Stormy weather in the San Francisco Bay Area


Well-known member
it has been such a stormy day today. The Richmond-San Rafael bridge is closed. 2-5 big rig trucks has been knocked down on its side by the intense winds on the bridges. lots of power outages and possible flooding. this is Storm 2 of 3 storms that will hit the area. the last storm will hit tomorrow afternoon through Sunday.


Active member
i agree the weather here has been very bad. this morning our power went on and off 5 different times. it was so boring without no tv, no computer. thank God is no longer that windy in my city. i was so scared i couldnt sleep right thinking the big tree outside our place was gonna come down crashing on us.


Well-known member
I am in Sacramento. The winds are 60-70+mph. It is raining really hard. The wind is suppose to let up, but rain harder. The power keeps going off and on in the city.


yeah im in san jose, and a bigass storm hit last night. Theres alot of people with there power out as ive heard.. Everything outside right now is drenched!


Well-known member
i kno it's so scary, im in davis right now..and i woke up with no heather...BOOO!! soooo cold..and i couldn't eat because the oven, microwave, etc was finally went back up at 2ish. The traffic lights are all off, so its been really annoying driving in downtown davis..grrr..and school starts on monday..more boooo!! lol


Well-known member
this shit was crazy today. it looked like a hurricane outside when i was at work (in livermore). no power outage though. when i got home tonight i noticed the clocks flashing so the power must have went out over here as well (downtown san jose). luckily by the time i left work tonight the freeways were almost completely dry.


Well-known member
<sigh> the rain seems to have stopped here.

and now I'm upset. haha. I hate sunny weather 24/7 it gets soooooo old.


Well-known member
The rain seems to have stopped for now, but my little brother said it's supposed to be back and stay thru like tuesday =[ UGH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashleydenise
The rain seems to have stopped for now, but my little brother said it's supposed to be back and stay thru like tuesday =[ UGH!


we'll see if it happens though.


Well-known member
Im in San Diego and we just got hit with the same storm Nor Cal people did few days ago. This entire weekend including Friday was spent indoors! But now today, it looks like as if it never rained!! Its bright and sunny but a lil chilly.