with a big bottle of water!


Well-known member
Wow airports are such a hastle now days, back when i was little we were able to go inside the airport without a ticket and see the airplanes fly. 'Bad' people always have to ruin everything.

Next think you know they will be taking away our mac brushes in our brush bag because the metal part (pharrel) can be used as a sharp weapon to kill someone with -_-

Girl about town

Well-known member
Where do you guys put oyur make up while travelling, do you put it in your suitcase or in hand luggage? i am shitting it about putting it in my suitcase! but do the new laws allow you to carry it into the cabin? xx


Well-known member
wtf, lip balm? lip balm is solid, they're not allowed to do that.
when I traveled to Italy a couple of weeks ago I brought liquids (under 100 ml of course), perfume samples, lots of makeup, eyelash curler, powder compact and about 6 lip balms. they didn't say anything.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shoe Crazy
One time in a carry on bag I had tiny scissors in my makeup case and they confiscated them said they were too sharp. I was so mad because they were my only pair. I am sorry that happened to you

They Probably Think Everybody Is Gunna Go Pyscho And Start Shanking People With Teezers And Their Eyebrow Scissors. Hahah The Thought Of That... Stupid, But Its Better To Be Safe Then Sorry You Don't Know If ALALALA Will Try It. ( Not Tryin To Be Rascist Sorry If It Offends Anybody ) Haha laugh joke...

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