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!!!strange hybrid tutorial!!!


Well-known member
I love all the FOTDs and tutorials you do.

I am in love with the Strange Hybrid collection, so this tutorial is special to me. It turns out you did your eye makeup (with the exception of the undereye stuff) the exact same way I do mine with moonflower, provence and rose blanc - it made me feel warm and fuzzy.

What also looks really good is deep blue green pigment instead of/or in addition to the plumage in the outer v.

Oh, and my tip for making moonflower shadow more instense is that i put it over Sharksin S/S. On my skin this definitely makes it pop more.

Good Job on the tutorial!!


Well-known member
Your tutorials are amazing and so very helpful. Definately enter this in the tut contest cuz you'll get my vote for sure!


Well-known member
why am i so late in catching this??? i've been waiting on this but i guess i got busy lurking elsewhere. i love love this! you are so talented, very creative! this is makeup art!


Well-known member
Your Tut Totally Rocks And Thanks For Posting It!


Well-known member
This tutorial was great!!!

I need to get me a 219 brush to help me do that "v"
thats on my to do list this weekend
i always used my blending brush to do the "v"...and never liked the way it came out.

You got my vote....thanks for sharing.


Well-known member
Damn girl you look F-I-N-E! Love, love, love your tuts and looks! Thanks for taking time to to another wonderful tutorial


Well-known member
Wow, very beautiful look. I love the tutorial
. Thank you very much for the tutorial.


Well-known member
Thanks so much for this tut! This is SUCH a pretty look, and you did a great job explaining it.. I will have to try it very soon!