Stressed to the Max. Part two

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Perhaps you haven't found the right therapist? Therapists are all different, and it's sort of like dating; some will be good for you, some will not.

I strongly suggest that you talk everything you've mentioned here to a qualified doctor. Depression sucks, but I think if you start looking at this like if you had something wrong with your foot or liver, it might be easier to accept that you need help. If you had foot issues, would you think you were weak because you can't walk fast? Probably not.

Life is way too short to not try to get better. It sounds like your eating issues may be linked to depression, so if you go to a therapist, you solve a few of your problems


Well-known member

You wrote my exact thoughts down as if I had quoted them to you! I feel the same way. My life is so great...My job is great, my husband is perfect, my life is great...I love everything about me except my why can't I just change it? Not sure..I have always been able to loose weight whenever I wanted to but not sure why now is different. I DO CARE!! I just can't seem to focus on it...I know I don't need to eat certain things before I get them..But if I want them I eat them. My husband can go all day without eating...I have to make him eat! Can somesome tell me why I am not blessed with this skill! I feel like I Live to Eat versus Eat to Live!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Hilly-is it even more sad that I'm already on weight watchers? where do you go? i go to the one on fountainview and westheimer on Thursdays.

Ohh...well perhaps we could find one in the middle and go together? Seriously, I wnat to help you! We live in the same city (almost lol). Let me know if you want to get together and have lunch or something...anytime girl!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I want to feel "normal" like everyone else I know. I don't want to feel like I need to lay in bed for days on end. I don't want to feel like I need to eat all day long to fill some weird empty space. I'm so fed up with it. I really mean it. I cannot stand it anymore.

I just don't get why this happens. Why can't I "snap out of it"?

Are you living inside my brain??? I feel EXACTLY the same.

It's a small comfort, I know, but you are not alone.



Well-known member
Oh my beautiful rbella, I am so sorry that you are feeling this way. I too, am struggling with a weight issue, and I know I need to deal with it, but I have absolutely NO motivation. Look for me on AIM, cause I'd love to chat with you about it. I know what you mean about wanting to feel "normal". Hang in there girl, I love ya!


Well-known member
I'm sorry Danelle
You've been through so damn much lately and you should not let this get you down. I know it may be hard to understand that, but take it one day at a time. I struggle a lot with my weight too. Sometimes I just cave and give in to what I really want to eat instead of what I should be eating, so I know it's really damn hard.

If you ever want to talk about, you know you can PM me anytime. You know I love you girl!!!


Well-known member
aw Rbella, Ive been trying to send you good vibes. I feel a lot like you. I need some....willpower, some kind of motivation. Like I never seem to get started, which just depresses me more, then my doc is not happy....but life just seems to overpower me. And I stress eat. Then get in a funk. Argh.

I hope things turn around. Set little goals--thats what I'll be trying to do. I'm here to chat too if you want!


Well-known member
I am so sorry to hear that honey! Depression and stress is not easy, but you have been a trooper thus far handling all that crap with the hurricane.

Take it in steps and have hope, you have people who care about you who want to see you happy. I know what its like to feel helpless to the point where its painful to think about it so you just don't. The trick is to think of it in other ways, and to take baby steps towards your goals. 5 lbs in a great start and a big deal! The storm derailed you but I am sure you can get back on track. Why- because you are an amazing person.

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